
Parlor! Mini 7 - Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game Super Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Publisher:Telenet Japan
Developer:Telenet Japan

Pachinko game developed by Telenet Japan in 1997. The seventh of eight games in the Mini series, which focuses on two pachinko machines apiece.

Parlor! Mini 7: Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game is a pachinko game developed and published by Telenet Japan for the Super Famicom platform.

Like the rest of the games in the Parlor! Mini series, which span off Telenet Japan's Parlor! Parlor! franchise, it focuses on just two pachinko machines. In this case, the two machines include "Seven Dwarfs", which is based on the Snow White fairytale (and Disney movie), and "Kero Kero Jump", which involves frogs and lilypads.