Tag Team Wrestling, known as Big Pro Wresling in Japan, is a wrestling game from Technos Japan and Data East. It originally appeared in arcades in 1983 and was later ported to the NES in 1986.
Tag Team Wrestling was originally developed by Technos and released to the Arcade in late 1983. It was followed by home versions for the PC in 1985 and a C64/Apple II version in 1987. The NES version maintains the same gameplay as the Arcade original, but expands to fill a full TV screen, as opposed to the vertically oriented monitor used for the Arcade version, though with downgraded graphics overall.
The opposing tag team was referred to as either Strong & Bad or Strong Bads, depending on the version. This name would later find a resurrection with the Chapman Brothers, creators of the web comedy series Homestar Runner and, more specifically, the character known as Strong Bad. In a twisted turn of freakish events, Strong Bad and the cast of Homestar Runner began appearing in video games in August of 2008 in an episodic adventure series from Telltale Games known as Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.