If you have a general comment about the features of the online database, or a suggestion, please provide your feedback here.
If you would like to see some more games added to the database, please add a comment on the wishlist page.
IRC Discussion
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Hello, love this software but I hit a problem today and it will no longer list games. Error message on Updating Database –
DatabaseRefreshTask failed with exception ‘could not find parent f6b71820-54fc-5946-ad32-429bc269b4f9’. See log file for details
Any ideas? Many thanks
This should be fixed a few days ago 🙂
Hi Frode, I have been hunting around for this link for days, forgot to bookmark it! So that I could return and thank you for resolving the issue. It is running very smoothly again and I am slowly learning the various options. This is without doubt the best software I have ever encountered in retro gaming, and I admire your talent and dedication in creating and maintaining it, it is bringing so much joy to an old Commodore veteran like myself. Congratulations on your wonderful achievement sir, and a million thanks for allowing people like me to relive all those priceless micro memories! Best wishes to you. Jon (Swansea, Wales, UK)
at first many thanks for the new version 2.6.0beta1. I like it.
Short information: The function
...\fs-uae-launcher.exe --fs-uae-arcade
for the Arcade-Screen didn’t work nomore.Many Greetings from Hannover / Germany.
Hi, FS-UAE Arcade works here. Can you give more details about exactly what does not work, and how you try to start it. You can also send fs-uae-arcade.log.txt to frode@fs-uae.net. Thanks.
Hallo, my FS-UAE-Installation runs on a HP-Laptop with Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1 and 4GB Ram. The Upgrade to Win 10 is downloaded, but not active and not installed.
I started Arcade over the Desktop-Icon with “C:\Users\Master\AppData\Local\fs-uae\fs-uae-launcher.exe –fs-uae-arcade”. Under FS-UAE 2.4.1 Arcade works fine and shows me all the wonderfull memories of my youth. ;-).
After the update FS-UAE to 2.6.0 Beta 1 I copied two Icons to the desktop. One for the Launcher and one for the Arcade. (The Installation-Procedure of FS-UAE 2.6.0 Beta 1 did it not automatically.) The Launcher starts problemless, but clicking the Arcade-Icon shows a black screen and nothing happens. After ctrl-Alt-Del comes a screen, where I try to start the Taskmanager. All on this screen is extremly slow. After clicking the Taskmanager, the Screen turns to black again and again nothing happens. I must turn of the Laptop.
Please, I love my FS-UAE. Please save it. 😀
And please pardon by bad english language, I’m writing from Germany.
Thank you very much.
With best regards from Hannover
Hi, can you tell me what graphics card you have?
Hello, I just want to help. The same problem occurred on my computer (black screen only for the Arcade mode) only with 2.6.0beta1 and 2.6.0beta2 versions.
Version 2.4.3 works fine. My graphic card is a “ATI Mobility Radeon HD”. I hope this information will help.
Again thank you for this wonderful program !
Hi, just to make sure it is the same problem, do mean that:
(a) FS-UAE starts with a black screen when you try to run a game from FS-UAE Arcade, or
(b) FS-UAE Arcade itself starts with a black screen (and you cannot start any game)?
Hallo, in the Meantime I have upgraded my Laptop to Windows 10 Pro. The graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450 with the newest driver v8.970.100.9001 from 13.01.2015.
FS-UAE 2.6.0beta1 was updatet to version 2.6.0beta2.
But the Problem didn’t change.
Hi, the problem is done. It seems to me, that the ATI Graphicchip in my old HP-Notebook is not compatible with FS-UAE Upgrade to 2.6.0beta1 or beta2. So I sold the HP and bought an ASUS-Notebook with an nVidia Graphic-Chip. Now the FS-UAE Arcade runs. Everything is ok.
Thank you very much.
Hi, glad it works for you now 🙂 -It is possible there still is a bug affecting other ATI users, so I have registered an issue here: https://github.com/FrodeSolheim/fs-uae-arcade/issues/7. If anyone is reading this and having the same problem, please add information about your hardware/drivers to this issue.
Is there any plan to develop a public web API for OAGD ?
Thank you
Hi, it depends what you mean. There certainly is a half-public API used by the launcher itself. Do have any use-case for an API? Please tell more…
Hi, Thanks for a fantastic program. I have a problem getting my ripped cd32(Bin/cue and Wav) games to work with FS-UAE Arcade. They work and play fine if I add them manually in the launcher, but the scanner will not add them to my collection. Am I doing something wrong? I use the latest stable version downloaded today 9/4.
Thanks again for your work on this software!
Hi, unfortunately for your case, FS-UAE Arcade will currently only recognize games by exact checksum. This means that ripped CD images (other than plain .iso file systems) will not be recognized unless performed exactly like the ones recognized in the database (such as TOSEC CD images, discs ripped according to their guidelines).
So you’re not doing anything wrong, it’s just not possible to add “your own” game mediums to Arcade interface yet.
Small XSS: http://oagd.net/user/register?email-sent-to=%3Ci%3Edupa.8%3C/i%3E
Hi, the bug has been fixed, Apologies for the appalling response time, and thank you for reporting it!
Heya. Wolfchild adf’s are not available from the link.
Link has been removed!
the link is broken for download aliensymdrone please repair it thanks bye
Hi, I had to remove the download link, as the download location is no longer available 🙁
Hello I have a problem downloading pinball fantasies the link is broken saids the domain is up for sale please help as love this game I have the game but no Amiga to play it on
Unfortunately, back2roots.org haven’t been fixed by now, so I have removed the download links.
Firstly, I am new to FS-UAE, but have have had great experience of Gamebase AMiga, so having looked at the two, I jumped ship to this product. It looks and behaves fantastically. I do have some questions however.
I have a couple of discs already downloaded and working in Gamebase, but when I can using FS-UAE the game does not appear.
Is there a way of confirming if I need a specific checksum against the floppy image before they appear?
If so I suspect I have many other discs that I already have that should be appearing.
Incindentally (the game is Blood Money by Psygnosis, it does appera in the online database, but when I refresh the FS-UAE launcgher, it does not appear in the list of ‘known’ games.
Any help appreciated in getting my collection to appear, if it is known to the database.
I believe most, if not all, GameBase Amiga games are in openretro.org by now, please let me know if you miss any 🙂
The back2roots domain (as seen on http://oagd.net/amiga/lotus-iii-the-ultimate-challenge ) seems to have expired.
Hi, in the end I had to remove the download links, because the site never came back up 🙁