FS-UAE Launcher and Unpublished Games

The latest development versions of FS-UAE Launcher (2.9.1dev+) can now show and play “unpublished” game entries from the online game database. There is a GUI setting for this in FS-UAE Launcher Settings: Game Database. This allows you to test and submit fixes to games before they are marked as publish = 1 (= available for the general public). Think of unpublished game entries as being in “beta”.

There is a relatively new key called disable which can be used to prevent games and/or variants to be seen by external clients such as FS-UAE Launcher at all. Entries with disable = 1 will be completely hidden in FS-UAE Launcher. So to summarize, game and variant entries can be in one of the following three states:

  • publish = 1 – The game is visible for all users (if they have the game)
  • publish = 0 – The game is only visible for users having explicitly enabled the “show unpublished games” option.
  • disable = 1 – The game is completely hidden in external clients.