
Dokuganryu Masamune Nintendo

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Score: N/A

A NES war-sim developed by Namco based on the Sengoku "Warring States" era of Japan. The game follows Masamune Date, one of the most prolific daimyos of the era.

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Dokuganryu Masamune ("One-Eyed Dragon Masamune" - One-Eyed Dragon was Masamune Date's nickname, due to his eyepatch) is a strategic simulation based in the Sengoku period of Japan. The player controls Masamune Date, one of the most talented tacticians among the daimyos of the period.

The game was released around the same time as the NES versions of Hot-B's Takeda Shingen and Koei's Nobunaga's Ambition - each features a different daimyo of the same era as their main protagonist.

Namco sets Dokuganryu Masamune apart with a much more in-depth story to follow, as well as some real-time action battles that the player has some control over.