(BS-X) Excitebike - Bunbun Mario Battle
Super NintendoDISABLED
(ST) Gekisou Sentai Carranger - Zenkai! Racer Senshi
Super NintendoDISABLED
102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue
Game Boy Color2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge
Arcade3 Ninjas Kick Back
Mega Drive3 Ninjas Kick Back
Super Nintendo3 On 3 Dunk Madness
Arcade3D Stunt Rider
3x3 Eyes - Juuma Houkan
Super Nintendo64th. Street: A Detective Story
Arcade70's Robot Anime - Geppy-X
70's Robot Anime - Geppy-X - The Super Boosted Armor
PlayStation94 Super World Cup Soccer
Master SystemAaahh!!! Real Monsters
Mega DriveAaahh!!! Real Monsters
Super NintendoAce Lightning
Game Boy AdvanceAcrobatic Dog-Fight
ArcadeAct-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon
ArcadeAction Man - Search for Base X
Game Boy ColorAction Man: Robot Atak
Game Boy AdvanceThe Activision Decathlon
Atari 5200Actraiser 2
Super NintendoAdvance Guardian Heroes
Game Boy AdvanceAdvance Wars
Game Boy AdvanceAdvance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Game Boy AdvanceAdvanced Busterhawk Gleylancer
Mega DriveAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance
NintendoAdvanced V.G.
PlayStationAdvanced V.G.
Advanced V.G.
TurboGrafx-CDAdvanced V.G. 2
PlayStationAdventure Island
Game BoyAdventure Island
NintendoAdventure Island II
NintendoAdventure Island 3
NintendoAdventure Island II - Aliens in Paradise
Game BoyThe Adventures of Batman & Robin
Super NintendoThe Adventures of Batman & Robin
Mega DriveThe Adventures of Batman & Robin
Game GearThe Adventures of Dr. Franken
Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, The
Game Boy ColorAdventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The - Attack of the Twonkies
Game Boy AdvanceAdventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The: Jet Fusion
Game Boy AdvanceThe Adventures of Lomax
PlayStationThe Adventures of Mighty Max
Mega DriveThe Adventures of Quik and Silva
AmigaThe Adventures of Rad Gravity
NintendoThe Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Mega DriveThe Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
NintendoThe Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Super NintendoAdventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The
Game BoyAdventures of Star Saver, The
Game BoyAdventures of Tom Sawyer
NintendoThe Adventures of Willy Beamish
AmigaAdventures of Yogi Bear
Super NintendoAdventurous Boy - Mao Xian Xiao Zi
Mega DriveAerial Assault
Master SystemAero Blasters
TurboGrafx-16Aero the Acro-Bat
Super NintendoAero the Acro-Bat
Mega DriveAero the Acro-Bat 2
Mega DriveAero the Acro-Bat 2
Super NintendoAero the Acro-Bat: Rascal Rival Revenge
Game Boy AdvanceAgent Armstrong
PlayStationAgent Hugo: Roborumble
Game Boy AdvanceAggressors of Dark Kombat
Neo-GeoAgigongnyong Dooly
Master SystemAi Chou Aniki
TurboGrafx-CDAigina no Yogen - Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori
NintendoL'Aigle d'or: Le Retour
AmigaAir Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit
ArcadeAkumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rondo
TurboGrafx-CDAkumajou Dracula X - Gekka no Yasoukyoku
Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun
NintendoAladdin 2000
Super NintendoAladdin's Magic Lamp
AmigaAlex Kidd - High-Tech World
Master SystemAlex Kidd - The Lost Stars
Master SystemAlex Kidd in Miracle World
Master SystemAlex Kidd in Shinobi World
Master SystemAlex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Mega DriveAlex Kidd: The Lost Stars
ArcadeAlfonzo's Arctic Adventure
NintendoAlfred Chicken
PlayStationAlfred Chicken [AGA]
AmigaAlfred's Adventure
Game Boy ColorAlice in Wonderland
Game Boy ColorAlien Hominid
Game Boy AdvanceAlien Storm
Master SystemAlien vs Predator
Super NintendoAlien vs Predator - The Last of His Clan
Game BoyAlien vs. Predator
ArcadeAlisia Dragoon
Mega DriveAll Grown Up!: Express Yourself
Game Boy AdvanceAll New World of Lemmings
AmigaAll Star Soccer
PlayStationAll-Star Slammin' D-Ball
PlayStationAltered Beast: Guardian of the Realms
Game Boy AdvanceThe Amazing Spider-Man
AmigaAmazing Spider-Man, The
Game BoyAmerican Dragon: Jake Long - Rise of the Huntsclan
Game Boy AdvanceAmerican Tail, An: Fievel's Gold Rush
Game Boy AdvanceThe Ancient Art of War in the Skies
AmigaAndre Panza Kick Boxing
Super NintendoAnimorphs - Shattered Reality
PlayStationAppleseed - Prometheus no Shintaku
Super NintendoAquanaut [Addictive]
AmigaAquanaut [F1 Licenceware]
AmigaAraiguma Rascal
Super NintendoArcade Classic No. 4 - Defender & Joust
Game BoyArcade Gears - ImageFight & XMultiply
PlayStationArcade Gears - Pu-Li-Ru-La
PlayStationArcade Hits - Joust & Defender
Game Boy ColorArcade Hits - Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter
Game Boy ColorArcade Hits - Suiko Enbu - Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty
PlayStationArch Rivals - The Arcade Game
Game GearArcher Maclean's Super Dropzone
Super NintendoArdy Lightfoot
Super NintendoArgos no Juujiken
Master SystemAriel the Little Mermaid
Master SystemAriel the Little Mermaid
Game GearAriel the Little Mermaid
Mega DriveArmed Fighter
PlayStationAround the World in 80 Days
Game Boy AdvanceArt of Fighting
Mega DriveArt of Fighting
Super NintendoRyuuko no Ken 2
Super NintendoArt of Fighting 2
Neo-GeoArt of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior
Neo-GeoArthur and the Invisibles
Game Boy AdvanceAshita no Joe
Super NintendoAssassin Special Edition
AmigaAssault City
Master SystemAsterix & Obelix
Game BoyAsterix & Obelix
Game Boy ColorAstérix & Obélix
Super NintendoAsterix & Obelix vs Caesar
Game Boy ColorAsterix & Obelix: Bash Them All!
Game Boy AdvanceAsterix - Search for Dogmatix
Game Boy ColorAsterix and the Great Rescue
Master SystemAsterix and the Great Rescue
Mega DriveAsterix and the Great Rescue
Game GearAsterix and the Power of the Gods
Mega DriveAsterix and the Secret Mission
Game GearAsterix and the Secret Mission
Master SystemAstro Boy: Omega Factor
Game Boy AdvanceAstro Marine Corps (A.M.C.)
AmigaAsuka 120% Excellent - Burning Fest. Excellent
PlayStationAsuka 120% Final - Burning Fest. Final
PlayStationAsuka 120% Maxima - Burning Fest. Maxima
TurboGrafx-CDAsuka 120% Special - Burning Fest. Special
PlayStationAsura Blade - Sword of Dynasty
ArcadeAsura Buster - Eternal Warriors
ArcadeAthletic World
Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Game Boy ColorAtlantis no Nazo
NintendoAtlantis: The Lost Empire
Game Boy AdvanceAtomic Betty
Game Boy AdvanceAtomic Robo-Kid
Mega DriveAtomic Robo-Kid Special
TurboGrafx-16Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
NintendoAttack of the Killer Tomatoes
Game BoyAunt Arctic Adventure
AmigaAussie Rules Footy
NintendoAvengers In Galactic Storm
ArcadeAwesome Possum Kicks Dr Machino's Butt!
Mega DriveBabar to the Rescue
Game Boy AdvanceBaby Felix: Halloween
Game Boy ColorBaby Jo - The Super Hero
TurboGrafx-CDBaby Jo: Going Home
AmigaBaby's Day Out
Babylonian Twins
Back to the Golden Age
Backyard Basketball
Game Boy AdvanceBackyard Football
Game Boy AdvanceBackyard Football 2006
Game Boy AdvanceBackyard Soccer
PlayStationBackyard Sports: Basketball 2007
Game Boy AdvanceBackyard Sports: Football 2007
Game Boy AdvanceBad Dudes vs. Dragonninja
ArcadeBad Dudes vs. Dragonninja
AmigaBad Street Brawler
NintendoBakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi
PlayStationBakushou Yoshimoto Shinkigeki
TurboGrafx-CDBalloon Fight GB
Game Boy ColorBallz 3D - The Battle of the Ballz
Mega DriveBananas de Pijamas
Super NintendoBang Bang Busters
Neo-GeoBarbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
AmigaBarbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax
AmigaBarbie - Game Girl
Game BoyBarbie and the Magic of Pegasus
Game Boy AdvanceBarbie Diaries, The: High School Mystery
Game Boy AdvanceBarbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
Game Boy AdvanceBarbie: Magic Genie Adventure
Game Boy ColorBarbie: The Princess and the Pauper
Game Boy AdvanceBare Knuckle II ~ Streets of Rage 2 ~ Streets of Rage II
Game GearBare Knuckle ~ Streets of Rage
Game GearBarkley Shut Up and Jam!
Mega DriveBarkley Shut Up and Jam 2
Mega DriveBarkley Shut Up and Jam!
Super NintendoBarney's Hide & Seek Game
Mega DriveBart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly
Game BoyBasketball Nightmare
Master SystemBatman: The Video Game
Batman - Return of the Joker
Game BoyBatman - The Animated Series
Game BoyBatman - The Video Game
Game BoyBatman Begins
Game Boy AdvanceBatman Beyond - Return of the Joker
PlayStationBatman Beyond: Return of the Joker
Game Boy ColorBatman Forever
Super NintendoBatman Forever
Mega DriveBatman Forever - The Arcade Game
PlayStationBatman Returns
Mega DriveBatman Returns
Master SystemBatman Returns
Super NintendoBatman: Chaos in Gotham
Game Boy ColorBatman: Return of the Joker
NintendoBatman: Revenge of the Joker
Batman: Revenge of the Joker
Mega DriveBatman: Rise of Sin Tzu
Game Boy AdvanceBatman: The Video Game
Mega DriveBatman: Vengeance
Game Boy AdvanceBatsu & Terry - Makyou no Tetsujin Race
NintendoBattle Arena Toshinden
Game BoyBattle Blaze
Super NintendoBattle Master: Kyuukyoku no Senshi-tachi
Super NintendoThe Battle of Olympus
NintendoBattle of Olympus, The
Game BoyBattle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX
Super NintendoBattle Unit Zeoth
Game BoyBattle Zeque Den
Super NintendoBattlemaniacs
Master SystemBattletoads & Double Dragon
Super NintendoBattletoads & Double Dragon
NintendoBattletoads in Battlemaniacs
Super NintendoBattletoads in Ragnarok's World
Game BoyBattletoads-Double Dragon
Game BoyBattletoads-Double Dragon
Mega DriveBazar de Gozarre no Game de Gozarre
TurboGrafx-CDBeauty and the Beast
Super NintendoBeauty and the Beast
NintendoBeauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest
Mega DriveBeauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast
Mega DriveBeavis and Butt-Head
Mega DriveBeavis and Butt-Head
Super NintendoBeavis and Butt-Head
Game BoyBeavis and Butt-Head
Game GearBebe's Kids
Super NintendoBee Game, The
Game Boy AdvanceBeethoven's 2nd
Super NintendoBenjamin Bluemchen: Ein verrueckter Tag im Zoo
Game Boy ColorBerenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, The
Game Boy AdvanceBerenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The
Mega DriveBerenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The
Game GearBest of the Best - Championship Karate
Mega DriveBest of the Best - Championship Karate
Game BoyBest of the Best Championship Karate
Super NintendoBest of the Best: Championship Karate
AmigaBest of the Best: Championship Karate
NintendoBible Adventures
NintendoBible Adventures
Mega DriveBig Nose Freaks Out
NintendoBig Nose the Caveman
NintendoBig Nose the Caveman
AmigaThe Big Red Adventure
AmigaBiker Babe From Barbados
AmigaBikkuriman World
TurboGrafx-16Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
AmigaBio Hazard Battle
Mega DriveBio Miracle Bokutte Upa
NintendoBio Senshi Dan - Increaser Tono Tatakai
NintendoBionicle: Matoran Adventures
Game Boy AdvanceBishin Densetsu Zoku
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Mega DriveBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S
Game GearBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Jougai Rantou! Shuyaku Soudatsusen
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS - Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen
PlayStationBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen
Super NintendoBlack Belt Challenge
Game Boy AdvanceBlack Hole Assault
Super NintendoBlackthorne
Game Boy AdvanceBlades of Vengeance
Mega DriveBlaster Master 2
Mega DriveBlaster Master: Enemy Below
Game Boy ColorBlender Bros.
Game Boy AdvanceBlinky's Scary School
AmigaBloody Wolf
TurboGrafx-16The Blues Brothers
NintendoThe Blues Brothers
Super NintendoBlues Brothers, The
Game BoyBlues Brothers, The - Jukebox Adventure
Game BoyBMX Trick Racer
Game Boy AdvanceBob the Builder: Fix it Fun!
Game Boy ColorBody Blows Galactic
AmigaBody Blows Galactic [AGA]
AmigaBomb Jack
Bomber 2000
Bonanza Bros.
TurboGrafx-CDBonanza Bros.
