
Super Stardust Amiga

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LemonAmiga Top Amiga Games (FrodeSolheim)

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Score: 8.4
Publisher:Team 17
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Super Stardust is an Asteroids clone in which you control your Panther PX-2 ship through successive waves of asteroids and other enemies, which are drawn using ray-tracing techniques. The game is polished version of its predecessor - Stardust. Its general gameplay and general ideas remained basically the same but there are some further modifications that made the game a little bit more difficult.

As before there are 30 standard levels split into 5 worlds. Levels can be completed in any order however, you must fight an end-of-level guardian once you have finished the sixth level of a world. At each level, there are standard disintegrating rocks to destroy. Their colour defines their endurance: greys are the easiest to be destroyed while yellows are the hardest. In most of the levels, there are also other enemy ships but there are also some alliance forces providing us with new types of weapons or missiles. In comparison to "Stardust", the occurrence of smaller level bosses is a bit different - the tougher ones appear sooner and the placement of the levels within the worlds was also slightly changed.

Worlds are linked by 4 tunnel levels, which involve shooting or avoiding everything that comes your way. The important change is the introduction of tunnel guardians which has to be defeated in order to complete the section. There are also power-ups during your flight across the tunnel. Two Special Missions made in a "Thrust"-style bonus levels were made a little bit easier mostly due to getting rid of the fuel element and bearing in mind that the game is more difficult, finding the extra lives really serves its purpose.