
Superfrog Amiga

External Downloads

IPF, 0035
ADF, cr CSL, t +6 SCX, a official

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FAQ Entries

The third disk of the cracked ADF variants contains the intro and is bootable.

Game Lists

99 game lists have this game (2 public).

LemonAmiga Top Amiga Games (FrodeSolheim)

Official EAB Top 100 Amiga Games 2012 (FrodeSolheim)

front image
Score: 8.4
Publisher:Team 17
Developer:Team 17
Missing short game description
__back image

Superfrog is a traditional jump & run platformer. You’re – surprise – a frog. Your enemies are all animals – like bees, hedgehogs or snails. You have no weapons. The only way to kill the enemies is to jump on them. Every stage has a time limit. In this limit you have to collect a pre-determined number of coins. Each of the six worlds has four stages. Every stage has a password. After all you can type your name into a high score table.