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A Bug's Life is a bootleg Mega Drive port of the game with the same name for the SNES.
The controls are different, with A being the jump, B being the run and both X and Y letting you throw berries. Flik controls notably choppier than the Mega Drive version. While running, Flik has to accelerate to max speed while in the Mega Drive version, he runs at max speed immediately. He also tosses the berries slightly higher in the SNES version which makes it harder to hit certain enemies. In Hang By a Thread, you can move faster with Dim by holding A, which wasn't present in the original game.
The levels remain the same from the Mega Drive version. The only notable difference is that in the final level, Hopper flies in different patterns and his final appearance in the level has him chase you around.
The graphics remain the same, with some touch-ups on certain sprites. (This does lead to a weird error where the berry has a different style between when Flik is in the middle of throwing it and it's flying out) The sound engine was ripped from Bonkers like several other SNES ports done by the same developers. The backgrounds don't scroll at all here as well. The SNES version does add a cutscene from the original GBC version for the final SNES version's level where Hopper discovers the bird is fake. The intro is also different, mainly just consisting of Flik flying on a dandelion seed repeatedly.