
Parachute Joust Amiga

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Score: 7.4
Publisher:17-Bit Software
Players:1 - 2 (2 simultaneous)
Missing short game description

Your fist choice is whether or not you want to play the game with either one or two players. Once you get into the game proper you find yourself onboard a small passenger jet flying at 16,000 feet.

The game begins once the door gets ripped away and you find yourself and another chap hurtling towards the ground with only one parachute! The idea is to ram your opponent to snatch back the parachute. Control is quite easy and you don't even need to use the joystick fire buttons. You simply point in the direction of your opponent and slam him to grab the parachute.

The graphics are simple but effective. It's bright and colourful though which makes up for the simple graphics. The sound is just as sparse with the only real effects being the collision with your opponent and the wind howling away in the background.

Soon enough however this game quickly becomes boring in one player mode and that's when you begin to experiment with the superb two player mode. This game is wonderful as a two player game but doesn't really excite in the one player mode.

But why on earth they made the game quit after one go is beyond me.