
Strider II Amiga

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Score: N/A
Publisher:U.S. Gold / Capcom
Missing short game description
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The warrior returns with a vengeance in his ultimate fight for freedom.  A flash of steel, a blast from his devastating Gyro laser gun -  Strider's back in action, pulverising the enemy and striving for  justice. This time, there will be


Strider II (released in North America under the title of Journey  from Darkness: Strider Returns), is a side-scrolling platform game  published by U.S. Gold (under license from Capcom USA) and originally  released for various computer platforms in 1990. It is a  European-developed sequel to Capcom's arcade game Strider, which  U.S. Gold previously ported to home computers in Europe. The game  was developed by Tiertex, as with Human Killing Machine, the U.S. Gold   sequel to Street Fighter.

Strider II was released for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST,  Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. Strider II was later  remade for the Mega Drive and Master System in 1992.

In the computer versions of Strider II the objective of the game is to  rescue the Princess of Planet Magenta from a terrorist group that are  keeping her captive. The controls in the computer version are similar  to U.S. Gold's home computer ports of the original Strider, although  the character cannot slide nor climb ceilings like in the original  game. However, he can still climb walls, as well as ropes. In addition  to his cypher, he can also use a rifle whenever he is still standing  still. If the player has collected enough energy icons throughout each  stage, they transform into a wheeled robot when confronting the boss  at the end of each stage. As a robot, the Strider can shoot lasers,  but cannot jump nor crouch. His robot form has a separate energy gauge  from his regular energy gauge as a human. When his robot gauge runs  out, he will transform back to a human. The game consists of five  stages.
