Gotcha! The Sport! is one of the first video games about paintball. This "Enteractive" game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by LJN Toys.
Gotcha! is a light gun paintball game that requires the Nintendo Zapper to play. In an unusual twist for NES light gun games, it also requires the player to use a regular control pad for character movement. Play consists of several stages full of enemies that all have to be shot in order to complete the stage. The player must use the D-pad on the controller to scroll the stage left and right, and shoot enemies with the zapper. This is one of the only light gun shooters to allow some form of player movement, but other than that is a pretty standard example of the genre.
Uncharacteristically for LJN, this game was not based on a movie license, but rather a brand of paint ball guns with the same name.