
New Ghostbusters II Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Languages:English, Japanese

New Ghostbusters II was a game for the NES and Game Boy developed by Hal that was only released in Europe.

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Not to be confused with the side scrolling Activision game released under the name Ghostbusters II, this version was actually made by HAL Laboratories and it was not released in America. It is very similar to the Game Boy version also released under the same name and uses a top-down perspective of the Ghostbusters and their spectral foes. This version of the game uses a much more distinct cartoon version of the characters with its art direction as opposed to the Activision version which tried to create more realistic sprites.

The game's story is loosely based on the Ghostbusters II movie and as such the game does not try to explain what the events in the game were and why they were happening. The basic premise of the game is that the long-dead barbarian warlord Lord Vigo the Carpathian is trying to resurrect himself. He attempts to do this by stealing a human child through which he can be reborn. This baby is Oscar, the child of Dana Barrett, a person who the Ghostbusters are very close to and now it is up to them to stop him and save Dana's baby.

At the start of the game the player is able to choose two members of the Ghostbusters team made up of Peter, Egon, Ray, Winston and for some odd reason their accountant Louis. The first character chosen is the primary character and the second character is the trapper. The player has direct control of the primary character and is used to fire a proton beam that momentarily stuns an enemy. The trapper character is utilized to trap the ghosts, thus dispatching of them entirely. The player does not have direct control over the trapper character other than letting them know when to set the trap. The trapper character moves by himself and is invincible. Progress through the game usually means walking around the different areas of a level and catching all the ghosts before entering a boss battle.