688 Attack Sub
Mega DriveAa Yakyuu Jinsei Icchokusen
NintendoADS: Advanced Destroyer Simulator
AmigaAerobiz Supersonic
Super NintendoAerobiz Supersonic
Mega DriveAlex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001
PlayStationAlex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002
PlayStationAlex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002 ~ Total Soccer Manager
Game Boy AdvanceAnpfiff - Der RTL Fussball-Manager
Game Boy ColorArnhem: The 'Market Garden' Operation
AmigaAtlas, The - Renaissance Voyager
Super NintendoAtlas, The - Renaissance Voyager
TurboGrafx-CDAV8B Harrier Assault
AmigaBakushou! Star Monomane Shitennou
NintendoBarbie Super Model
Super NintendoBarbie Super Model
Mega DriveBass Masters Classic
Mega DriveBASS Masters Classic
Super NintendoBass Masters Classic - Pro Edition
Mega DriveBASS Masters Classic: Pro Edition
Super NintendoBassin's Black Bass
Super NintendoBattle Submarine
Super NintendoBig Bass Fishing
PlayStationBig Bass World Championship
PlayStationBig Ol' Bass 2
PlayStationThe Black Bass [Hot B]
NintendoBlack Bass with Blue Marlin
PlayStationBlue Angels: Formation Flight Simulation
AmigaBlue Max: Aces of the Great War
AmigaBundesliga 2000 - Der Fussball-Manager
PlayStationBundesliga Manager Hattrick
AmigaBundesliga Manager Hattrick [AGA]
AmigaBundesliga Manager professional
AmigaCaptain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker
NintendoCarrier Aces
Super NintendoChuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 2.0
AmigaConflict: The Middle East Simulation
Game Boy AdvanceCreatures - Raised in Space
PlayStationDangerous Streets & Wing Commander
CD32Dekitate High School
Super NintendoDestination Earthstar
NintendoDirt Jockey - Heavy Equipment Operator
PlayStationDogz: Fashion
Game Boy AdvanceDoukyuusei 2
Super NintendoEagle One - Harrier Attack
PlayStationEikan wa Kimi ni - Koukou Yakyuu Zenkoku Taikai
TurboGrafx-CDF-117 Night Storm
Mega DriveF-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0
AmigaF-117A Stealth Fighter
NintendoF-15 Strike Eagle
NintendoF-15 Strike Eagle
Game BoyF-15 Strike Eagle
Game GearF-15 Strike Eagle II
AmigaF-15 Strike Eagle II
Mega DriveF-16 Fighting Falcon
Master SystemF-18 Thunder Strike
Game Boy ColorF-19 Stealth Fighter
AmigaF-22 Interceptor - Advanced Tactical Fighter
Mega DriveThe F.A. Premier League Football Manager 2000
PlayStationThe F.A. Premier League Football Manager 2001
PlayStationF1 Team Simulation - Project F
TurboGrafx-CDFamicom Top Management
NintendoFlight of the Intruder
AmigaFlight Simulator II
AmigaFrom TV Animation Slam Dunk: Shikyou Gekitotsu!!
Super NintendoFrom TV Animation Slam Dunk: Dream Team - Shuueisha Limited
Super NintendoFussball Manager 2001
PlayStationGarry Kitchen's Super Battletank - War in the Gulf
Mega DriveGrande Fratello - Il Gioco
PlayStationGuy Roux Football Manager Saison 97-98
PlayStationHalley Project, The: A Mission In Our Solar System
AmigaHanse: Die Expedition
AmigaHanse: Die Expedition [AGA]
AmigaHarpoon & Battleset 1: Greenland Iceland UK Gap (GIUK)
AmigaHarpoon Battleset 2: North Atlantic Convoys (NACV)
AmigaHarpoon Battleset 3: The Mediterranean Conflict (MEDC)
AmigaHarpoon Battleset 4: The Indian Ocean / Persia Gulf (IOPG)
AmigaHarrier Combat Simulator
AmigaHarvest Moon
Super NintendoHarvest Moon - Back to Nature
PlayStationHarvest Moon 2 GBC
Game Boy ColorHarvest Moon 3 GBC
Game Boy ColorHarvest Moon GB
Game Boy ColorHarvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Game Boy AdvanceHarvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Game Boy AdvanceHataraku Shoujo - Tekipaki Working Love
TurboGrafx-CDHoukago in Beppin Jogakuin
Super NintendoThe Hunt for Red October [Oxford Digital]
AmigaJimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A.
