
Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters Nintendo

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Score: N/A

In Godzilla 2 you are charged with defending objectives from Godzilla and the other monsters of Toho movie fame. Take control of the military and hope not to get stepped on or try your luck at killing the giant monsters.

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In a completely different style from the first Nintendo Godzilla game from Toho, you play as japanese military forces fighting against Godzilla. Because Godzilla is such a ferocious monster, this is no easy task... in fact, your attacks to Godzilla don't actually do any damage to him at all. Strategy instead becomes the main point of play as you must position forces in strategic points to route Godzilla away from important buildings and into other areas where his movement will be less destructive to the city. Actual success of these routing attacks is imperfect, if one is not careful, the whole offensive will fall apart over a single missed attack. Beware Godzilla!