G-Sonic ~ Sonic Blast
Game GearG.I. Joe - A Real American Hero
NintendoG.I. Joe - The Atlantis Factor
NintendoGadget - Lost in Time
AmigaGaegujangi Ggachi
Master SystemGaiaSeed - Project Seed Trap
PlayStationGalaxy Deka Gayvan
TurboGrafx-CDGalaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Neo-GeoThe Game of Harmony
AmigaGame of Harmony, The
Game BoyGanbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu
NintendoGanbare Goemon 2
NintendoGanbare Goemon 2 - Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon 3 - Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake
Super NintendoGanbare Goemon: Seikuushi Dynamites Arawaru!!
Game Boy ColorGanbare! Daiku no Gen-san
Super NintendoGanso Saiyuuki - Super Monkey Daibouken
NintendoA Week of Garfield
NintendoGarfield - Caught in the Act
Mega DriveGarfield - Caught in the Act
Game GearGarfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
AmigaGargoyle's Quest
Game BoyGargoyle's Quest II
NintendoGarou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
TurboGrafx-CDGarou Densetsu Special
TurboGrafx-CDGarou: Mark of the Wolves
Neo-GeoGate of Thunder
TurboGrafx-CDGates of Zendocon, The
LynxGear Fighter Dendoh
PlayStationGegege no Kitarou - Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou
Super NintendoGeGeGe no Kitarou - Gyakushuu! Youma Daikessen
PlayStationGeheimnis der Happy Hippo-Insel, Das
Game Boy ColorGekisha Boy
TurboGrafx-16Gekitou Burning Pro Wres
Super NintendoGen'ei Tougi - Shadow Struggle
PlayStationGenerations Lost
Mega DriveGenji Tsuushin Agedama
TurboGrafx-16Genki Bakuhatsu Gambaruger
Game BoyGenocide 2
Super NintendoGenpei Tōma Den
TurboGrafx-16Gensou Tairiku Auleria
TurboGrafx-CDGeorge Foreman's KO Boxing
Master SystemGerry Anderson's Thunderbirds - Kokusai Kyuujotai Shutsudou Seyo!!
Super NintendoGex 3: Deep Pocket Gecko
Game Boy ColorGex: Enter the Gecko
Game Boy ColorGhost Chaser Densei
Super NintendoGhost House
Master SystemGhost Manor
Master SystemGhosts'n Goblins
NintendoGhosts'n Goblins
Game Boy ColorGhouls'n Ghosts
Master SystemGhouls'n Ghosts
Mega DriveGiddy II: Hero in an Egg Shell
AmigaGilbert: Escape from Drill
AmigaGlobal Gladiators
Game GearGoal Storm '97
PlayStationGoal! Goal! Goal!
Neo-GeoGobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon
AmigaGodzilla: Monster of Monsters
NintendoGodzilla: The Series
Game Boy ColorGodzilla: The Series - Monster Wars
Game Boy ColorGoemon - Shin Sedai Shuumei
PlayStationGoiken Muyou II
PlayStationGojira - Kaijuu Daikessen
Super NintendoGokujou Parodius
Super NintendoGokuraku! Chuuka Taisen
TurboGrafx-16Gokuu Densetsu - Magic Beast Warriors
PlayStationGold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado
Game Boy ColorGolgo 13: Top Secret Episode
NintendoThe Mafat Conspiracy
NintendoGoofy's Hysterical History Tour
Mega DriveGordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey
LynxGouketsuji Ichizoku
Mega DriveGouketsuji Ichizoku 2 - Chotto dake Saikyou Densetsu
PlayStationGourmet Sentai Barayarou
Super NintendoGradius Deluxe Pack
PlayStationGradius Gaiden
PlayStationGradius II - Gofer no Yabou
TurboGrafx-CDGradius III
Super NintendoLa Gran Aventura Submarina
NintendoGreat Battle Cyber
NintendoGreat Battle Gaiden 2, The - Matsuri da Wasshoi
Super NintendoGreat Battle II, The - Last Fighter Twin
Super NintendoGreat Battle III, The
Super NintendoGreat Battle IV, The
Super NintendoGreat Battle V, The
Super NintendoThe Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
Mega DriveGreat Football
Master SystemThe Great Giana Sisters
AmigaGreat Ice Hockey
Master SystemGreat Soccer
Master SystemGreat Volleyball
Master SystemGreatest Heavyweights
Mega DriveGreendog - The Beached Surfer Dude!
Mega DriveGreendog - The Beached Surfer Dude!
Game GearGremlins 2: The New Batch
AmigaGremlins: Unleashed
Game Boy ColorGrey Slayer
GS Mikami - Joreishi wa Nice Body
Super NintendoGuardians - Denjin Makai II
Gundam - The Battle Master
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault 2
PlayStationGunstar Heroes
Mega Drive