American Battle Dome
Super NintendoAnstoss - World Cup Edition
AmigaAnstoss - World Cup Edition [AGA]
Archer MacLean's Pool
AmigaRyuuko no Ken 2
Super NintendoBakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-Daman
Super NintendoBakutou Dochers: Bumps-jima wa Oosawagi
Super NintendoBarbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
AmigaBarbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax
AmigaBattle Chess II: Chinese Chess
AmigaBattle Fleet
Game Boy ColorBattleship - The Classic Naval Combat Game
Game GearBody Blows Galactic
AmigaBody Blows Galactic [AGA]
AmigaBomberman '93
TurboGrafx-16Bomberman '94
TurboGrafx-16Bomberman - Party Edition
PlayStationBrutal - Paws of Fury
Mega DriveBrutal: Paws Of Fury
AmigaBudokan - The Martial Spirit
Mega DriveBudokan: The Martial Spirit
AmigaBust-A-Move '99
PlayStationBust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition
PlayStationBust-A-Move 4
PlayStationChambers of Shaolin
AmigaDangerous Streets [AGA]
AmigaDowntown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai
NintendoExtreme Pinball
PlayStationFightin' Spirit [AGA]
AmigaFirst Person Pinball
AmigaFleet Commander
Formula One Grand Prix
AmigaHeisei Inu Monogatari Bow - Pop'n Smash!!
Super NintendoHuman Killing Machine
AmigaInternational Karate +
CD32International Karate +
AmigaInternational Karate +
PlayStationIronman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road
ArcadeIvan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road
AmigaIvan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
NintendoIvan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
The Karate Kid Part II
AmigaKarate Master
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
Master SystemDISABLED
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
AmigaLotus Turbo Challenge
Mega DriveLotus Turbo Challenge 2
AmigaLotus III: The Ultimate Challenge
AmigaMarble Madness
Mega DriveMaster Axe: The Genesis of MysterX
Matsumura Kunihiro Den - Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero!
Super NintendoMega Bomberman
Mega DriveMicro Machines
Super NintendoMicro Machines
Master SystemMicro Machines
Mega DriveMicro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo
Game Boy ColorMoonstone: A Hard Days Knight
AmigaMortal Kombat
Super NintendoMortal Kombat
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Master SystemMortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveMortal Kombat 3
Mortal Kombat 3
PlayStationMortal Kombat 3
Game GearUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 4
PlayStationMortal Kombat II
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
Mega DriveMortal Kombat II
Game BoyMortal Kombat II
PlayStationMortal Kombat II
Game GearMotoroader MC
TurboGrafx-CDNekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
NintendoNew Yatterman - Nandai Kandai Yajirobee
Super NintendoOh No! More Lemmings
AmigaPinball Dreams
Super NintendoPinball Dreams Deluxe
DOSPinball Fantasies
Super NintendoPinball Fantasies
Pinball Fantasies Deluxe
DOSPinball Fantasies Deluxe
PlayStationPinball Fantasies [AGA]
AmigaPinball Mania
Pinball Prelude [AGA]
AmigaPocket Bomberman
Game BoyPopeye 3 - WrestleCrazy
Power Pinball
Primal Rage
Super NintendoPuzzle Bobble: Bust-A-Move
Super NintendoPuzzle De Pon! R!
Neo-GeoRally Cross Challenge
AmigaRallye Master
Rise of the Robots
Super NintendoRise of the Robots
Mega DriveRise of the Robots [AGA]
AmigaSamurai Shodown
Super NintendoSangokushi 3
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Mega DriveSonic the Hedgehog 2
Master SystemSonic the Hedgehog 3
Mega DriveSoreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro - Kieta Goemon no Nazo!!
Super NintendoSpeedball 2
Master SystemSpeedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe
Game BoySpeedball 2100
PlayStationSpeedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
AmigaSpeedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
CD32Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
Mega DriveSpy vs Spy
Game Boy ColorSpy vs Spy - Operation Boobytrap
Game BoySpy vs. Spy 2 - The Island Caper
AmigaSpy vs. Spy 3 - Arctic Antics
AmigaNangoku Shirei!! - Spy vs Spy
NintendoStreet Fighter - The Movie
PlayStationStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
AmigaStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 2
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 3
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 2
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 3
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX2
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
ArcadeStreet Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II
Super NintendoStreet Fighter III: New Generation
ArcadeStreet Master
Street Racer
Super NintendoStreet Racer [AmigaCD]
Stunt Car Racer - The New Tracks
AmigaSugoi Hebereke
Super NintendoSuper Bomberman
Super NintendoSuper Bomberman 2
Super NintendoSuper Bomberman 3
Super NintendoSuper Bomberman 4
Super NintendoSuper Bomberman 5
Super NintendoSuper Off Road
Super NintendoSuper Off Road
Master SystemSuper Off Road
Mega DriveSuper Skidmarks
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
CD32Super Street Fighter II Turbo
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers [AGA]
AmigaSuper TaeKwonDo Master
Thomas The Tank Engine's Pinball
CD32Tron 5000
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
ArcadeUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveWar on Wheels
Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman!
Game BoyThe Way Of The Little Dragon
AmigaWedding Peach
Super Nintendo