Master SystemBonk 3 - Bonk's Big Adventure
TurboGrafx-16Bonk III - Bonk's Big Adventure
TurboGrafx-CDBonk's Adventure
TurboGrafx-16Bonk's Adventure
NintendoBonk's Revenge
TurboGrafx-16Bonkers Wax Up!
Master SystemBonkers Wax Up!
Game GearBoogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure
Mega DriveBoogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
Super NintendoBorobodur: The Planet of Doom
AmigaBouken Danshaku Don - The Lost Sunheart
TurboGrafx-16Boulder Dash EX
Game Boy AdvanceBounty Bob Strikes Back!
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Game BoyBram Stoker's Dracula
Game GearBram Stoker's Dracula
Super NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Master SystemBram Stoker's Dracula
NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Mega DriveBrawl Brothers
Super NintendoBrother Bear
Game Boy AdvanceBruce Lee: Return of the Legend
Game Boy AdvanceBrutal - Paws of Fury
Mega DriveBrutal Football [AGA]
AmigaBrutal: Paws Of Fury
AmigaBrutal: Paws of Fury
Super NintendoBubble Dizzy
Budokan - The Martial Spirit
Mega DriveBudokan: The Martial Spirit
AmigaBuffy the Vampire Slayer
Game Boy ColorBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Wrath of the Darkhul King
Game Boy AdvanceA Bug's Life
Game Boy ColorThe Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
NintendoThe Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
NintendoThe Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
Game BoyBugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2, The
Game BoyBugs Bunny in Double Trouble
Mega DriveBugs Bunny in Double Trouble
Game GearBugs Bunny in: Crazy Castle 4
Game Boy ColorBugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3
Game Boy ColorBugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage
Super NintendoA Bug's Life
BuilderLand - The Story of Melba
TurboGrafx-CDBull Fight - Ring no Hasha
TurboGrafx-16Bulls versus Blazers and the NBA Playoffs
Mega DriveBulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs
Super NintendoBulls vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs
Mega DriveBurai Fighter Deluxe
Game BoyBushi Seiryuuden: Futari no Yuusha
Super NintendoBusou Keiji - Cyber Cross
TurboGrafx-16Buster Bros. Collection
PlayStationButt-Ugly Martians: B.K.M. Battles
Game Boy AdvanceBuzz & Waldog
Cabbage Patch Kids: The Patch Puppy Rescue
Game Boy AdvanceCadillacs and Dinosaurs
ArcadeCalifornia Raisins - The Grape Escape
Camp California
TurboGrafx-CDCapcom Generation - Dai-2-shuu Makai to Kishi
PlayStationCapcom Generation - Dai-5-shuu Kakutouka-tachi
PlayStationCapcom vs. SNK Pro
PlayStationCaptain America and the Avengers
Super NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
Game GearCaptain America and the Avengers
Mega DriveCaptain America and the Avengers
Game BoyCaptain America and The Avengers
ArcadeCaptain America and the Avengers
NintendoCaptain Comic - The Adventure
NintendoCaptain Commando
PlayStationCaptain Commando
Super NintendoCaptain Novolin
Super NintendoCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
AmigaCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
Mega DriveCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
NintendoCaptain Silver
Master SystemCar-Vup: The Final Frontier
Carcharodon: White Sharks
AmigaCare Bears: The Care Quests
Game Boy AdvanceCarl Lewis Athletics 2000
Game Boy ColorCasper - Friends Around the World
PlayStationCastelo Ra-Tim-Bum
Master SystemCastle of Deceit
NintendoCastle of Dragon
NintendoCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Master SystemCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Mega DriveCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Game GearCastlevania - Symphony of the Night
PlayStationCastlevania - The Adventure
Game BoyCastlevania Chronicles
PlayStationCastlevania II - Belmont's Revenge
Game BoyCastlevania II - Simon's Quest
NintendoCastlevania III - Dracula's Curse
NintendoCastlevania Legends
Game BoyCastlevania: Bloodlines
Mega DriveCastlevania: Dracula X
Super NintendoThe Cat in the Hat
PlayStationCat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, The
Game Boy AdvanceCave Runner
CB Chara Wars: Ushinawareta Gag
Super NintendoCedric and the Lost Sceptre
AmigaChallenge of the Dragon [Sachen]
Chambers of Shaolin
AmigaChampion Wrestler - Jikkyou Live
PlayStationChampions Forever Boxing
TurboGrafx-16Championship Golf: Pebble Beach
AmigaChampionship Lode Runner
NintendoCharlie and the Chocolate Factory
Game Boy AdvanceCharlie Chimp II: Monkey Mayhem
AmigaCharlie J. Cool [AGA]
AmigaCharlotte's Web
Game Boy AdvanceCheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Game GearCheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Master SystemCheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Mega DriveChester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool
Mega DriveChester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest
Mega DriveChester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool
Super NintendoChester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Super NintendoChester Field - Ankoku Shin e no Chousen
NintendoLes Chevaliers du Zodiaque: La Légende d'Or
NintendoChicago Syndicate
Game GearChicken Little
Game Boy AdvanceChiki Chiki Boys
TurboGrafx-CDChiki Chiki Boys
Mega DriveChina Warrior
TurboGrafx-16Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers
NintendoChip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2
NintendoChippoke Ralph no Daibouken - The Adventure of Little Ralph
PlayStationChiyonofuji no Ooichou
Chocobo's Dungeon 2
PlayStationChoplifter II - Rescue & Survive
Game BoyChoplifter III: Rescue Survive
Super NintendoChoplifter!
Chou Aniki - Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko
PlayStationChou Aniki: Bakuretsu Rantou Hen
Super NintendoChou Jikuu Yousai Macross - Ai Oboete Imasu ka
PlayStationChou Jikuu Yousai Macross 2036
TurboGrafx-CDChou Sentou Kyuugi Vanborg
PlayStationChou-Kousoku Gran Doll
PlayStationChoujikuu Yousai - Macross
NintendoChoujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie
Super NintendoChoujin Gakuen - Gowcaizer
PlayStationChoujin Sentai Jetman
NintendoChris Kamara's Street Soccer
PlayStationThe Chronicles Of Omega
AmigaChuck Rock
Super NintendoChuck Rock II - Son of Chuck
Master SystemChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
Mega DriveChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
Game GearChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
CD32Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
AmigaCinderella: Magical Dreams
Game Boy AdvanceCity Hunter
TurboGrafx-16Clash at Demonhead
Super NintendoClayFighter: Tournament Edition
Super NintendoClayFighter 2: Judgement Clay
Super NintendoCliffhanger
Super NintendoCloud Master
Master SystemCode Name - Viper
NintendoCodename - Kids Next Door - Operation S.O.D.A.
Game Boy AdvanceCollege Slam
Super NintendoThe Combatribes
Super NintendoComix Zone
Game Boy AdvanceCommander Keen
Game Boy ColorConan The Cimmerian
AmigaCongo's Caper
Super NintendoCongo: The Movie - Secret of Zinj
Conquest of the Crystal Palace
NintendoConquests of the Longbow
AmigaContra - The Alien Wars
Game BoyContra Advance: The Alien Wars EX
Game Boy AdvanceContra III: The Alien Wars
Super NintendoContra: Hard Corps
Mega DriveCool World
Super NintendoCorsarios
Coryoon - Child of Dragon
TurboGrafx-16Cosmic Spacehead
Master SystemCosmic Spacehead
NintendoCosmic Spacehead
Mega DriveCosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen! - Das Schattenduell
Game Boy AdvanceCosmo Police Galivan
NintendoCosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice
Super NintendoCrash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced
Game Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage
Game Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure
Game Boy AdvanceCrash of the Titans
Game Boy AdvanceCrayon Shin-chan: Arashi o Yobu Enji
Super NintendoCrayon Shin-chan 2: Daimaou no Gyakushuu
Super NintendoCreatures
Game Boy AdvanceCreatures - Raised in Space
PlayStationCritical Blow
PlayStationCroket! Kindan no Kinka Box!
PlayStationCross Wiber - Cyber Combat Police
TurboGrafx-16Crossbow: The Legend of William Tell
AmigaCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Game Boy AdvanceCrystal Kingdom Dizzy
Crystal's Pony Tale
Mega DriveCT Special Forces
Game Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces
PlayStationCT Special Forces - Back to Hell
PlayStationCT Special Forces 2: Back in the Trenches
Game Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces 3 - Bioterror
PlayStationCT Special Forces: Bioterror
Game Boy AdvanceCurious George
Game Boy AdvanceCutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel
Mega DriveCutThroat Island
Mega DriveCutThroat Island
Game BoyCutthroat Island
Super NintendoCutThroat Island
Game GearCyber Shinobi, The
Master SystemCyberbots - Fullmetal Madness
Super NintendoCybernoid II: The Revenge
AmigaCybernoid: The Fighting Machine
AmigaCybernoid: The Fighting Machine
NintendoCyborg 009
Super NintendoCyborg Hunter
Master SystemCyborg Justice
Mega DriveCyborg Kuro-chan 2: White Woods no Gyakushuu
Game Boy ColorCyborg Kuro-chan: Devil Fukkatsu
Game Boy ColorDaffy Duck in Hollywood
Mega DriveDaffy Duck in Hollywood
Master SystemDaffy Duck in Hollywood
Game GearDaffy Duck: Fowl Play
Game Boy ColorDaffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Super NintendoDahna: Megami Tanjou
Mega DriveDaiku no Gen-san 2 - Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu
NintendoDaiku no Gen-san: Kachikachi no Tonkachi ga Kachi
Game Boy ColorDAIVA Story 6 - Nirsartia no Gyokuza
NintendoDallyeora Pigu-Wang
Master SystemDan Dare III: The Escape
AmigaDanan - The Jungle Fighter
Master SystemDancing Sword: Senkou
Game Boy AdvanceDangerous Streets [AGA]
AmigaDanny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy
Game Boy AdvanceDanny Phantom: Urban Jungle
Game Boy AdvanceDaredevil
Game Boy AdvanceDarius Alpha
TurboGrafx-16Darius Force
Super NintendoDarius Gaiden
PlayStationDarius Gaiden: Silver Hawk
ArcadeDarius Plus
TurboGrafx-16Darius R
Game Boy AdvanceDarius Twin
Super NintendoDarkstalkers - The Night Warriors
PlayStationDarkstalkers 3
PlayStationDarkstalkers: The Night Warriors
ArcadeDarkwing Duck
TurboGrafx-16Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum
NintendoDashin' Desperadoes
Mega DriveDavid Crane's The Rescue of Princess Blobette Starring A Boy and His Blob
Game BoyDaze Before Christmas
Mega DriveDaze Before Christmas
Super NintendoDead or Alive
PlayStationThe Death and Return of Superman
Super NintendoThe Death and Return of Superman
Mega DriveDeath Brade
Super NintendoDeep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck
Master SystemDeep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck
Game GearDefender
Game Boy AdvanceDefenders of Dynatron City
NintendoDefenders of the Earth
AmigaDelta Run
Demolition Man
Mega DriveDemolition Man
Super NintendoDemon's Crest
Super NintendoDennis the Menace
Game BoyDesert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
Mega DriveDesert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
Master SystemDesert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
Game GearDestination Earthstar
NintendoEl Destructor
Devwill Too
Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage
Game Boy ColorDiabolik 01: Inafferrabile Criminale
AmigaDig & Spike Volleyball
Super NintendoDigger: The Legend of the Lost City
NintendoDigimon Adventure
Digimon Rumble Arena
PlayStationDigimon: Battle Spirit
Game Boy AdvanceDigimon: Battle Spirit 2
Game Boy AdvanceA Dinosaur's Tale
Game Boy ColorDinotopia: The Timestone Pirates
Game Boy AdvanceDirty Larry - Renegade Cop
LynxDisney Presents Tigger's Honey Hunt
PlayStationDisney Princess
Game Boy AdvanceDisney Sports: Basketball
Game Boy AdvanceDisney Sports: Football
Game Boy AdvanceDisney Sports: Motocross
Game Boy AdvanceDisney Sports: Soccer
Game Boy AdvanceDisney's Game + TV Episode - Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries
Game Boy AdvanceDisney's Peter Pan - Adventures in Never Land
PlayStationDisney's The Little Mermaid II
PlayStationDisneys Tarzan
Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
Dizzy Prince of the Yolk Folk
Dizzy the Adventurer
NintendoDizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk
AmigaDogfight [Richard Ling]
AmigaDon Doko Don!
TurboGrafx-16Donald Duck Advance
Game Boy AdvanceDonald Duck no Mahou no Boushi
Super NintendoDonald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Game Boy ColorDonald in Maui Mallard
Super NintendoDonald in Maui Mallard
Mega DriveDonald no Magical World
Game GearDonk - The Samurai Duck
AmigaDonkey Kong Country
Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country
Game Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong Country
Game Boy ColorDonkey Kong Country 2
Game Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country 3
Game Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country: Competition Cartridge
Super NintendoDonkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong
Game Boy ColorDonkey Kong Land
Game BoyDonkey Kong Land 2
Game BoyDonkey Kong Land III
Game BoyDooly Bravo Land
Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles
Super NintendoDoomsday Warrior
Super NintendoDora the Explorer: Dora's World Adventure!
Game Boy AdvanceDora the Explorer: Super Spies
Game Boy AdvanceDora the Explorer: Super Star Adventures!
