@cpcmaster when you scan, can you try and get everything please, the bottom part is cropped on this one
surely title and screen 1 should be swapped here?
@CPCMaster I moved the title screenshots to title screen and set the other screenshot as screen1
@thundercato @CPCMaster The screenshots for this game was inconsistently cropped.
Btw, for this game I think the following crop rectangle makes sense (see screen1). If cropped from a doubled-height MESS screenshot that's coordinates 64, 74, 640, 400.
@thundercato - A most excellent job on the banners!
TODO: Remove the file that's been stitched. Can be seen on the left most page in the title.
TODO: I have added part of the cover quote as (short) "description" for the game, as that bit was a fairly balanced description.
But it would be nice to have a written-from-scratch description of the game (a sentence or two) to avoid repetition on the front page
TODO: The different variants have slightly different loading screens (and program filename also differs). Are there any significant differences, and what version is best?
@CPCMaster This is the 150th CPC game added! Congrats man, here's to another 150, the another, then another.....
todo: rotate cover
@CPCMaster is it a 2 player at the same time '1 - 2 (2)' or taking turns '1 - 2 (1)'?
@CPCMaster Just fixed two typos in the description I spotted
@CPCMaster Hope you don't mind man, I just photoshopped a more personalised banner for Super Gran.... she deserves it! Plus this is a good excuse to show you how the '@' symbol gives you notifications when you log in!