OAGD.net is now known as OpenRetro.org

The name change is done for two reasons: The old name (at least the acronym) was a bit obscure, and the new name is catchier. But the main reason is the database contains information about games from other platforms than Amiga. So the old name wasn’t really fitting any more. The openretro.org site has been up for a good while now, and starting today, all oagd.net links are automatically redirected to openretro.org.

FS-UAE Launcher and Unpublished Games

The latest development versions of FS-UAE Launcher (2.9.1dev+) can now show and play “unpublished” game entries from the online game database. There is a GUI setting for this in FS-UAE Launcher Settings: Game Database. This allows you to test and submit fixes to games before they are marked as publish = 1 (= available for the general public). Think of unpublished game entries as being in “beta”.

There is a relatively new key called disable which can be used to prevent games and/or variants to be seen by external clients such as FS-UAE Launcher at all. Entries with disable = 1 will be completely hidden in FS-UAE Launcher. So to summarize, game and variant entries can be in one of the following three states:

  • publish = 1 – The game is visible for all users (if they have the game)
  • publish = 0 – The game is only visible for users having explicitly enabled the “show unpublished games” option.
  • disable = 1 – The game is completely hidden in external clients.