
Bloodwych Commodore 64

front image
Score: N/A
Publisher:Image Works
Developer:Anthony Taglione, Pete James & Philip Taglione
Players:1-2 (2 simultaneous)
Missing short game description

As the people of the Bloodwych awake to a new dawn, they find a  stranger in their midst - from one of the many races he has come.  His task; to halt the demon that lies dormant within the Castle of  the Bloodwych.

Unification of the Crystals of Sanguis will secure the behemoth in  his lair for all eternity. Should they remain separate, then he shall  rise to bring darkness to the world.

This unique role-playing fantasy game allows greater interaction with  the environment than has ever been seen before. Argue, barter,  - even lie through your teeth! The fully implemented personalities  of the characters in Bloodwych allows a rich style of role-playing  that has only been dreamed of

With one or two player simultaneous mode, this is the game that  you've been waiting for. Bloodwych - for those that dare. — Cassette cover

Bloodwych is a dungeon role-playing video game, a dungeon crawler,  developed for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS as well as the major 8-bit  home computer platforms. Its box featured artwork by Chris Achilleos.

The plotline identifies the player as a champion of Trazere who, after  recruiting up to three fellow champions, travels through dungeons and  mazes fighting creatures along the way to find and destroy the evil  Zendick, and banish the Lord of Entropy.


All of the champions fall into the four classes of Warrior, Mage,  Adventurer or Thief, each with their own particular capability. Within  each class there are four characters available, each with their own  colour of Red, Blue, Green or Yellow. Each colour also has its own  particular advantage, largely with respect to the families of spells  the character will be most adept at casting and developing. However,  that colour is also important when it comes to matching up coloured  rings later in the game to magnify the effects of spell-casting.

One particularly memorable quirk of the game is the ability granted to  players to hold simple conversations with traders, other champions,  and even enemies during combat. Stock pseudo-medieval phrases such as  "Truly my courage is remarkable" and "Begone, thou oaf" are selected  using a menu, and can be used in combination to flatter a desired  companion, aggravate an enemy, or lower the price of an item which  the player wishes to purchase. Many gameplayers have found that the  price of a long sword (RRP 10 gold pieces) can fall to as little as  6 or 7 after the shopkeeper has been buttered-up with phrases such  as "Thou seems fine" - particularly when this strategy is used in  conjunction with the Beguile spell (most effectively cast by Megrim).

Bloodwych is also remarkable for the sheer scale of its maps. Gameplay  can easily last weeks until the player eventually navigates his way  though mazes and past monsters to the start of the enormous and  fiendish "towers", in which the gameplay becomes focused on the task  of collecting crystals, with a view to destroying Zendick and his  associates.

Bloodwych was inspired by Dungeon Master from 1987, like many other  similar games (or even clones) in this era, for instance the Eye of  the Beholder series.
