
Quattro Skills Amstrad CPC

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Score: N/A
Publisher:Code Masters Ltd.
Developer:Gavin Raeburn (Pro Skateboard), Ian Dunlop (International Rugby), Peter Williamson (11-A-Side Soccer), Mark Rivers (Pro Tennis)
Players:1-2 (2 simultaneous)

Skateboard Simulator - TOTALLY WICKED ACTION!!! Do Aerial 180's 360's 720's the lot!! 7 Crucial Skateparks plus 7 Cross Country's! Pop ollies over fences, puddles and rough ground - You gotta be cool not to SLAM!!! 11-A-Side Soccer - This is it - THE soccer game. It's got everything - fouls, corners, goalkicks, penalties, thowins, offside and much much more. Play the computer or friends. Pro Tennis Simulator - "You've got to be kidding, the ball was IN!, see the chalk dust!!!" All the atmosphere of major league tennis - serve that ACE, SPIN and SLICE, work your way to the top with this superb simulation. Rugby Simulator - The first real simulation of the world famous game - it's all there... conversions, touch-backs, line-outs, drop-kicks, real tackling, scrum-downs, throw-ins and all the rest.