
Miracle Girls Super Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Players:1 - 2 (2 simultaneous)

One of few games to use weaponized candy, Miracle Girls is a side-scrolling platformer based on the manga of the same name.

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Miracle Girls is based on the characters of the manga and anime of the same name. The player starts the game by picking either Tomomi or Mikage, although they both have the same abilities. Either can jump or toss candy, which will render enemies harmless for a few seconds as they eat it. Enemies incapacitated in this way can be used as platforms. Hidden in levels are bombs that fill the screen with candy, turning any onscreen enemies into heart rings, fruit that increase health, and doors that lead to a celestial slot machine that can reward additional lives. At the end of each level is a different challenge with a boss, such as a top-down squirt-gun fight or a game of matching cards.