
World Champ Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Languages:English, Japanese
Developer:Pixel / Visco
Players:1 - 2 (2 simultaneous)

World Champ is a boxing game developed by Visco featuring three modes of play and four weight classes.

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World Champ is a boxing game that has many similarities to Data East's Ring King. You can play a one player "Ranking" mode, where you can build your boxer's stats up while climbing the ladder to eventually challenge for a championship in one of the four weight classes. There is also a two player vs. mode where you and a friend can square off. A tournament mode allows up to 8 players participate in a bracketed tournament.

Gameplay consists of each boxer moving around the ring trying to land jabs, hooks, and uppercuts. The goal is to either knock your opponent out for a 10-count or have the most points on the scorecard at the end of the allotted amount of rounds.