Game Boy AdvanceDora the Explorer: The Search for the Pirate Pig's Treasure
Game Boy AdvanceDoraemon - Nobita no Dorabian Night
TurboGrafx-16Doraemon - Nobita no Dorabian Night
TurboGrafx-CDDoraemon - Nobita to Fukkatsu no Hoshi
PlayStationDoraemon - Yume Dorobou to 7 Nin no Gozans
Mega DriveDoraemon: Nobita to Yousei no Kuni
Super NintendoDoraemon 2: Nobita no Toys Land Daibouken
Super NintendoDoraemon 2 - SOS! Otogi no Kuni
PlayStationDoraemon 3: Nobita to Toki no Hougyoku
Super NintendoDoraemon 4: Nobita to Tsuki no Oukoku
Super NintendoDoraemon Memories - Nobita no Omoide Daibouken
DoReMi Fantasy - Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken
Super NintendoDorke & Ymp
Super NintendoDouble Dragon
PlayStationDouble Dragon
Master SystemDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
AmigaDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
ArcadeDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
NintendoDouble Dragon Advance
Game Boy AdvanceDouble Dragon II
Game BoyDouble Dragon II - The Revenge
TurboGrafx-CDDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
Mega DriveDouble Dragon V - The Shadow Falls
Mega DriveDouble Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
Super NintendoDouble Dribble - 5 on 5
Game BoyDouble Dribble: The Playoff Edition
Mega DriveDouble Strike: Aerial Attack Force
NintendoDown Load 2
TurboGrafx-CDDowntown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai
TurboGrafx-CDDowntown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou!
NintendoDr. Doom's Revenge!
AmigaDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
NintendoDr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat
Game Boy AdvanceDrac's Night Out
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Mega DriveDragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Game GearDragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Master SystemDragon Ball: Le Secret du Dragon
NintendoDragon Ball GT: Transformation
Game Boy AdvanceDragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin
Mega DriveDragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22
PlayStationDragon Ball Z: Super Butouden
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: La Legende Saien
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: La Legende Saien
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension
Super NintendoDragon Ball: Advanced Adventure
Game Boy AdvanceDragon Egg!
TurboGrafx-16Dragon Tales: Dragon Adventures
Game Boy ColorDragon Tales: Dragon Wings
Game Boy ColorDragon's Curse
TurboGrafx-16Dragon's Lair
Super NintendoDragon's Lair: The Legend
Game BoyDragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Super NintendoDragonHeart - Fire & Steel
PlayStationDrill Dozer
Game Boy AdvanceDual Blades
Game Boy AdvanceDuck Tales: The Quest For Gold
AmigaDudes with Attitude
NintendoDuke Nukem
Game Boy ColorDungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
ArcadeDylan Dog: La Regina delle Tenebre
AmigaDylan Dog: The Murderers
AmigaDynamite Headdy
Mega DriveDynamite Headdy
Game GearDynamite Headdy
Master SystemDynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus
NintendoE. V. O.: Search for Eden
Super NintendoE.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial and the Cosmic Garden
Game Boy ColorEarth Defense Force
Super NintendoEarthworm Jim
Super NintendoEarthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Mega DriveEarthworm Jim 2
PlayStationEarthworm Jim 2
Super NintendoEarthworm Jim: Menace 2 the Galaxy
Game Boy ColorECW Hardcore Revolution
Game Boy ColorEdono Kiba
Super NintendoEek! The Cat
Super NintendoEggerland - Meikyuu no Fukkatsu
NintendoElevator Action EX
Game Boy ColorElevator Action Returns
ArcadeEliminate Down
Mega DriveEmerald Mine 3 Professional
AmigaEmlyn Hughes International Soccer
AmigaEmperor's New Groove, The
Game Boy ColorEnemy: Tempest of Violence
AmigaEsper Bouken Tai
NintendoESPN MLS Gamenight
PlayStationESPN National Hockey Night
Mega DriveESPN National Hockey Night
Super NintendoESWAT - City under Siege
Mega DriveEternal Champions
Mega DriveEternal City - Toshi Tensou Keikaku
TurboGrafx-16European Football Champ
AmigaEuropean Soccer Challenge
LynxEuropean Super League
PlayStationEvander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing
Mega DriveEvel Knievel
Game Boy ColorExile - Wicked Phenomenon
TurboGrafx-CDExodus - Journey to the Promised Land
NintendoExodus - Journey to the Promised Land
Mega DriveExodus - Journey to the Promised Land
Exploding Fist
Extreme Ghostbusters
Game Boy ColorFace-Off [Krisalis]
AmigaFamicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori
Super NintendoFamily Dog
Super NintendoFamily Trainer 10 - Rairai Kyonsees
Family Trainer 8 - Totsugeki! Fuuun Takeshi-jou
Family Trainer 9 - Fuuun Takeshi-jou 2
Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton
TurboGrafx-CDFantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original
PlayStationFantasy World Dizzy
Fantasy World Dizzy
Fantasy Zone
TurboGrafx-16Fantasy Zone
Master SystemFantasy Zone II - Opa-Opa no Namida
NintendoFantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa
Master SystemFatal Fury
Super NintendoFatal Fury - Wild Ambition
PlayStationFatal Fury: King of Fighters
Neo-GeoFatal Fury 2
Super NintendoFatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Game GearFatal Fury Special
Super NintendoFaussete Amour
TurboGrafx-CDFC Genjin - Freakthoropus Computerus
Ferias Frustradas do Pica Pau
Mega DriveFerias Frustradas do Pica Pau
Master SystemFiend Hunter
TurboGrafx-CDFievel Goes West: An American Tail
Super NintendoFighter Maker
PlayStationFighter's History
Super NintendoFighter's History Dynamite
Neo-GeoFighter's History: Mizoguchi Kikiippatsu!!
Super NintendoFighters' Impact
PlayStationFightin' Spirit [AGA]
AmigaFighting Hero
Fighting Hero III
Fighting Masters
Mega DriveFighting Simulator 2 in 1
Game BoyFighting Street
TurboGrafx-CDFinal Fight
Super NintendoFinal Fight 2
Super NintendoFinal Fight 3
Super NintendoFinal Fight Guy
Super NintendoFire and Ice Christmas Special Edition
Fire Pro Wrestling G
Fireteam Rogue
Fist of the North Star
Game BoyFist of the North Star
NintendoFix & Foxi: Episode 1 - Lupo
Game Boy ColorFlash Hiders
TurboGrafx-CDThe Flintstones
Super NintendoThe Flintstones
Mega DriveThe Flintstones - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy
NintendoThe Flintstones - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
NintendoFlintstones, The
Game BoyFlintstones, The - King Rock Treasure Island
Game BoyFlintstones, The: Burgertime in Bedrock
Game Boy ColorThe Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock
Super NintendoFlipper & Lopaka
Game Boy ColorFlipull - An Exciting Cube Game
NintendoFlying Dragon - The Secret Scroll
NintendoFootball Champ: Euro Football Champ
ArcadeFootball Madness
PlayStationForgotten Worlds
TurboGrafx-CDForgotten Worlds
Master SystemForgotten Worlds
Mega DriveFormation Soccer '97 - The Road to France
PlayStationFormula One Challenge
AmigaFort Boyard
Game Boy ColorFortress Underground
AmigaFox's Peter Pan & the Pirates - The Revenge of Captain Hook
NintendoFrankenstein - The Monster Returns
NintendoFranko: The Crazy Revenge!
AmigaFrantic Flea
Super NintendoFront Mission Series: Gun Hazard
Super NintendoFunaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler: Tougi Denshou
Super NintendoFury of the Furries
AmigaFushigi no Yume no Alice
TurboGrafx-16Fuuun Gokuu Ninden
PlayStationFuzzical Fighter
NintendoFX Unit Yuki - The Henshin Engine
TurboGrafx-CDG-Sonic ~ Sonic Blast
Game GearG.I. Joe - A Real American Hero
NintendoG.I. Joe - The Atlantis Factor
NintendoGadget - Lost in Time
AmigaGaegujangi Ggachi
Master SystemGaiaSeed - Project Seed Trap
PlayStationGalaxy Deka Gayvan
TurboGrafx-CDGalaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Neo-GeoThe Game of Harmony
AmigaGame of Harmony, The
Game BoyGanbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu
NintendoGanbare Goemon 2
NintendoGanbare Goemon 2 - Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon 3 - Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon: Seikuushi Dynamites Arawaru!!
Game Boy ColorGanbare! Daiku no Gen-san
Super NintendoGanso Saiyuuki - Super Monkey Daibouken
NintendoA Week of Garfield
NintendoGarfield - Caught in the Act
Mega DriveGarfield - Caught in the Act
Game GearGarfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
AmigaGargoyle's Quest
Game BoyGargoyle's Quest II
NintendoGarou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
TurboGrafx-CDGarou Densetsu Special
TurboGrafx-CDGarou: Mark of the Wolves
Neo-GeoGate of Thunder
TurboGrafx-CDGates of Zendocon, The
LynxGear Fighter Dendoh
PlayStationGegege no Kitarou - Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou
Super NintendoGeGeGe no Kitarou - Gyakushuu! Youma Daikessen
PlayStationGeheimnis der Happy Hippo-Insel, Das
Game Boy ColorGekisha Boy
TurboGrafx-16Gekitou Burning Pro Wres
Super NintendoGen'ei Tougi - Shadow Struggle
PlayStationGenerations Lost
Mega DriveGenji Tsuushin Agedama
TurboGrafx-16Genki Bakuhatsu Gambaruger
Game BoyGenocide 2
Super NintendoGenpei Tōma Den
TurboGrafx-16Gensou Tairiku Auleria
TurboGrafx-CDGeorge Foreman's KO Boxing
Master SystemGerry Anderson's Thunderbirds - Kokusai Kyuujotai Shutsudou Seyo!!
Super NintendoGex 3: Deep Pocket Gecko
Game Boy ColorGex: Enter the Gecko
Game Boy ColorGhost Chaser Densei
Super NintendoGhost House
Master SystemGhost Manor
Master SystemGhosts'n Goblins
NintendoGhosts'n Goblins
Game Boy ColorGhouls'n Ghosts
Master SystemGhouls'n Ghosts
Mega DriveGiddy II: Hero in an Egg Shell
AmigaGilbert: Escape from Drill
AmigaGlobal Gladiators
Game GearGoal Storm '97
PlayStationGoal! Goal! Goal!
Neo-GeoGobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon
AmigaGodzilla: Monster of Monsters
NintendoGodzilla: The Series
Game Boy ColorGodzilla: The Series - Monster Wars
Game Boy ColorGoemon - Shin Sedai Shuumei
PlayStationGoiken Muyou II
PlayStationGojira - Kaijuu Daikessen
Super NintendoGokujou Parodius
Super NintendoGokuraku! Chuuka Taisen
TurboGrafx-16Gokuu Densetsu - Magic Beast Warriors
PlayStationGold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado
Game Boy ColorGolgo 13: Top Secret Episode
NintendoThe Mafat Conspiracy
NintendoGoofy's Hysterical History Tour
Mega DriveGordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey
LynxGouketsuji Ichizoku
Mega DriveGouketsuji Ichizoku 2 - Chotto dake Saikyou Densetsu
PlayStationGourmet Sentai Barayarou
Super NintendoGradius Deluxe Pack
PlayStationGradius Gaiden
PlayStationGradius II - Gofer no Yabou
TurboGrafx-CDGradius III
Super NintendoLa Gran Aventura Submarina
NintendoGreat Battle Cyber
NintendoGreat Battle Gaiden 2, The - Matsuri da Wasshoi
Super NintendoGreat Battle II, The - Last Fighter Twin
Super NintendoGreat Battle III, The
Super NintendoGreat Battle IV, The
Super NintendoGreat Battle V, The
Super NintendoThe Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
Mega DriveGreat Football
Master SystemThe Great Giana Sisters
AmigaGreat Ice Hockey
Master SystemGreat Soccer
Master SystemGreat Volleyball
Master SystemGreatest Heavyweights
Mega DriveGreendog - The Beached Surfer Dude!
Mega DriveGreendog - The Beached Surfer Dude!
Game GearGremlins 2: The New Batch
AmigaGremlins: Unleashed
Game Boy ColorGrey Slayer
GS Mikami - Joreishi wa Nice Body
Super NintendoGuardians - Denjin Makai II
Gundam - The Battle Master
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault 2
PlayStationGunstar Heroes
Mega DriveHagane: The Final Conflict
Super NintendoHaja no Fuuin
Hameln no Violin Hiki
Super NintendoHammer Lock Wrestling
Super NintendoHammerin' Harry: Ghost Building Company
Game BoyHana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata ni
Super NintendoHana no Star Kaidou
NintendoHana Taaka Daka!