Super NintendoKing Salmon - The Big Catch
Mega DriveLeading Company
Super NintendoLMA Manager 2001
PlayStationLMA Manager 2002
PlayStationLNF Stars 2001
PlayStationM-1 Abrams Battle Tank
Mega DriveManager de Liga
PlayStationManager de Liga 2001
PlayStationMark Davis' The Fishing Master
Super NintendoMetal Angel
TurboGrafx-CDMetal Angel 2
TurboGrafx-CDMetal Marines
Super NintendoMig-29 Fighter Pilot
Mega DriveMiG-29M Super Fulcrum
AmigaMizushima Shinji no Dai Koushien
NintendoMonster Rancher
PlayStationMonster Rancher 2
PlayStationMonster Rancher Battle Card - Episode II
PlayStationNew Horizons
Super NintendoNippon Ichi no Meikantoku
NintendoOne Piece Mansion
PlayStationOnside Complete Soccer
PlayStationPalladion - Auto Crusher Palladium
TurboGrafx-CDPastel Lime
TurboGrafx-CDPaws & Claws: Best Friends - Dogs & Cats
Game Boy AdvancePilotwings
Super NintendoPlayer Manager
PlayStationPlayer Manager 2000
PlayStationPlayer Manager 2001
Game Boy ColorPlayer Manager Ninety Nine
PlayStationPopstar Maker
PlayStationPremier Manager 2000
PlayStationPremier Manager 98
PlayStationPremier Manager Ninety Nine
PlayStationPrincess Maker - Legend of Another World
Super NintendoR-C Stunt Copter
PlayStationRailroad Tycoon II
PlayStationRC Helicopter
PlayStationRes Arcana - Diana Ray - Uranai no Meikyuu
Super NintendoRescue Copter
PlayStationRing ni Kakero
Super NintendoRoger Lemerre - La Selection des Champions
PlayStationRoger Lemerre - La Selection des Champions 2002
PlayStationShinsetsu Shiawase Usagi 2 - Kairaku e no Invitation
TurboGrafx-CDShiroi Ring e - Twinkle Little Star
Super NintendoShuttle: The Space Flight Simulator
AmigaSide Pocket
Super NintendoSimCity 2000
Super NintendoSimCity Jr.
Super NintendoSimEarth - The Living Planet
TurboGrafx-CDSM Choukyoushi Hitomi Vol. 3
Super NintendoSoccer Manager
Game Boy ColorSotsugyou - Graduation
TurboGrafx-CDSotsugyou II - Neo Generation
TurboGrafx-CDSpace Shuttle Project
NintendoStar Fox 2
Super NintendoStar Trek: Starfleet Academy
Super NintendoSteel Talons
Super NintendoStrike Force Harrier
AmigaSub Battle Simulator
AmigaSubmarine Commander
PlayStationSuper Battletank
Super NintendoSuper Battletank
Game BoySuper Battletank
Game GearSuper Battletank 2
Super NintendoSuper Black Bass
Super NintendoSuper Huey UH-IX
Atari 7800Super Kyoutei
Super NintendoSuper Kyoutei 2
Super NintendoSuper Oozumou - Nessen Ooichiban
Super NintendoSuper Strike Eagle
Super NintendoSuper Wrestle Angels
Super NintendoTactical Soccer
Super NintendoTail of the Sun
PlayStationTake Yutaka GI Memory
Super NintendoTanjou - Debut
TurboGrafx-CDTheir Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
AmigaTheme Hospital
PlayStationTokimeki Memorial
TurboGrafx-CDTomcat: The F-14 Fighter Simulator
Atari 7800Top Management II
Super NintendoTransport Tycoon
PlayStationTurn and Burn: No-Fly Zone
Super NintendoUchūsen: Cosmo Carrier
NintendoUncharted Waters
Super NintendoUncharted Waters
NintendoUncharted Waters
Mega DriveUtopia: The Creation of a Nation
Super NintendoVirgin Dream
TurboGrafx-CDWing Commander
Super NintendoWing Commander III - Heart of the Tiger
PlayStationWing Commander IV - The Price of Freedom
PlayStationWing Commander: The Secret Missions
Super NintendoWings 2: Aces High
Super NintendoWrestle Angels - Double Impact
TurboGrafx-CDYaWaRa! 2 - A Fashionable Judo Girl!
TurboGrafx-CDYoshi no Cookie - Kuruppon Oven de Cookie
Super Nintendo