Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance
NintendoAll-Pro Basketball
NintendoBack to the Future
NintendoBad News Baseball
NintendoBandai Golf - Challenge Pebble Beach
NintendoBaseball Fighter
NintendoBaseball Simulator 1.000
NintendoBaseball Stars II
NintendoBases Loaded II - Second Season
NintendoBattle Stadium - Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu
NintendoBo Jackson Baseball
NintendoCity Adventure Touch - Mystery of Triangle
NintendoCyber Stadium Series - Base Wars
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Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin
NintendoDragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu
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Home Run Night '90: The Pennant League
NintendoHome Run Nighter: Pennant League!!
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NintendoJ.League Winning Goal
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NintendoMezase! Top Pro - Green ni Kakeru Yume
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NintendoPerman Part 2: Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose!
NintendoPro Sport Hockey
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NintendoR.B.I. Baseball 3
NintendoRackets & Rivals
NintendoRad Racket - Deluxe Tennis II
NintendoRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
NintendoRollerblade Racer
NintendoRoundball: 2-On-2 Challenge
NintendoSanrio Cup: Pom Pom Volley
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Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II
NintendoSuper Real Baseball '88
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NintendoTop Players' Tennis
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NintendoUltimate League Soccer
NintendoThe Uncanny X-MEN
NintendoWCW: World Championship Wrestling
NintendoWWF King of the Ring
NintendoWWF Wrestlemania
NintendoWWF Wrestlemania Challenge
NintendoWWF Wrestlemania: Steel Cage Challenge