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TODO: Same problem as on "Worms". WHDLoad version only works on Mac if set "amiga_model = A1200/020", "chip_mem = 4096" and "fast_memory = 16384" (would work with ziii_fast_memory = 1024". It could be, that on Windows or Linux exists no problems. Still to try...
gamebase variant also need chipset aga to make it work
WHDLoad problem fixed with Frodes last changes ("system-configuration")
TODO: Same problem as on "Worms". WHDLoad version only works on Mac if set "amiga_model = A1200/020", "chip_mem = 4096" and "fast_memory = 16384" (would work with ziii_fast_memory = 1024". It could be, that on Windows or Linux exists no problems. Still to try...
Yes, it is tempting to sort "All New World of Lemmings" as "Lemmings 3", but people may look for it under A...