TurboGrafx-16Hanii on the Road
TurboGrafx-16Happily Ever After starring Snow White
Happy Camper
Harlem Globetrotters
NintendoHarley's Humongous Adventure
Super NintendoHeart of the Dragon
AmigaHeavy Unit - Mega Drive Special
Mega DriveHeisei Tensai Bakabon
NintendoHellfire S - The Another Story
TurboGrafx-CDHello Kitty - Cube Frenzy
PlayStationHello Kitty - White Present
PlayStationHello Kitty no Ohanabatake
NintendoHello Kitty World
NintendoHermie Hopperhead - Scrap Panic
PlayStationHeroes of the Lance
AmigaHeroes of the Lance
Master SystemHerohero-kun to Ralph no Daibouken
PlayStationHi no Tori Hououhen - Gaou no Bouken
NintendoHiden Inyou Kikouhou - Ca Da
Game BoyHigh Seas Havoc
Mega DriveHihou Densetsu - Chris no Bouken
TurboGrafx-CDHiryū no Ken S: Golden Fighter
Super NintendoHiryuu no Ken II - Dragon no Tsubasa
NintendoHiryuu no Ken III - 5 Nin no Dragon
NintendoHiryuu no Ken Special - Fighting Wars
NintendoHiryuu no Ken: Retsuden GB
Game Boy ColorHissatsu Doujou Yaburi
NintendoLa Historia Interminable II
Hit the Ice
Super NintendoHit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
Game BoyHit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
Mega DriveHit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
TurboGrafx-16Hokuto no Ken 6 - Gekitou Denshouken Haou e no Michi
Super NintendoHokuto no Ken 7 - Seiken Retsuden Denshousha e no Michi
Super NintendoHoliday Lemmings 1993
AmigaHoliday Lemmings 1994
AmigaHoly Umbrella - Dondera no Mubou!!
Super NintendoHome Alone
Super NintendoHome Alone 2 - Lost in New York
Game BoyHome Alone 2 - Lost in New York
NintendoHome Alone 2 - Lost in New York
Mega DriveHome Alone 2: Lost in New York
Super NintendoHome Improvement
Super NintendoHonoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei
Mega DriveHook
Master SystemDISABLED
Horror Story
TurboGrafx-CDHorror Zombies from the Crypt
AmigaHot Wheels: Stunt Track Driver
Game Boy ColorHugo 2 1-2
Game Boy ColorHugo: Black Diamond Fever
Game Boy ColorHugo: The Evil Mirror
Game Boy ColorHuman Killing Machine
AmigaThe Humans
Super NintendoHumans 2: The Jurassic Levels
AmigaHumans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time...
AmigaHumans 3: Evolution - Lost In Time...
CD32The Hunt for Red October
Super NintendoThe Hunt for Red October
NintendoThe Hunt for Red October [Grandslam]
AmigaHunt for Red October, The
Game BoyHunter x Hunter - Kindan no Hihou
Hurricane Commando
Super NintendoHype: The Time Quest
Game Boy ColorHyper Dyne - SideArms Special
TurboGrafx-CDHyper Iria
Super NintendoHyper Lode Runner
Game BoyHyper V-Ball
Super NintendoHypernova Blast
TurboGrafx-CDIga Ninden Gaiou
TurboGrafx-CDIkasuze! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD
Mega DriveIke Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu - Subette Koronde Dairantou
TurboGrafx-16Impossible Mission
Atari 7800Impossible Mission
Master SystemImpossible Mission 2025: The Special Edition
CD32Impossible Mission II
NintendoImpossible Mission II
AmigaImpossible Mission 2025: The Special Edition
AmigaIn Eighty Days around the World
AmigaInazuma Serve da! Super Beach Volley
Super NintendoIncantation
Super NintendoThe Incredible Crash Dummies
Super NintendoThe Incredible Crash Dummies
Mega DriveIncredible Crash Dummies, The
NintendoThe Incredible Crash Dummies
AmigaThe Incredible Hulk
Mega DriveThe Incredible Hulk
Super NintendoIncredible Hulk, The
Master SystemIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Master SystemIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
NintendoIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Mega DriveIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Game BoyIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Game GearIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade [The Action Game]
AmigaIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game
NintendoIndiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
Super NintendoIndien dans la Ville, Un
Game BoyIndoor Sports: Volume 1
AmigaInnocent Until Caught
AmigaInspector Gadget
Super NintendoInspector Gadget: Operation Madkactus
Game Boy ColorInstruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones
Mega DriveInternational Championship Athletics
AmigaInternational Karate +
CD32International Karate +
AmigaInternational Karate +
PlayStationInternational Karate 2000
Game Boy ColorInternational Karate Plus
Game Boy AdvanceInternational Ninja Rabbits
AmigaInternational Soccer - Excite Stage 2000
PlayStationInternational Superstar Soccer
Game BoyInternational Superstar Soccer 2000
Game Boy ColorInternational Superstar Soccer 99
Game Boy ColorInternational Superstar Soccer Deluxe
PlayStationInternational Superstar Soccer Pro '98
PlayStationInternational Track & Field
Game Boy ColorInuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Iron Commando: Kotetsu no Senshi
Super NintendoIron Man & X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
PlayStationIron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
Game GearIron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
Game BoyISS Pro Evolution
PlayStationISS Pro Evolution 2
PlayStationThe Itchy & Scratchy Game
Super NintendoIzzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
Super NintendoIzzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
Mega DriveJ.J. & Jeff
TurboGrafx-16J.League Excite Stage GB
Game Boy ColorJ.League Excite Stage Tactics
J.League GG Pro-Striker '94
Game GearJ.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven '98-'99
PlayStationJ.League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2001
PlayStationJ.League Live 95
Game BoyJ.League Soccer - Jikkyou Survival League
PlayStationJackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand
Game Boy AdvanceJackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
TurboGrafx-16Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
NintendoJames 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing
Master SystemJames 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing
Mega DriveJames Bond 007
Atari 5200James Bond 007 - The Duel
Mega DriveJames Bond 007 - The Duel
Master SystemJames Bond 007: The Duel
Game GearJames Bond Jr
Super NintendoJames Bond: The Stealth Affair
AmigaJames Pond - Codename Robocod
James Pond - Underwater Agent
Mega DriveJames Pond: Underwater Agent
AmigaJames Pond 2: Codename RoboCod
AmigaJames Pond 2: Codename RoboCod
CD32James Pond 2: Codename RoboCod [AGA]
AmigaJames Pond II - Codename - Robocod
Mega DriveJames Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod
Master SystemJames Pond 3: Operation Starfish
CD32James Pond 3: Operation Starfish
AmigaJames Pond 3: Operation Starfish
Game GearJames Pond II - Codename RoboCod
James Pond II: Codename RoboCod
Game GearJang Pung 3
Jang Pung II
Janggun-ui Adeul
Janggun-ui Adeul
Master SystemJay und die Spielzeugdiebe
Game Boy ColorJelly Boy 2
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl
Mega DriveThe Jetsons - Cogswell's Caper
NintendoJetsons, The - Robot Panic
Game BoyThe Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates
Super NintendoJigoku Meguri
TurboGrafx-16Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
Super NintendoJikkyou Oshaberi Parodius - Forever with Me
PlayStationJikkyou Power Pro Wrestling '96 - Max Voltage
Super NintendoJikuu Yuuden - Debias
NintendoJim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D
Mega DriveJim Power in Mutant Planet
TurboGrafx-CDJim Power in Mutant Planet
AmigaJim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D
Super NintendoJoe & Mac - Caveman Ninja
Game BoyJoe & Mac - Caveman Ninja
Super NintendoJoe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
Super NintendoJoe & Mac: Caveman Ninja
AmigaJoe Montana Football
Master SystemJoe Montana Football
Game GearJoe Montana II - Sports Talk Football
Mega DriveJohnny Bazookatone
PlayStationJoJo no Kimyou na Bouken
Super NintendoJoJo's Bizarre Adventure
PlayStationJoJo's Bizarre Adventure
ArcadeJoshua & the Battle of Jericho
NintendoJoshua & the Battle of Jericho
Mega DriveJoshua & the Battle of Jericho
Journey to Silius
NintendoJourney to the Center of the Earth
AmigaJourney to the West
Judge Dredd
Super NintendoThe Jungle Book
Super NintendoThe Jungle Book
Mega DriveJungle Book, The
Master SystemJungle Book, The
Game BoyThe Jungle Book
Game GearJungle Book, The: Mowgli's Wild Adventure
Game Boy ColorJungle Boy
Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan
Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan - Sekaimanyuu Daikakutou no Maki
Super NintendoJurajski Sen
Jurassic Park
Master SystemJurassic Park - Rampage Edition
Mega DriveJurassic Park Part 2 - The Chaos Continues
Game BoyJurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues
Super NintendoJustice League Task Force
Mega DriveJustice League Task Force
Super NintendoJWP Joshi Pro Wres - Pure Wrestle Queens
Super NintendoK.O. - The Pro Boxing
Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel
Mega DriveKabuki - Quantum Fighter
NintendoKabuki Ittouryoudan
TurboGrafx-CDKabuki Klash: Far East of Eden
Neo-GeoKaette Kita Cyborg Kuro-chan
PlayStationKagerou Densetsu
NintendoKaijuu Ou Gojira
Game BoyKaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land
NintendoKaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen
NintendoKaisoku Tenshi - The Rapid Angel
PlayStationKaizou Choujin Shubibinman
TurboGrafx-16Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 2 - Aratanaru Teki
Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3 - Ikai no Princess
TurboGrafx-CDKaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero
Super NintendoKakuge Yarou - Fighting Game Creator
PlayStationKakutou Haou Densetsu - Algunos
TurboGrafx-CDKalas Puffs Expressen
AmigaKamen no Ninja - Akakage
NintendoKamen Rider
Super NintendoKamen Rider Agito
PlayStationKamen Rider Kuuga
PlayStationKamen Rider Ryuuki
PlayStationKamen Rider SD - Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine
Super NintendoKamen Rider V3
PlayStationKanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi
NintendoThe Karate Kid Part II
AmigaKarate Master
Kaze Kiri - Ninja Action
TurboGrafx-CDKeith Courage in Alpha Zones
TurboGrafx-16Kendo Rage
Super NintendoKenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Game GearKenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Game BoyKero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi!
NintendoKettou Transformers Beast Wars: Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen
Game Boy ColorKeystone Kapers
Ki no Bouken - The Quest of Ki
NintendoKick Off 3 - European Challenge
Mega DriveKick Off 3 European Challenge
AmigaKick Off 3 European Challenge [AGA]
AmigaKid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters
Game BoyKid Klown in Night Mayor World
NintendoKid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs
NintendoKid Niki: Radical Ninja
NintendoKidou Butouden G Gundam
Super NintendoKidou Senshi V Gundam
Super NintendoKidou Senshi Z Gundam: Hot Scramble
NintendoKikou Keisatsu Metal Jack
Super NintendoKiller Instinct
Super NintendoThe Killing Game Show
Mega DriveThe Killing Game Show
AmigaKing Arthur's World
Super NintendoKing Neptune's Adventure
NintendoKing of Dragons
Super NintendoKing of Dragons, The
ArcadeKing of Fighters '95, The
Game BoyThe King of Fighters '94
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '96
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '96
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '97
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '97
PlayStationKing of Fighters '98, The - Dream Match Never Ends
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
PlayStationThe King of Fighters 2000
Mega DriveThe King of Fighters 2000
Neo-GeoKing of Fighters 2000
Super NintendoThe King of Fighters 2001
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2002
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2003
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
Mega DriveKing of Fighters, The - Heat of Battle
Game BoyThe King of Kings - The Early Years
NintendoKing of the Monsters
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters
Super NintendoKing of the Monsters
Neo-GeoKing of the Monsters 2
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters 2
Super NintendoKing of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
Neo-GeoKings of the Beach - Professional Beach Volleyball
NintendoKinnikuman - Dirty Challenger
Super NintendoKinnikuman - The Dream Match
Game BoyKirby Super Star
Super NintendoKirby's Adventure
NintendoKirby's Dream Land
Game BoyKirby's Dream Land 2
Game BoyKirby's Dream Land 3
Super NintendoKishin Douji Zenki
Game GearKishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden
Super NintendoKishin Douji Zenki - Denei Raibu
Super NintendoKiteretsu Daihyakka
NintendoKiteretsu Daihyakka - Bouken Ooedo Juraki
Game BoyKizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
Neo-GeoKlonoa Beach Volleyball
PlayStationKnightmare II - The Maze of Galious
Knights of the Crystallion
AmigaKnights of the Round
Super NintendoKnights of the Round
ArcadeKnockout Kings
Game Boy ColorKonami Hyper Soccer
NintendoKouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden
NintendoKouryuu no Mimi
Super NintendoThe Krion Conquest
NintendoKrusty's Fun House
Master SystemKrusty's Fun House
NintendoKrusty's Fun House
Game BoyKrusty's Fun House
Game GearKrusty's Super Fun House
Super NintendoKrusty's Super Fun House
Mega DriveKung Fu Kid
Master SystemKung-Fu Master
Atari 7800Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League
NintendoKwirk - He's A-maze-ing!
