T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
Mega DriveTaekwon-Do
Super NintendoTails Adventure ~ Tails Adventures
Game GearTails no Skypatrol
Game GearTakahashi Meijin no Bōkenjima IV
NintendoTakahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey
NintendoTakeda Shingen
TurboGrafx-16Takeshi no Chōsenjō
NintendoTakin' It to the Hoop
TurboGrafx-16Tales of Destiny
PlayStationTales of Destiny II
PlayStationTamagotchi Town
Super NintendoTarga
Target: Renegade
NintendoTashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai
NintendoTatakae!! Rahmen Man: Sakuretsu Choujin 102 Gei
Tatsunoko Fight
PlayStationTatsunoko Fighter
TurboGrafx-16Taz in Escape from Mars
Mega DriveTaz in Escape from Mars
Master SystemTaz in Escape from Mars
Game GearTeam USA Basketball
Mega DriveTecmo NBA Basketball
NintendoTecmo Super Bowl
Super NintendoTecmo Super Bowl
NintendoTecmo Super Bowl
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl
PlayStationTecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition
Super NintendoTecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition
Mega DriveTecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
Super NintendoTecmo Super Hockey
Mega DriveTecmo Super NBA Basketball
Super NintendoTecmo Super NBA Basketball
Mega DriveTecmo World Cup '93
Master SystemTecmo World Soccer '96
Neo-GeoTecmo World Wrestling
NintendoTeddy Boy Blues
Mega DriveTeddy Boy Blues
Master SystemTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
ArcadeTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Legend Returns
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Mega DriveTekken 3 Special
Tekken Tag Tournament
ArcadeTekkyu Fight! - The Great Battle Gaiden
Game BoyTenchi o Kurau
TurboGrafx-CDTenchi o Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai
PlayStationTengen World Cup Soccer
Game GearTenkaichi Bushi: Keru Nagūru
NintendoTenseiryuu - Saint Dragon
TurboGrafx-16Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou
The Terminator
Super NintendoTerminator 2 - Judgment Day
Master SystemTerminator 2 - Judgment Day
Game BoyTerminator 2 - Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Super NintendoTerminator 2: Judgment Day
NintendoTerminator, The
Master SystemTerminator, The
Mega DriveTerminator, The
Game GearTerry's Big Adventure
AmigaTetsuwan Atom
Super NintendoTex 01: Mefisto
The Adventures of Kid Kleets
Super NintendoThe Age of Heroes: Silkroad 2
ArcadeThe Dynastic Hero
TurboGrafx-CDThe Incredible Hulk
Game GearThe Itchy & Scratchy Game
Game GearThe Kick Boxing
TurboGrafx-CDThe King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match
The Ultimate 11: The SNK Football Championship
Neo-GeoThe Untouchables
Super NintendoThis Is Football
PlayStationThis Is Football 2
PlayStationThomas the Tank Engine
AmigaThomas the Tank Engine & Friends
Mega DriveThomas the Tank Engine 2
AmigaThomas the Tank Engine and Friends
Super NintendoThunder & Lightning
NintendoThunder Force II
Mega DriveThunder Force III
Mega DriveThunder Force IV
Mega DriveThunder Force V - Perfect System
PlayStationThunder Spirits
Super NintendoThunderbirds
Game Boy ColorTiger Woods PGA Tour 2000
Time Diver: Eon Man
Time Killers
Tintin - Destination Adventure
PlayStationTintin - Prisoners of the Sun
Game BoyTintin in Tibet
Mega DriveTintin in Tibet
Super NintendoTintin in Tibet
Game Boy ColorTintin: Prisoners of the Sun
Super NintendoTintin: Prisoners of the Sun
Game Boy ColorTiny Toon Adventures
NintendoTiny Toon Adventures - ACME All-Stars
Mega DriveTiny Toon Adventures - Babs' Big Break
Game BoyTiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure
Mega DriveTiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness
Game BoyTiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland
NintendoTiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose
Super NintendoTiny Toon Adventures: Buster Saves the Day
Game Boy ColorTiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
Super NintendoTitle Match Pro Wrestling
Atari 7800Titus the Fox
Game Boy ColorTodd's Adventures in Slime World
Mega DriveTodd's Adventures in Slime World
LynxTodd's Adventures in Slime World
TurboGrafx-CDToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Mega DriveTokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo
NintendoTokoro-san no Setagaya C.C.
Game Boy ColorTom & Jerry
Super NintendoTom & Jerry
Game Boy ColorTom & Jerry: Hunting High and Low
AmigaTom and Jerry - Frantic Antics
Mega DriveTom and Jerry - The Movie
Master SystemTom and Jerry - The Movie
Game GearTom and Jerry in House Trap
PlayStationTom and Jerry in: Mouse Attacks!
Game Boy ColorTom and Jerry: Frantic Antics!
Game BoyTom Landry Strategy Football
AmigaTom Landry Strategy Football Deluxe Edition
AmigaTom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire
Mega DriveTomb Raider
Game Boy ColorTomb Raider: Curse of the Sword
Game Boy ColorTomba! 2 - The Evil Swine Return
PlayStationTonic Trouble
Game Boy ColorTony & Friends In Kellogg's Land
AmigaTony Hawk's Pro Skater
Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Game Boy ColorToonsylvania
Game Boy ColorTop Fighter 2005
Mega DriveTop Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
Neo-GeoTornado Ground Attack
AmigaTouchdown Football
Atari 7800Touki Denshou - Angel Eyes
PlayStationThe Tower of Druaga
NintendoTower of Druaga, The
TurboGrafx-16Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
NintendoTown & Country Surf Designs: Thrilla's Surfari
NintendoToxic Crusaders
Mega DriveToy Story 2
Game Boy ColorTrack & Field II
NintendoTrained Assassin
Transformers: Convoy no nazo
NintendoTraps 'n' Treasures
AmigaTreasure Island Dizzy
AmigaTreasure Island Dizzy
Commodore 64Treasure Island Dizzy
Treasures of the Savage Frontier
AmigaTricky-Quiky-Games: Die Suche nach den verschollenen Seiten
AmigaTrivial Pursuit - Genus Edition
Master SystemTrivial Pursuit: A New Beginning
AmigaThe Trolls in Crazyland
NintendoTrouble Shooter
Mega DriveTsuppari Oozumou
NintendoTsuppari Oozumou - Risshinshusse Hen
Super NintendoTsuru Pika Hagemaru: Mezase! Tsuru Seko no Akashi
NintendoTubular Worlds [AGA]
AmigaTuff E Nuff
Super NintendoTun Shi Tian Di 3 - San Guo Wai Chuan
Mega DriveTurma da Monica em O Resgate
Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs
Game BoyTurok 2: Seeds of Evil
Game Boy ColorTurok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
Game Boy ColorTurok: Rage Wars
Game Boy ColorTurrican II: The Final Fight
AmigaTurrican II: The Final Fight
CDTVTV Sports Basketball
AmigaTV Sports Basketball
TurboGrafx-16Tweenies: Doodles' Bones
Game Boy ColorTweety's High-Flying Adventure
Game Boy ColorTwin Goddesses
PlayStationTwinWorld - Land of Vision
AmigaTwo Crude Dudes
Mega Drive