
Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry Amstrad CPC

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Score: N/A
Publisher:Artic Computing Ltd
Developer:John Prince
Missing short game description

Mr Wong is in trouble. Not only has he got to collect his laundry, but he is being chased by a 'possessed' iron, a sack of laundry and even the soap suds are joining in to stop him. The only person who can help him is you, and the only protection you hove is 'starch'. Firing starch stiffens and stuns the hunters temporarily, giving you time to get away. But use it sparingly. remember its only for emergencies. Mr Wong has to pick up the clothing one piece at a time, he has no washing basket so it's all too much to carry to the laundry chute. Each time be very careful and remember, don't get caught and don't waste the starch or it will be the end for Mr Wong and his laundry. — Cassette cover