Game BoyKyatto Ninden Teyandee
NintendoKyoro-chan no Prikura Daisakusen
PlayStationKyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
NintendoL'Abbaye des Morts
Mega DriveLakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
Mega DriveLand Before Time, The
Game Boy ColorLand Before Time, The - Big Water Adventure
PlayStationLand of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Game GearLand of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Master SystemLarrie and the Ardies
AmigaLaser Ghost
Master SystemLast Action Hero
Super NintendoLast Action Hero
NintendoLast Action Hero
Game BoyLast Action Hero
Mega DriveThe Lawnmower Man
Super NintendoLawnmower Man, The
Mega DriveLawnmower Man, The
Game BoyLegacy of the Wizard
NintendoThe Legend of Galahad
Mega DriveLegend of Hero Tonma
TurboGrafx-16Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Master SystemLegend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Game GearThe Legend of Kage
NintendoThe Legend of Kyrandia
AmigaThe Legend of Prince Valiant
NintendoLegend of Success Joe
Neo-GeoThe Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Super NintendoLegend of Xanadu - Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu
TurboGrafx-CDLegend of Xanadu - Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu II
TurboGrafx-CDZelda II: The Adventure of Link
NintendoLegendary Axe II
TurboGrafx-16Legendary Axe, The
TurboGrafx-16Leisure Suit Larry [Enhanced]
AmigaLeisure Suit Larry 2
AmigaLeisure Suit Larry 3
AmigaLeisure Suit Larry 5
AmigaLemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings
PlayStationLemmings 2: The Tribes
AmigaLemmings 2 - The Tribes
Master SystemDISABLED
Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Game BoyLemmings 2: The Tribes
Super NintendoLemmings 2: The Tribes
Mega DriveLester the Unlikely
Super NintendoLethal Formula
Lethal Weapon
Super NintendoThe Lion King
Super NintendoThe Lion King
Master SystemThe Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure
Game Boy ColorLittle Computer People
AmigaThe Little Mermaid
NintendoLittle Mermaid, The
Game BoyLittle Nemo: The Dream Master
NintendoLittle Nicky
Game Boy ColorLittle Ninja Brothers
NintendoLittle Wizards
Lock n' Chase ~ Lock 'n' Chase
Game BoyLocomotion [Byte Back]
Looney Tunes
Game Boy ColorLooney Tunes Basketball
Super NintendoLooney Tunes: Twouble!
Game Boy ColorLord of the Sword
Master SystemLords of Thunder
TurboGrafx-CDLost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norsewest
PlayStationThe Lost Vikings II
Super NintendoLost Word of Jenny - Ushinawareta Message
NintendoThe Lost World - Jurassic Park
Game GearLost World, The - Jurassic Park
Game BoyLow G Man - The Low Gravity Man
NintendoThe Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck
Game GearLucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The
Master SystemLucky Luke
Super NintendoLupin III: Densetsu no Hihō o Oe
Super NintendoLupin III: Pandora no Isan
NintendoM&M's Minis Madness
Game Boy ColorM.U.S.C.L.E.: Tag Team Match
NintendoMad Professor Mariarti
AmigaMad Stalker - Full Metal Force
TurboGrafx-CDMad Stalker - Full Metal Forth
Mega DriveMad Stalker - FullMetalForce
PlayStationMaerchen Adventure Cotton 100%
Super NintendoMafdet And The Book of the Dead
AmigaMagic Johnson's Basketball
AmigaMagic Johnson's Fast Break
NintendoMagic Sword
Super NintendoMagical Chase
TurboGrafx-16Magical Chase GB: Minarai Mahoutsukai Kenja no Tani e
Game Boy ColorMagical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken
Mega DriveMagical Pop'n
Super NintendoMagical Taruruuto-kun
Game GearMagical Taruruuto-kun
Mega DriveMagical Taruruuto-kun - Magic Adventure
Super NintendoMagicland Dizzy
Magicland Dizzy
Majou Densetsu II - Daimashikyou Galious
NintendoMakai Prince Dorabocchan
TurboGrafx-16Makeruna! Makendou 2
PlayStationMakeruna! Makendou 2 - Kimero! Youkai Souridaijin
Super NintendoMalibu Bikini Volleyball
LynxMamono Hunter Youko - Dai 7 no Keishou
Mega DriveMan Overboard!
Mega DriveMario & Wario
Super NintendoMario Lemieux Hockey
Mega DriveMarko's Magic Football
Game GearMarko's Magic Football
Mega DriveMarko's Magic Football
Super NintendoMartial Champion
TurboGrafx-CDMarvel Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
ArcadeMarvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
Super NintendoMarvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
ArcadeMarvin's Marvellous Adventure
AmigaMary Shelley's Frankenstein
Mega DriveMary Shelley's Frankenstein
Super NintendoMary-Kate & Ashley: Get a Clue!
Game Boy ColorMashin Eiyuuden Wataru Gaiden
NintendoMask of Zorro, The
Game Boy ColorMaster Axe: The Genesis of MysterX
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu
NintendoMaster of Darkness
Master SystemMaster of Monsters
Mega DriveThe Masters Fighter
PlayStationMasters of Combat
Master SystemMat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Game Boy ColorMat Mania Challenge
Atari 7800Matrimelee: Shin Gōketsuji Ichizoku Tōkon
Neo-GeoMatsumura Kunihiro Den - Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero!
Super NintendoMaui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Game BoyMaya the Bee & Her Friends
Game Boy ColorMazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
Mega DriveMazinger Z
Super NintendoMcDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
Mega DriveMechanized Attack
NintendoMega Cheril Perils
Mega DriveMega Man & Bass
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man 7
Super NintendoMega Man Battle Network
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 2
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 3: White Version
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 5: Team Proto Man
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man X
Super NintendoMega Man X2
Super NintendoMega Man X3
Super NintendoMega Man Xtreme
Game Boy ColorMega Man Xtreme 2
Game Boy ColorMega Man Zero
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Zero 2
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Zero 3
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man Zero 4
Game Boy AdvanceMega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Game BoyMega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega DriveMegumi Rescue
Master SystemMelfand Stories
Super NintendoMen in Black 2: The Series
Game Boy ColorMen in Black: The Series
Game Boy ColorMetagalactic Llamas: Battle at the Edge of Time
Metal Blast 2277
Mega DriveMetal Fighter Mu
Metal Morph
Super NintendoMetal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
PlayStationMetal Slug: Super Vehicle-001
Neo-GeoMetal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II
Neo-GeoMetal Slug Advance
Game Boy AdvanceMetal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001
Neo-GeoMetal Warrior
Metal Warriors
Super NintendoMetalMech: Man & Machine
NintendoMetamor Jupiter
TurboGrafx-CDMetroid Fusion
Game Boy AdvanceMetroid II - Return of Samus
Game BoyMetroid: Zero Mission
Game Boy AdvanceMichael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
Super NintendoMichael Owen's World League Soccer '99
PlayStationMick & Mack as the Global Gladiators
Master SystemMick & Mack as the Global Gladiators
Mega DriveMick & Mack as the Global Gladiators
Mickey Mania
Super NintendoMickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
Mega DriveMickey Mouse - Magic Wands!
Game BoyThe Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Super NintendoThe Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
Super NintendoMickey to Donald - Magical Adventure 3
Super NintendoMickey Mouse [Japan]
Game BoyMickey Mousecapade
NintendoMickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken
Super NintendoMickey's Adventure in Numberland
NintendoMickey's Dangerous Chase
Game BoyMickey's Safari in Letterland
NintendoMickey's Wild Adventure
PlayStationMidnight Resistance
Commodore 64Midnight Resistance
Amstrad CPCMidnight Resistance
ZX SpectrumMighty Final Fight
NintendoMighty Max
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Super NintendoMike the Magic Dragon
AmigaMilon's Secret Castle
NintendoMilon's Secret Castle
Game BoyMiner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob
Game BoyMiner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob
Atari 5200Miracle Adventure of Esparks - Ushinawareta Seiseki Perivron
Game BoyMiracle Ropit's - 2100 Nen no Daibouken
NintendoMirai Shinwa Jarvas
NintendoMisja Harolda: Zaginiony w systemie
Missile Command
Missile Command
Game Boy ColorMissiles Over Xerion
AmigaMission Underground
AmigaMitsume ga Tooru
NintendoMizubaku Daibouken
TurboGrafx-16Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Butouden
PlayStationMK5 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
Mega DriveMo Hawk & Headphone Jack
Super NintendoMoero!! Juudou Warriors
NintendoMomotarou Dengeki
Game BoyMomotarou Dengeki 2
Game BoyMonica no Castelo do Dragao
Monster in My Pocket
NintendoMonster Rancher Explorer
Game Boy ColorMonster World IV
Mega DriveMonsters, Inc.
Game Boy ColorEl Monstruo de los Globos
Montezuma's Return!
Game Boy ColorMontezuma's Return!
Game BoyMontezuma's Revenge - Featuring Panama Joe
Master SystemMontezuma's Revenge featuring Panama Joe
Atari 5200Monty Python's Flying Circus
AmigaMonty the Wolf
Moomin's Tale
Game Boy ColorMoon Patrol
Mortal Kombat
Super NintendoMortal Kombat
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Master SystemMortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveMortal Kombat 3
PlayStationMortal Kombat 3
Game GearMortal Kombat 3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 4
Game Boy ColorMortal Kombat II
Game BoyMortal Kombat II
Mega DriveMortal Kombat II
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
PlayStationMortal Kombat II
Game GearMortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
PlayStationMortal Kombat Trilogy
PlayStationMortal Weapon
Motocross Maniacs
Game BoyMotocross Maniacs 2
Game Boy ColorMottomo Abunai Deka
NintendoMouse Trap Hotel
Game BoyMouseQuest
Mr. Bloopy - Saves the World
Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise
Game BoyMr. Do!'s Castle
Mr. Driller
Game Boy ColorMr. Driller G
PlayStationMr. Heli no Daibouken
TurboGrafx-16Mr. Tuff
Mugen Senshi Valis - The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier
TurboGrafx-CDMuhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
Mega DriveMuhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
Mummy Returns, The
Game Boy ColorMummy, The
Game Boy ColorMuppets, The
Game Boy ColorMurder on the Mississippi
NintendoMusashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu
NintendoMystic Defender
Mega DriveMystical Fighter
Mega DriveMyth: History in the Making
AmigaNangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun
Super NintendoNatsuki Crisis Battle
Super NintendoNatsume Championship Wrestling
Super NintendoNBA Action Starring David Robinson
Game GearNBA Hang Time
Super NintendoNBA in the Zone
Game Boy ColorNBA in the Zone '98
PlayStationNBA in the Zone '99
PlayStationNBA in the Zone 2
PlayStationNBA in the Zone 2000
PlayStationNBA in the Zone 2000
Game Boy ColorNBA Jam
Master SystemDISABLED
NBA Jam - Tournament Edition
Game BoyNBA Jam - Tournament Edition
Mega DriveNBA Jam - Tournament Edition
PlayStationNBA Jam - Tournament Edition
Game GearNBA Jam 2001
Game Boy ColorNBA Jam 99
Game Boy ColorNBA Jam Extreme
PlayStationNBA Jam: Tournament Edition
Super NintendoNBA Shoot Out
PlayStationNBA Shoot Out '97
PlayStationNBA ShootOut 2000
PlayStationNBA ShootOut 2001
PlayStationNBA ShootOut 2002
PlayStationNBA ShootOut 98
PlayStationNBA Show Time: NBA on NBC
Game Boy ColorNBA Showdown
Super NintendoNBA Showdown '94
Mega DriveNBA Showtime - NBA on NBC
PlayStationNCAA Final Four 2000
PlayStationNCAA Final Four 2001
PlayStationNCAA Final Four 99
PlayStationNCAA Final Four Basketball
Mega DriveNCAA Final Four Basketball
Super NintendoNCAA Football
Super NintendoNCAA March Madness 2000
PlayStationNCAA March Madness 2001
PlayStationNCAA March Madness 99
PlayStationNekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu - Kyouteki! Dodge Soldier no Maki
Game BoyNekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu - PC Soccer Hen
TurboGrafx-16Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu - Soccer Hen MD
Mega DriveNekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu CD - Soccer-hen
TurboGrafx-CDNekketsu Oyako
PlayStationNekketsu! Beach Volley Da yo Kunio-kun
Game BoyNekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes
NintendoNeo Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory
Neo-GeoNettou Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
Game BoyNettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
Game BoyThe Neverending Story II
AmigaNew Adventure Island
TurboGrafx-16New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, The
Game Boy ColorNew Year Lemmings 1991/92
AmigaThe New Zealand Story
AmigaThe New Zealand Story
Master SystemThe New Zealand Story
NintendoThe New Zealand Story
Mega DriveThe New Zealand Story
TurboGrafx-16The New Zealand Story
ArcadeNFL Blitz 2000
Game Boy ColorNFL Quarterback Club
Game GearNFL Quarterback Club
Game BoyNFL Quarterback Club II
Game BoyNFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana
Mega DriveNHL Blades of Steel
Game Boy ColorNHL Blades of Steel 2000
Game Boy ColorNHL Open Ice - 2 on 2 Challenge
PlayStationNickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge
PlayStationNight Creatures
TurboGrafx-16Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
ArcadeNightbreed: The Action Game
AmigaNightmare Busters
Super NintendoNightmare Circus
Mega DriveNightmare in the Dark
Neo-GeoNil Dieu Vivant
Ninja Baseball Bat Man
ArcadeNinja Gaiden
Master SystemNinja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword Of Chaos
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
NintendoNinja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom
LynxNinja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
NintendoNinja Gaiden Shadow
Game BoyNinja Gaiden Trilogy
Super NintendoNinja Hattori-kun: Ninja wa Syugyou de Gozaru
NintendoNinja JaJaMaru-kun
NintendoNinja JaJamaru: Ginga Daisakusen
NintendoNinja Master's: Haō Ninpō Chō
Neo-GeoNinja Ryuuken Den III - Yomi no Hakobune
Ninja Ryuukenden
TurboGrafx-16Ninja Spirit
TurboGrafx-16The Ninja Warriors
TurboGrafx-16The Ninja Warriors
Super NintendoNinja-kun: Majô no Bôken
NintendoNinja-kun: Ashura no Shō
NintendoNinpuu Sentai Hurricanger
PlayStationNintama Rantarou
Super NintendoNintama Rantarou 2
Super NintendoNintama Rantarou 3
Super NintendoNintama Rantarou Special
Super NintendoNintendo World Cup
Game BoyNintendo World Cup
NintendoNo Fear: Downhill Mountain Biking
Game Boy ColorNormy's Beach Babe-O-Rama
Mega DriveThe North Sea Inferno
TurboGrafx-16Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus
PlayStationOddworld - Abe's Oddysee
PlayStationOddworld Adventures
Game BoyOddworld Adventures 2
Game Boy ColorOh No! More Lemmings
AmigaOonita Atsushi FMW
Super NintendoOozumou Spirits
Super NintendoOperation Firestorm
Operation Starfish
Super NintendoOperation: Cleanstreets
AmigaOperation: Secret Storm
NintendoOrk Attack: The Return
AmigaOsomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou
Mega DriveOssu!! Karate-bu
Super NintendoOttifanten: Kommando Stoertebeker
Game Boy ColorOttifants, The
Master SystemOut of This World
Super NintendoOut of This World
Mega DriveOut to Lunch
Super NintendoOverlander [Scorpius]
AmigaP-47 - The Freedom Fighter
TurboGrafx-16P.O.W. - Prisoners of War
NintendoP.O.W.: Prisoners of War
Super NintendoPac-Man 2 - The New Adventures
Mega DrivePac-Man 2: The New Adventures
Super NintendoPacky & Marlon
Super NintendoThe Pagemaster
Super NintendoThe Pagemaster
Mega DrivePanic Restaurant
NintendoPanzer Bandit
PlayStationParasol Stars - Rainbow Islands II
Game BoyParasol Stars - The Story of Bubble Bobble 3
Parasol Stars - The Story of Bubble Bobble III
TurboGrafx-16Parasol Stars: Rainbow Islands II
NintendoParasol Stars: The Story of Rainbow Islands II
AmigaParis-Dakar Rally Special
NintendoParodius Da! - Shinwa kara Owarai e
TurboGrafx-16Pat Riley Basketball
Mega DrivePat Riley Basketball
Master SystemDISABLED
The Peace Keepers
Super NintendoPenguin Land
Master SystemPerman: Enban wo Torikaese!!
