S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team
NintendoSalamander Deluxe Pack Plus
PlayStationSAS Combat Simulator
AmigaSatellite 7
Master SystemScramble Spirits
Master SystemSD Gundam - Over Galaxian
PlayStationSD Kidou Senshi Gundam - V Sakusen Shidou
Super NintendoSD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2
Super NintendoSD The Great Battle - Aratanaru Chousen
Super NintendoSeirei Senshi Spriggan
TurboGrafx-CDSexy Parodius
PlayStationSgt. Rock: On the Frontline
Game Boy ColorShadow Gunner - The Robot Wars
PlayStationShadow Master
PlayStationShin Senki Van-Gale - The War of Neo-Century
PlayStationShippuu! Iron Leaguer
Game BoyShipwreckers!
PlayStationShock Troopers: 2nd Squad
Neo-GeoShockwave Assault
PlayStationSide Arms: Hyper Dyne
AmigaSidewinder 2 - Let's Dance in the Sky
PlayStationSilent Bomber
PlayStationSilent Debuggers
TurboGrafx-16Silhouette Mirage
PlayStationSimple 1500 Series Vol. 24 - The Gun Shooting
PlayStationSimple 1500 Series Vol. 73 - The Invaders - Space Invaders 1500
PlayStationSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 08 - Kagaku Ninja-tai Gatchaman - The Shooting
PlayStationSimpsons, The: Bart & the Beanstalk
Game BoySky Fighter
Master SystemSkyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict
AmigaSly Spy: Secret Agent
AmigaSmall Soldiers
PlayStationSnobow Kids Plus
PlayStationSolar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship
NintendoSoldier Blade
TurboGrafx-16Soldier Girl Amazon
ArcadeSoldier Of Light (Xain'd Sleena)
AmigaSomer Assault
TurboGrafx-16Sonic Wings Special
PlayStationSorceror's Apprentice
AmigaSoukou Kihei Votoms - The Battling Road
Super NintendoSoukyugurentai - Terra Diver
ArcadeSoukyuu Gurentai - Oubushutsugeki
PlayStationSoviet Strike
PlayStationSpace Adventure Cobra - The Shooting
PlayStationSpace Griffon VF-9
PlayStationSpace Harrier
Master SystemSpace Harrier
TurboGrafx-16Space Harrier 3D
Master SystemSpace Harrier II
Mega DriveSpace Harrier: Return to the Fantasy Zone
AmigaSpace Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels
PlayStationSpace Invaders
Super NintendoSpace Invaders
Game Boy ColorSpace Invaders
PlayStationSpace Invaders '91
Mega DriveSpace Invaders - Fukkatsu no Hi
TurboGrafx-16Space Invaders - The Original Game
TurboGrafx-CDSpace Invaders 2000
PlayStationSpace Marauder
Game Boy ColorSpec Ops - Airborne Commando
PlayStationSpec Ops - Covert Assault
PlayStationSpec Ops - Ranger Elite
PlayStationSpec Ops - Stealth Patrol
PlayStationSpellbound [Lander]
AmigaSpriggan Mark 2 - Re Terraform Project
TurboGrafx-CDSpriggan Powered
Super NintendoThe Spy Who Loved Me
AmigaStahlfeder - Tekkou Hikuudan
PlayStationStar Fox 2
Super NintendoStar Fox: Super Weekend
Super NintendoStar Parodier
TurboGrafx-CDStar Trek - Invasion
PlayStationStar Trek - The Next Generation - The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial
Game GearStar Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus
Game BoyStar Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus
Game GearStar Trek: 25th Anniversary
NintendoStar Trek: 25th Anniversary
Game BoyStar Trek: The Next Generation
NintendoStar Trek: The Next Generation
Game BoyStar Wars - Dark Forces
PlayStationStar Wars - Demolition
PlayStationStar Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire
PlayStationStar Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures
Game Boy ColorStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
AmigaStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
AmigaStarblade Alpha
PlayStationStarfighter Sanvein
PlayStationStarwinder - The Ultimate Space Race
TurboGrafx-CDSteel Harbinger
PlayStationSteel Talons
Super NintendoStreet Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
NintendoStrike Force Hydra
PlayStationStrike Gunner S.T.G
Super NintendoStrikers 1945
PlayStationStrikers 1945 II
PlayStationStrikers 1945 Plus
Neo-GeoSubmarine Attack
Master SystemSubmarine Commander
PlayStationSummer Carnival '92: Recca
NintendoSunset Riders
Super NintendoSuper Air Diver 2
Super NintendoSuper Air Zonk - Rockabilly-Paradise
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Aleste
Super NintendoSuper Asteroids, Missile Command
LynxSuper Darius
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Darius II
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Dropzone - Intergalactic Rescue Mission
PlayStationSuper Fantasy Zone
Mega DriveSuper Huey UH-IX
Atari 7800Super Metroid
Super NintendoSuper Noah's Ark 3D
Super NintendoSuper Pang
Super NintendoSuper R-Type
Super NintendoSuper Raiden
TurboGrafx-CDSuper Robot Shooting
PlayStationSuper Scope 6
Super NintendoSuper Smash T.V.
Super NintendoSuper Smash T.V.
Master SystemSuper Smash T.V.
Game GearSuper Smash TV
Mega DriveSuper Space Invaders
AmigaSuper Space Invaders
Master SystemSuper Space Invaders
Game GearSuper Spy Hunter
NintendoSuper Star Force
NintendoSuper Star Soldier
TurboGrafx-16Super Tank War
Mega DriveSuper Thunder Blade
Mega DriveSuper Turrican
Super NintendoSuper Turrican 2
Super NintendoSuper Valis IV
Super NintendoSuper Xevious: GAMP no Nazou
NintendoSuperLite 1500 Series - Maerchen Adventure - Cotton 100%
PlayStationSuperman: The Man Of Steel
AmigaSydMead's TerraForming
TurboGrafx-CDSyndicate Wars
PlayStationSyphon Filter
PlayStationSyphon Filter 2
PlayStationSyphon Filter 3