
Mask II Amstrad CPC

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Score: N/A
Publisher:Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.
Developer:Chris Kerry, Colin Dooley, Jason Perkins, Mark Rogers, Marco Duroe, Steve Kerry & Ben Daglish
Missing short game description
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From dry arid deserts, to sweltering volcanic jungles, agents of the courageous MASK team track the evil forces of VENOM on the path of havoc and destruction. Man and Machine in valiant defence of the world and its treasures. Action packed adventures and danger filled missions set an exhilarating challenge to all gamers whatever their interests. — Cassette cover

Beginning in 1987, British software house Gremlin Graphics released a trilogy of computer games based on the M.A.S.K. franchise for various 8-bit computer formats.

The second game, "MASK II", also released in 1987, was a 2D horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up. The game featured many more of the MASK vehicles, and included a selection process in which the player must choose which vehicles to use before the game begins. Only one vehicle could be controlled at a time but these could be quickly interchanged. Again, the game was received favorably in the press, noting that it was a better tie-in to the franchise than the first because it featured more of the vehicles.