NintendoPerman Part 2: Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose!
NintendoThe Persian Gulf Inferno
Pesterminator: The Western Exterminator
NintendoPeter Beardsley's International Football
AmigaPhantom 2040
Super NintendoPicachu: Pocket Monsters
Super NintendoPierre Le Chef Is ... Out to Lunch
AmigaPierre Le Chef is... Out To Lunch
CD32Pink Goes to Hollywood
Super NintendoPink Goes to Hollywood
Mega DrivePink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit
PlayStationThe Pirates of Dark Water
Super NintendoPirates of Dark Water, The
Mega DrivePit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition
Super NintendoPit-Fighter
Master SystemPitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Mega DrivePitfall 3D - Beyond the Jungle
PlayStationPitfall II: Lost Caverns
Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle
Game Boy ColorPitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Super NintendoPlanet of the Apes
Game Boy ColorPlexu: The Time Travellers
Pocket Bomberman
Game Boy ColorPocket Fighter
PlayStationPocket Pro Wrestling: Perfect Wrestler
Game Boy ColorPocket Soccer
Game Boy ColorPocket Zaurus: Jū Ōken no Nazo
NintendoPokemon Gold & Silver
Super NintendoPokemon Stadium
Super NintendoPokonyan! - Henpokorin Adventure
Super NintendoPolaris SnoCross
Game Boy ColorPonta to Hinako no Chindouchuu - Yuujou Hen
Game BoyPooh and Tigger's Hunny Safari
Game Boy ColorPooyan
Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures
Super NintendoPopeye
Popeye - Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki
Super NintendoPopeye 3 - WrestleCrazy
Popeye no Beach Volleyball
Game GearPopeye no Eigo Asobi
NintendoPopful Mail
Super NintendoPorky Pig's Haunted Holiday
Super NintendoPortal Runner
Game Boy ColorPower Instinct
Super NintendoPower Moves
Super NintendoPower Piggs of the Dark Age
Super NintendoPower Quest
Game Boy ColorPower Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue
Game Boy ColorPower Rangers: Time Force
Game Boy ColorPower Spike: Pro Beach Volleyball
Game Boy ColorPowerpuff Girls, The: Bad Mojo Jojo
Game Boy ColorPowerpuff Girls, The: Battle Him
Game Boy ColorPowerpuff Girls, The: Paint the Townsville Green
Game Boy ColorPrehistoric Isle 2
Neo-GeoPrehistoric Isle in 1930
ArcadePrehistorik Man
Super NintendoPrehistorik Man
Pri Pri - Primitive Princess!
Game BoyPrimal Rage
Super NintendoPrime
Prince of Persia
Mega DrivePrince of Persia
Master SystemPrince of Persia
Game BoyPrince of Persia
Game GearPrince of Persia
Game Boy ColorPrince of Persia
TurboGrafx-CDPrince of Persia
Super NintendoPrince of Persia
NintendoPro Boxing Simulator
AmigaPro Evolution Soccer
PlayStationPro Evolution Soccer 2
PlayStationPro Striker - Final Stage
Mega DriveProject-X Special Edition '93
AmigaProphecy - The Viking Child
Game BoyProphecy I: The Viking Child
AmigaProtector (Virgin Mastertronic)
AmigaPsychic World
Master SystemPsycho Dream
Super NintendoPsycho Santa
Puma Street Soccer
PlayStationPuss 'n Boots: Pero's Great Adventure
NintendoPutty Squad
Super NintendoPyramid Magic II
Mega DrivePyramid Magic III
Mega DrivePyramid Magic Special
Mega DrivePyramid Plunder
TurboGrafx-CDQuackShot Starring Donald Duck
Mega DriveQuest for Glory II: Trial By Fire
AmigaQuest for Quintana Roo
Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy
Game GearQuest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy
Master SystemThe Quest of Agravain
AmigaQuest: Fantasy Challenge
Game Boy ColorR-Type Complete CD
TurboGrafx-CDR-Type III
Super NintendoRabio Lepus Special
TurboGrafx-16Rackney's Island
Radical Rex
Super NintendoRage (Scorpius)
Rage of the Dragons
Neo-GeoRainbow Islands
Game Boy ColorRainbow Islands - Story of the Bubble Bobble 2
Master SystemRainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2
TurboGrafx-CDRainbow Islands Extra
Mega DriveRainbow Islands: Bubble Bobble 2
NintendoRampage - Through Time
PlayStationRampage - World Tour
PlayStationRampage 2 - Universal Tour
PlayStationRampage 2: Universal Tour
Game Boy ColorRampage: World Tour
Game Boy ColorRanma 1-2 - Battle Renaissance
PlayStationRanma 1-2 - Datou, Ganso Musabetsu Kakutou-ryuu!
TurboGrafx-CDRanma ½ - Chounai Gekitou Hen
Super NintendoRanma ½: Hard Battle
Super NintendoRanma ½ - Chougi Ranbu Hen
Super NintendoRap Jam: Volume One
Super NintendoRastan Saga II
TurboGrafx-16Rastan Saga II
Mega DriveRayxanber II
TurboGrafx-CDRayxanber III
TurboGrafx-CDReady 2 Rumble Boxing
Game Boy ColorReal Bout Fatal Fury
Neo-GeoReal Bout Fatal Fury
PlayStationReal Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
Neo-GeoReal Bout Fatal Fury Special
Neo-GeoReal Bout Garou Densetsu Special - Dominated Mind
PlayStationRealSports Basketball
RealSports Football
RealSports Soccer
Ren & Stimpy Show Presents, The - Stimpy's Invention
Mega DriveRen & Stimpy Show, The - Space Cadet Adventures
Game BoyRen & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots!
Game BoyThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo
Super NintendoThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!
NintendoThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Fire Dogs
Super NintendoThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
Super NintendoThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots
Super NintendoRenaissance
Rendering Ranger R2
Super NintendoRenegade III: The Final Chapter
Renny Blaster
TurboGrafx-CDReservoir Rat
Game Boy ColorRetee 2!
Return of the Ninja
Game Boy ColorRevenge of Defender
AmigaThe Revenge of Shinobi
Mega DriveRevenge of the Mutant Camels
AmigaRex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon
Super NintendoRhino Rumble
Game Boy ColorRiddick Bowe Boxing
Super NintendoRiddick Bowe Boxing
Game BoyRiddick Bowe Boxing
Game GearRidegear Guybrave
PlayStationRise of the Robots
Mega DriveRise of the Robots
Super NintendoRise of the Robots [AGA]
AmigaRival Turf
Super NintendoRiver City Ransom
NintendoRoad Champs: BXS Stunt Biking
Game Boy ColorRoad Runner's Death Valley Rally
Super NintendoRobin Hood - Prince of Thieves
Game BoyRobin Hood: Prince of Thieves
NintendoRobin Smith's International Cricket
Robocod - James Pond II
PlayStationRoboCop versus The Terminator
Super NintendoRoboCop versus The Terminator
Master SystemRoboCop Versus The Terminator
Mega DriveRoboCop versus The Terminator
Game GearRoboCop versus The Terminator
RoboCop vs. The Terminator
Game BoyRock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena
PlayStationRocket Knight Adventures
Mega DriveRocket Power: Gettin' Air
Game Boy ColorThe Rocketeer
Super NintendoRockman & Forte
Super NintendoRocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day
Super NintendoRocky Rodent
Super NintendoRocman X
Rokudenashi Blues - Taiketsu! Tokyo Shitennou
Super NintendoRolling Ronny: The Errand-Boy
AmigaRolling Thunder 2
Mega DriveRolling Thunder 3
Mega DriveRolo to the Rescue
Mega DriveRonaldo V-Football
Game Boy ColorRuff and Reddy - The Space Adventure
AmigaRugrats Movie, The
Game BoyRugrats Movie, The
Game Boy ColorRugrats: Time Travelers
Game Boy ColorRunning Battle
Master SystemRurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishin Gekitou-hen
Rygar - Legendary Warrior
LynxRyuuko no Ken
TurboGrafx-CDS.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team
NintendoS.O.S - Sink or Swim
Super NintendoSaber Marionette J - Battle Sabers
PlayStationSabrina The Animated Series: Spooked!
Game Boy ColorSabrina The Animated Series: Zapped!
Game Boy ColorSaikyou - Takada Nobuhiko
Super NintendoSailor Moon
Super NintendoSakigake!! Otoko Juku - Meioutou Kessen
Game BoySakigake!! Otokojuku: Shippu Ichi Gou Sei
NintendoSalamander Deluxe Pack Plus
PlayStationSalmon-Pink Max
Samurai Deeper Kyo
PlayStationSamurai Kid
Game Boy ColorSamurai Shodown
Game GearSamurai Shodown
Mega DriveSamurai Shodown
Super NintendoSamurai Shodown - Warriors Rage
PlayStationSamurai Shodown II
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown III
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown III - Blades of Blood
PlayStationSamurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown V
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown V Special
Neo-GeoSamurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin Special
PlayStationSamurai Spirits - Kenkaku Shinan Pack
PlayStationSamurai Spirits II
Mega DriveSamurai-Ghost
TurboGrafx-16San Guo Zhi: Qun Xiong Zheng Ba
NintendoSangokushi 3
Santa Claus Junior
Game Boy ColorSanta Claus Saves the Earth
PlayStationSAS Combat Simulator
AmigaSaturday Night Slam Masters
Super NintendoSaturday Night Slammasters
Mega DriveScooby Doo and Scrappy Doo
AmigaScooby-Doo Mystery
Super NintendoScooby-Doo!: Classic Creep Capers
Game Boy ColorScorched Tanks
SD Hero Sōkessen: Taose! Aku no Gundan
NintendoSD Hiryuu no Ken
Super NintendoSD Hiryuu no Ken EX
Game Boy ColorSD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden
Game BoySD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden 2
Game BoySD Kidou Senshi Gundam - V Sakusen Shidou
Super NintendoSD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2
Super NintendoSearch for the King
AmigaSecond Samurai
Mega DriveSecond Samurai [AGA]
AmigaSecret Scout in the Temple of Demise
NintendoSecret Ties
Sega World Tournament Golf
Master SystemSeifuku Densetsu - Pretty Fighter
Super NintendoSeikima II: Akuma no Gyakushū!
NintendoSengoku Denshou
Super NintendoSensible Massacre: England v Holland
Sesame Street Sports
Game Boy ColorSesame Street: Countdown
NintendoSeven Cities of Gold
AmigaThe Seven Gates of Jambala
CD32The Seven Gates of Jambala
AmigaSexy Parodius
PlayStationThe Shadow
Shadow Blasters
Mega DriveShadow Dancer
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi
Mega DriveShadow Fighter [AGA]
AmigaShadow of the Beast
AmigaShadow of the Beast
Master SystemShadow of the Beast
TurboGrafx-CDShadow of the Beast
Mega DriveShadow of the Beast II
Mega DriveShadow of the Beast II
AmigaShadow of the Beast III
AmigaShadow of the Ninja
Shape Shifter
TurboGrafx-CDShaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder
Game Boy ColorSherlock Holmes: Hakushaku Reijō Yūkai Jiken
NintendoShijou Saikyou League Serie A - Ace Striker
Super NintendoShin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel
Super NintendoShin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio-tachi no Banka
Super NintendoShin Nihon Pro Wrestling - '94 Battlefield in Tokyo Dome
TurboGrafx-CDShin Nihon Pro Wrestling - Chou Senshi in Tokyo Dome - Fantastic Story
Super NintendoShin Nihon Pro Wrestling - Toukon Sanjuushi
Game BoyShin Nihon Pro Wrestling Kounin - '94 Battlefield in Tokyo Dome
Super NintendoShin Nihon Pro Wrestling Kounin - '95 Tokyo Dome Battle 7
Super NintendoShinobi II - The Silent Fury
Game GearShinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Mega DriveShippuu! Iron Leaguer
Game BoyShiritsu Justice Gakuen - Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2
PlayStationShodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
Super NintendoShounen Ashibe - Goma-chan no Yuuenchi Daibouken
Super NintendoShounen Ninja Sasuke
Super NintendoShrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown
Game Boy ColorSide Arms: Hyper Dyne
AmigaSilhouette Mirage
PlayStationSilver Eagle
Simple 1500 Series Vol. 94 - The Cameraman - Gekisha Boy Omake Tsuki
PlayStationSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 12 - Kidou Butouden G Gundam - The Battle
PlayStationSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 13 - Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - The Battle
PlayStationThe Simpsons - Bart vs. the World
AmigaThe Simpsons - Bart's Nightmare
Mega DriveSimpsons Itchy & Scratchy, The - Miniature Golf Madness
Game BoySimpsons, The - Bart vs. the World
Master SystemSimpsons, The - Bart vs. the World ~ Bart World
Game GearSimpsons, The - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man
Game GearSimpsons, The: Bart & the Beanstalk
Game BoySimpsons, The: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror
Game Boy ColorThe Simpsons: Bart vs. the World
NintendoThe Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
Super NintendoThe Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man
NintendoSimulman 01: Simulman
Simulman 02: Nella Morsa Di SS DOS
Simulman 03: Nel Regno Di Doors
Simulman 04: Il Mondo Simulato
Sir Fred: The Legend
AmigaSirius 7
Sitio do Picapau Amarelo
Master SystemSkate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble
NintendoSkeleton Warriors
PlayStationSküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
Super NintendoSkull & Crossbones
NintendoSlap Happy Rhythm Busters
PlayStationSlaughter Sport
Mega DriveSly Spy: Secret Agent
AmigaSmart Ball
Super NintendoThe Smurfs' Nightmare
Game BoyThe Smurfs' Nightmare
Game Boy ColorThe Smurfs
Super NintendoThe Smurfs Travel the World
Mega DriveThe Smurfs Travel the World
Super NintendoThe Smurfs Travel the World
Game BoyThe Smurfs Travel the World
Master SystemSmurfs Travel the World, The
Game GearSmurfs, The
Master SystemSNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
Neo-GeoSnobow Champion
Game Boy ColorSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom
ArcadeSnow Bros. - Nick & Tom
Mega DriveSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Game Boy ColorSnow White in Happily Ever After
Super NintendoSoccer Kid
Soccer King
Soccer League - Winner's Cup
NintendoSocks the Cat Rocks the Hill
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship
NintendoSoldier Of Light (Xain'd Sleena)
AmigaSolomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita no Namida
Master SystemSomer Assault
TurboGrafx-16Sonic & Tails 2
Game GearSonic Blast
Master SystemSonic Blast Man
Super NintendoSonic Blast Man II
Super NintendoSonic Chaos
Master SystemSonic Spike - World Championship Beach Volleyball
TurboGrafx-16Sonic the Hedgehog 4
Super NintendoSorceror's Apprentice
Sougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout
Super NintendoSougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout 2 - The Total Fighters
Super NintendoSougou Kakutougi Rings - Astral Bout 3
Super NintendoSoukoban Densetsu: Hikari to Yami no Kuni
Game Boy ColorSoul Blade
Super NintendoSoul Edge vs Samurai
Super NintendoSpace Bomber
Space Bomber 2
Space Bomber 3
Space Fight
Space Knight
Space Marauder
Game Boy ColorSpace Quest: Chapter I - The Sarien Encounter
AmigaSpace Quest: Chapter I - The Sarien Encounter
DOSSpace Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter
AmigaSpace Quest II: Chapter II - Vohaul's Revenge
AmigaSpace Quest II: Chapter II - Vohaul's Revenge
DOSSpace Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon
DOSSpace Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon
AmigaSpace Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
AmigaSpace Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
DOSSpace Quest V: The Next Mutation
DOSSpace Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier
DOSSpacestation Silicon Valley
Game Boy ColorSpanky's Quest
Super NintendoSpawn - The Eternal
PlayStationSpeedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos
Super NintendoSpeedy Gonzales: Aztec Adventure
Game Boy ColorSpellbound Dizzy
Spellbound [Lander]
Master SystemSpelunker II: Yūsha e no Chōsen
Super NintendoSpider-Man
Game Boy ColorVenom & Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety
Super NintendoSpider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
Super NintendoSpider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
Super NintendoSpider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
Mega DriveSpider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six
Spider-Man - X-Men
Game BoySpider-Man - X-Men - Arcade's Revenge
Game GearSpider-Man . Venom - Maximum Carnage
Mega DriveSpider-Man 2: The Sinister Six
Game Boy ColorSpider-Man 3 - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers
Game BoySpider-Man vs. The Kingpin
Master SystemSpider-Man [Acclaim]
Mega DriveSpider-Man [Sega]
Mega DriveThe Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes
Super NintendoSpider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six
NintendoSpike In Transylvania
AmigaSpirou: The Robot Invasion
Game Boy ColorSplatterhouse
TurboGrafx-16Splatterhouse 2
Mega DriveSplatterhouse 3
Mega DriveSplatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
NintendoSpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula
Game Boy ColorSpot - The Cool Adventure
Game BoySpriggan Mark 2 - Re Terraform Project
TurboGrafx-CDSpriggan Powered
Super NintendoStanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston
NintendoStar Ocean - The Second Story
PlayStationStar Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
Game BoyStar Trek: 25th Anniversary
AmigaStar Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time
Mega DriveStar Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time
Super NintendoStar Wars - Masters of Teras Kasi
PlayStationStar Wars - Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Game BoyStar Wars [Namco]
NintendoStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
NintendoStardust Suplex
Super NintendoStick Hunter: Exciting Ice Hockey
NintendoStone Protectors
Super NintendoStreet Combat
Super NintendoStreet Cop
Street Fighter - The Movie
PlayStationStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
ArcadeStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
AmigaStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 2
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 3
ArcadeStreet Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
NintendoStreet Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 2
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 2
Super NintendoStreet Fighter Alpha 3
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
Game Boy ColorStreet Fighter Collection
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX + Alpha
Super NintendoStreet Fighter EX Plus Alpha
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX2
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
PlayStationStreet Fighter II
Game BoyStreet Fighter II
Super NintendoStreet Fighter II'
Master SystemStreet Fighter II' - Champion Edition
TurboGrafx-16Street Fighter II': Champion Edition
ArcadeStreet Fighter II': Hyper Fighting
ArcadeStreet Fighter II Turbo
Super NintendoSuper Street Fighter II
Super NintendoStreet Fighter III: New Generation
ArcadeStreet Hassle
Street Heroes
Street Hockey '95
Super NintendoStreet Master
Street Sports Basketball
AmigaStreets of Rage
Mega DriveStreets of Rage
Master SystemStreets of Rage 2
Mega DriveStreets of Rage 3
Mega DriveStreets of Rage II
Master SystemStrider Hiryuu
TurboGrafx-CDStrider Returns - Journey from Darkness
Game GearStrip Fighter II
Stuart Little: The Journey Home
Game Boy ColorSubmarine Attack
Master SystemSukeban Deka II - Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu
Master SystemSunday Funday: The Ride
Sunset Riders
Super NintendoSuper Adventure Island
Super NintendoSuper Adventure Island II
Super NintendoSuper Air Zonk - Rockabilly-Paradise
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Alfred Chicken
Super NintendoSuper Back to the Future Part II
Super NintendoSuper Bikkuriman
Super NintendoSuper Bikkuriman - Densetsu no Sekiban
Game BoySuper Bonk
Super NintendoSuper Boy 4
Master SystemSuper Boy II
Master SystemSuper Boy III
Super Castlevania IV
Super NintendoSuper Chinese Fighter
Super NintendoSuper Chinese Fighter EX
Game Boy ColorSuper Chinese Fighter GB
Game BoySuper Cobra
Super Dany
Super NintendoSuper Darius
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Darius II
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Dodge Ball
NintendoSuper Dodge Ball Advance
Game Boy AdvanceSuper Donkey Kong 99
Mega DriveSuper Double Dragon
Super NintendoSuper Dropzone - Intergalactic Rescue Mission
PlayStationSuper Dunk Star
Super NintendoSuper Dyna'mix Badminton
NintendoSuper Fantasy Zone
Mega DriveSuper Football Champ
PlayStationSuper Genjin 2
Super NintendoSuper Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Super NintendoSuper Godzilla
Super NintendoSuper High Impact
Super NintendoSuper High Impact
Mega DriveSuper James Pond
Game BoySuper James Pond
Super NintendoSuper Mad Champ
Super NintendoSuper Mario Bros.
NintendoSuper Mario World
Mega DriveSuper Metroid
Super NintendoSuper Morph
Super NintendoSuper Ninja Boy
Super NintendoSuper Ninja-kun
Super NintendoSuper Pang
Super NintendoSuper Pang II
Super Putty
Super NintendoSuper R-Type
Super NintendoSuper Scramble Simulator
AmigaSuper Shadow of the Beast
Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship
Neo-GeoSuper Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory
Neo-GeoSuper Skateboardin'
Atari 7800Super Slam Dunk
Super NintendoSuper Slap Shot
Super NintendoSuper Spike V'Ball
NintendoSuper Star Wars
Super NintendoSuper Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
Game GearSuper Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
Game BoySuper Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Super NintendoSuper Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Super NintendoSuper Street Basketball
Game BoySuper Street Basketball 2
Game BoySuper Street Fighter II
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
CD32Super Street Fighter II Turbo
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers [AGA]
AmigaSuper TaeKwonDo Master
Super Team Games
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss
Super NintendoSuper Troll Islands
Super NintendoSuper Turrican
Super NintendoSuper Turrican 2
Super NintendoSuper Valis IV
Super NintendoSuper Variable Geo
Super NintendoSuper Volley Ball
Mega DriveSuper Volley Ball
TurboGrafx-16Super Wagyan Land
Super NintendoSuper Wagyan Land 2
Super NintendoSuper Widget
Super NintendoSuperLite 1500 Series - Maerchen Adventure - Cotton 100%
PlayStationSuperman - The Man of Steel
Master SystemSuperman - The Man of Steel
Game GearSuperstar Ice Hockey
AmigaSuske en Wiske - De Tijdtemmers ~ Bob et Bobette - Les Dompteurs du Temps
Game Boy ColorSutobasu Yarou Show
Super NintendoSven-Goeran Eriksson's World Challenge
PlayStationSWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Super NintendoThe Sword & The Rose
AmigaSword of Sodan
Mega DriveSydMead's TerraForming
TurboGrafx-CDSylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers
Mega DriveSylvester and Tweety
T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
Mega DriveTaekwon-Do
Super NintendoTails Adventure ~ Tails Adventures
Game GearTails no Skypatrol
Game GearTakahashi Meijin no Bōkenjima IV
NintendoTakahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey
NintendoTakeda Shingen
TurboGrafx-16Takeshi no Chōsenjō
NintendoTakin' It to the Hoop
TurboGrafx-16Tales of Destiny
PlayStationTales of Destiny II
PlayStationTamagotchi Town
Super NintendoTarga
Target: Renegade
NintendoTashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai
NintendoTatakae!! Rahmen Man: Sakuretsu Choujin 102 Gei
Tatsunoko Fight
PlayStationTatsunoko Fighter
TurboGrafx-16Taz in Escape from Mars
Game GearTaz in Escape from Mars
Mega DriveTaz in Escape from Mars
Master SystemTeam USA Basketball
Mega DriveTecmo NBA Basketball
NintendoTecmo Super Bowl
NintendoTecmo Super Bowl
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl
PlayStationTecmo Super Bowl
Super NintendoTecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition
Super NintendoTecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
Super NintendoTecmo Super Hockey
Mega DriveTecmo Super NBA Basketball
Mega DriveTecmo Super NBA Basketball
Super NintendoTecmo World Cup '93
Master SystemTecmo World Soccer '96
Neo-GeoTecmo World Wrestling
NintendoTeddy Boy Blues
Mega DriveTeddy Boy Blues
Master SystemTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
ArcadeTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Legend Returns
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
NintendoTekken 3 Special
Tekken Tag Tournament
ArcadeTekkyu Fight! - The Great Battle Gaiden
Game BoyTenchi o Kurau
TurboGrafx-CDTenchi o Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai
PlayStationTengen World Cup Soccer
Game GearTenkaichi Bushi: Keru Nagūru
NintendoTenseiryuu - Saint Dragon
TurboGrafx-16Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou
The Terminator
Super NintendoTerminator 2 - Judgment Day
Master SystemTerminator 2 - Judgment Day
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
Game BoyTerminator 2: Judgment Day
NintendoTerminator 2: Judgment Day
Super NintendoTerminator, The
Master SystemTerminator, The
Mega DriveTerminator, The
Game GearTerry's Big Adventure
AmigaTetsuwan Atom
Super NintendoTex 01: Mefisto
The Adventures of Kid Kleets
Super NintendoThe Age of Heroes: Silkroad 2
ArcadeThe Dynastic Hero
TurboGrafx-CDThe Incredible Hulk
Game GearThe Itchy & Scratchy Game
Game GearThe Kick Boxing
TurboGrafx-CDThe King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match
The Ultimate 11: The SNK Football Championship
Neo-GeoThe Untouchables
Super NintendoThis Is Football
PlayStationThis Is Football 2
PlayStationThomas the Tank Engine
AmigaThomas the Tank Engine & Friends
Mega DriveThomas the Tank Engine 2
AmigaThomas the Tank Engine and Friends
Super NintendoThunder & Lightning
NintendoThunder Force II
Mega DriveThunder Force III
Mega DriveThunder Force IV
Mega DriveThunder Force V - Perfect System
PlayStationThunder Spirits
Super NintendoThunderbirds
Game Boy ColorTiger Woods PGA Tour 2000
Time Diver: Eon Man
Time Killers
Tintin - Destination Adventure
PlayStationTintin - Prisoners of the Sun
Game BoyTintin in Tibet
Mega DriveTintin in Tibet
Super NintendoTintin in Tibet
Game Boy ColorTintin: Prisoners of the Sun
Game Boy ColorTintin: Prisoners of the Sun
Super NintendoTiny Toon Adventures
NintendoTiny Toon Adventures - ACME All-Stars
Mega DriveTiny Toon Adventures - Babs' Big Break
Game BoyTiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure
Mega DriveTiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness
Game BoyTiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland
NintendoTiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose
Super NintendoTiny Toon Adventures: Buster Saves the Day
Game Boy ColorTiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
Super NintendoTitle Match Pro Wrestling
Atari 7800Titus the Fox
Game Boy ColorTodd's Adventures in Slime World
Mega DriveTodd's Adventures in Slime World
LynxTodd's Adventures in Slime World
TurboGrafx-CDToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Mega DriveTokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo
NintendoTokoro-san no Setagaya C.C.
Game Boy ColorTom & Jerry
Game Boy ColorTom & Jerry
Super NintendoTom & Jerry: Hunting High and Low
AmigaTom and Jerry - Frantic Antics
Mega DriveTom and Jerry - The Movie
Game GearTom and Jerry - The Movie
Master SystemTom and Jerry in House Trap
PlayStationTom and Jerry in: Mouse Attacks!
Game Boy ColorTom and Jerry: Frantic Antics!
Game BoyTom Landry Strategy Football
AmigaTom Landry Strategy Football Deluxe Edition
AmigaTom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire
Mega DriveTomb Raider
Game Boy ColorTomb Raider: Curse of the Sword
Game Boy ColorTomba! 2 - The Evil Swine Return
PlayStationTonic Trouble
Game Boy ColorTony & Friends In Kellogg's Land
AmigaTony Hawk's Pro Skater
Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Game Boy ColorToonsylvania
Game Boy ColorTop Fighter 2005
Mega DriveTop Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
Neo-GeoTornado Ground Attack
AmigaTouchdown Football
Atari 7800Touki Denshou - Angel Eyes
PlayStationThe Tower of Druaga
NintendoTower of Druaga, The
TurboGrafx-16Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
NintendoTown & Country Surf Designs: Thrilla's Surfari
NintendoToxic Crusaders
Mega DriveToy Story 2
Game Boy ColorTrack & Field II
NintendoTrained Assassin
Transformers: Convoy no nazo
NintendoTraps 'n' Treasures
AmigaTreasure Island Dizzy
AmigaTreasure Island Dizzy
Commodore 64Treasure Island Dizzy
Treasures of the Savage Frontier
AmigaTricky-Quiky-Games: Die Suche nach den verschollenen Seiten
AmigaTrivial Pursuit - Genus Edition
Master SystemTrivial Pursuit: A New Beginning
AmigaThe Trolls in Crazyland
NintendoTrouble Shooter
Mega DriveTsuppari Oozumou
NintendoTsuppari Oozumou - Risshinshusse Hen
Super NintendoTsuru Pika Hagemaru: Mezase! Tsuru Seko no Akashi
NintendoTubular Worlds [AGA]
AmigaTuff E Nuff
Super NintendoTun Shi Tian Di 3 - San Guo Wai Chuan
Mega DriveTurma da Monica em O Resgate
Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs
Game BoyTurok 2: Seeds of Evil
Game Boy ColorTurok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
Game Boy ColorTurok: Rage Wars
Game Boy ColorTurrican II: The Final Fight
AmigaTurrican II: The Final Fight
CDTVTV Sports Basketball
AmigaTV Sports Basketball
TurboGrafx-16Tweenies: Doodles' Bones
Game Boy ColorTweety's High-Flying Adventure
Game Boy ColorTwin Goddesses
PlayStationTwinWorld - Land of Vision
AmigaTwo Crude Dudes
Mega DriveU.F.O. Kamen Yakisoban - Kettler no Kuroi Inbou
Super NintendoU.N. Squadron
Super NintendoUchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade
Super NintendoUchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade
Game BoyUchuu Senkan Gomora
Mega DriveUfouria: The Saga
NintendoUltima: Runes of Virtue
Game BoyUltimate Fighter
Super NintendoUltimate Fighting Championship
Game Boy ColorUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
ArcadeThe Ultimate Stuntman
NintendoUltimate Surfing
Game Boy ColorUltraman - Fighting Evolution
PlayStationUltraman Chou Toushi Gekiden
Game BoyUltraman Club: Kaijuu Daikessen!!
NintendoUmihara Kawase
Super NintendoUmihara Kawase Shun
PlayStationUmihara Kawase Shun - Second Edition
PlayStationUndercover Cops
Super NintendoDie Unendliche Geschichte II
AmigaUnholy Night - The Darkness Hunter
Super NintendoUniversal Soldier
Mega DriveUniversal Soldier
Universal Soldier
Game BoyThe Untouchables
NintendoThe Unusual Case of Dr. Strange
AmigaL'Uomo Ragno: Il ritorno di Hobgoblin
AmigaL'Uomo Ragno: E ora, Carnage
AmigaL'Uomo Ragno: Destino Incrociato
AmigaUrusei Yatsura: Lum no Wedding Bell
NintendoUshio to Tora
Super NintendoUtsurun Desu.: Kawauso Hawaii e Iku!!!
NintendoValis: The Fantastic Soldier
NintendoVampire - Master of Darkness
Game GearVampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire
ArcadeVampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
Veigues - Tactical Gladiator
TurboGrafx-16Venice Beach Volleyball
NintendoVenom . Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety
Mega DriveVersus Hero - Kakutou Ou e no Michi
Game BoyVice: Project Doom
NintendoVirtua Fighter 2
Mega DriveVirtua Fighter 2 VS Tekken 2
Mega DriveVirtua Fighter Animation
Game GearVirtua Fighter Animation
Master SystemVirtual Bart
Super NintendoVisiteurs, Les
Game Boy ColorVolleyball Simulator
AmigaVoltage Fighter Gowcaizer
Neo-GeoLes Voyageurs Du Temps
AmigaW-Ring - The Double Rings
TurboGrafx-16Wacuś the Detective
AmigaWai Wai World 2: SOS Parsley-jou!
NintendoWakataka Oozumou - Yume no Kyoudai Taiketsu
Super NintendoWally Bear and the No! Gang
NintendoWalt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
Game Boy ColorWani Wani World
Mega DriveWar in Middle Earth
AmigaWario Land II
Game Boy ColorWarpath - Jurassic Park
PlayStationWater Margin: The Tales of Clouds and Winds
Mega DriveWaterworld
Super NintendoThe Way Of The Little Dragon
AmigaWayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars
Mega DriveWayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars
Super NintendoWayne Gretzky Hockey
NintendoWayne Gretzky Hockey
AmigaWayne Gretzky Hockey II
AmigaWayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98
PlayStationWayne's World
Super NintendoWCW Mayhem
Game Boy ColorWe're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story
Game BoyWe're Back: A Dinosaur's Story
Super NintendoWeaponLord
Super NintendoWembley International Soccer
CD32Werewolf: The Last Warrior
NintendoWibble World Giddy: Wibble Mania!
AmigaWild Thornberrys, The: Rambler
Game Boy ColorWild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa
ArcadeWildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams
Super NintendoWile E's Revenge
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
Super NintendoWilliams Arcade's Greatest Hits
Mega DriveThe Wing of Madoola
NintendoThe Wizard of Oz
Super NintendoWizards & Warriors
NintendoWizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear
Game BoyIronSword: Wizards & Warriors II
NintendoWizards & Warriors III: Kuros...Visions of Power
NintendoWolf Fang - Kuuga 2001
PlayStationWolverine - Adamantium Rage
Mega DriveWolverine: Adamantium Rage
Super NintendoWonder Boy III - Monster Lair
TurboGrafx-CDWonder Boy III - Monster Lair
Mega DriveWonder Boy in Monster Land
ArcadeWonder Boy in Monster Land
Master SystemWonder Boy in Monster World
Master SystemWonder Boy in Monster World
Mega DriveWonder Momo
TurboGrafx-16Wonderboy in Monsterland
AmigaWonderland Dizzy
NintendoWoody Woodpecker
Game Boy ColorWorld Beach Volley - 1992 GB Cup
Game BoyWorld Championship Soccer II
Mega DriveWorld Heroes
Super NintendoWorld Heroes 2
TurboGrafx-CDWorld Heroes 2
Super NintendoWorld Heroes 2 Jet
Game BoyWorld Heroes 2 Jet
Neo-GeoWorld League Basketball
PlayStationWorld of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Mega DriveWorld Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3 - Final Ver.
PlayStationWorld Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3 - World Cup France '98
PlayStationWorld Trophy Soccer
Mega DriveWorms Armageddon
PlayStationWorms Armageddon
Game Boy ColorWorms World Party
PlayStationWorms: The Director's Cut
AmigaWrath of Gwendor: Special Edition '97
AmigaWrath of the Black Manta
NintendoWurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth
NintendoWWF Attitude
Game Boy ColorWWF Betrayal
Game Boy ColorWWF European Rampage Tour
AmigaWWF In Your House
PlayStationWWF King of the Ring
Game BoyWWF Superstars 2
Game BoyWWF Wrestlemania - Steel Cage Challenge
Master SystemWWF Wrestlemania - Steel Cage Challenge
Game GearWWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game
PlayStationWWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game
Mega DriveWWF WrestleMania 2000
Game Boy ColorWWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game
Super NintendoX-Kaliber 2097
Super NintendoX-Men - Children of the Atom
PlayStationX-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy
Game GearX-Men - Mojo World
Game GearX-Men - Mojo World
Master SystemX-Men 2 - Clone Wars
Mega DriveX-Men vs. Street Fighter
Super NintendoX-Men vs. Street Fighter
PlayStationX-Men: Mutant Academy
Game Boy ColorX-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Super NintendoX-Men: Mutant Wars
Game Boy ColorX-Men: Wolverine's Rage
Game Boy ColorX2 - No Relief
PlayStationXDR - X-Dazedly-Ray
Mega DriveXR-35 Fighter Mission
AmigaXS Junior League Dodgeball
PlayStationXtreme Wheels
Game Boy ColorYars' Revenge
Game Boy ColorYetisports Deluxe
PlayStationYetisports World Tour
PlayStationYogi Bear - Cartoon Capers
Mega DriveYogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast
Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush
Game BoyYogi's Big Clean Up
AmigaYogi's Great Escape
AmigaYokozuna Monogatari
Super NintendoYoshi's Island
Game Boy AdvanceYoukai Buster - Ruka no Daibouken
Super NintendoYoukai Douchuuki
NintendoYoukai Douchuuki
TurboGrafx-16The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
NintendoYs III - Wanderers from Ys
TurboGrafx-CDYs III: Wanderers from Ys
NintendoYs III: Wanderers from Ys
Super NintendoYu Yu Hakusho - Horobishimono no Gyakushuu
Game GearYu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen
Mega DriveYu Yu Hakusho 2 - Kakutou no Shou
Super NintendoYu Yu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden
Super NintendoYu Yu Hakusho Dai-2-dan - Ankoku Bujutsukai Hen
Game BoyYu Yu Hakusho Dai-3-dan - Makai no Tobira Hen
Yu Yu Hakusho Dai-4-dan - Makai Touitsu Hen
Game BoyYume Penguin Monogatari
NintendoYusha - Heaven's Gate
PlayStationZak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
AmigaZen - Intergalactic Ninja
Game BoyZen-Nihon Pro Wrestling Jet
Game BoyZero the Kamikaze Squirrel
Super NintendoZero the Kamikaze Squirrel
Mega DriveZettai Muteki Raijin-Oh
Game BoyZhen Ben Xi You Ji
NintendoZhuo Gui Da Shi - Ghost Hunter
Mega DriveZidane Football Generation
Game Boy ColorZillion II - The Tri Formation
Master SystemZim Sala Bim
Commodore 64Zoboomafoo: Playtime in Zobooland
Game Boy ColorZool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension
Game BoyZool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension
Game GearZool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension
Mega DriveZool: Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension
Master System