Advanced V.G.
TurboGrafx-CDAdvanced V.G.
Arch Rivals - The Arcade Game
Game GearArt of Fighting
Super NintendoRyuuko no Ken 2
Super NintendoAsuka 120% Maxima - Burning Fest. Maxima
TurboGrafx-CDBallz 3D - The Battle of the Ballz
Mega DriveBarbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
AmigaBarbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax
AmigaBattle Blaze
Super NintendoBattle Hunter
PlayStationBattle Master: Kyuukyoku no Senshi-tachi
Super NintendoBest of the Best - Championship Karate
Mega DriveBest of the Best - Championship Karate
Game BoyBest of the Best Championship Karate
Super NintendoBest of the Best: Championship Karate
AmigaBest of the Best: Championship Karate
NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Jougai Rantou! Shuyaku Soudatsusen
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen
Super NintendoBrutal: Paws of Fury
Super NintendoChiyonofuji no Ooichou
Chou Aniki: Bakuretsu Rantou Hen
Super NintendoChoujin Sentai Jetman
Super NintendoClayFighter: Tournament Edition
Super NintendoClayFighter 2: Judgement Clay
Super NintendoCutThroat Island
Mega DriveCutThroat Island
Game BoyCutThroat Island
Game GearDeath Brade
Super NintendoDoomsday Warrior
Super NintendoDouble Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
Super NintendoDragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Mega DriveDragon Ball Z: Super Butouden
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: La Legende Saien
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: La Legende Saien
Super NintendoDragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension
Super NintendoExploding Fist
Fatal Fury
Super NintendoFatal Fury - Wild Ambition
PlayStationFatal Fury: King of Fighters
Neo-GeoFatal Fury 2
Super NintendoFatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Super NintendoFatal Fury Special
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Game GearFighter's History
Super NintendoFighter's History Dynamite
Neo-GeoFighter's History: Mizoguchi Kikiippatsu!!
Super NintendoFighting Hero
Fighting Hero III
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Neo-GeoGarou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
TurboGrafx-CDGarou Densetsu Special
TurboGrafx-CDGarou: Mark of the Wolves
Neo-GeoGojira - Kaijuu Daikessen
Super NintendoHana no Keiji - Kumo no Kanata ni
Super NintendoHiryū no Ken S: Golden Fighter
Super NintendoHiryuu no Ken II - Dragon no Tsubasa
NintendoHiryuu no Ken III - 5 Nin no Dragon
NintendoHiryuu no Ken Special - Fighting Wars
NintendoHokuto no Ken 6 - Gekitou Denshouken Haou e no Michi
Super NintendoHokuto no Ken 7 - Seiken Retsuden Denshousha e no Michi
Super NintendoInternational Karate +
CD32International Karate +
AmigaInternational Karate +
PlayStationInternational Karate 2000
Game Boy ColorJanggun-ui Adeul
Justice League Task Force
Super NintendoKabuki Klash: Far East of Eden
Neo-GeoKidou Butouden G Gundam
Super NintendoKidou Senshi V Gundam
Super NintendoKiller Instinct
Super NintendoKing of Fighters 2000
Super NintendoKing of the Monsters
Super NintendoKing of the Monsters
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters
Neo-GeoKing of the Monsters 2
Super NintendoKing of the Monsters 2
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
Neo-GeoKinnikuman - Dirty Challenger
Super NintendoKizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
Makeruna! Makendou 2 - Kimero! Youkai Souridaijin
Super NintendoMatrimelee: Shin Gōketsuji Ichizoku Tōkon
Neo-GeoMatsumura Kunihiro Den - Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero!
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition
Super NintendoMoero!! Juudou Warriors
NintendoMortal Kombat
Super NintendoMortal Kombat
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 3
Master SystemMortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveMortal Kombat 3
Mortal Kombat 3
PlayStationMortal Kombat 3
Game GearUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
Super NintendoMortal Kombat 4
Game Boy ColorMortal Kombat 4
PlayStationMortal Kombat II
Master SystemMortal Kombat II
Mega DriveMortal Kombat II
Game BoyMortal Kombat II
PlayStationMortal Kombat II
Game GearNatsuki Crisis Battle
Super NintendoNettou Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
Game BoyNettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
Game BoyOssu!! Karate-bu
Super NintendoPit-Fighter
Super NintendoPower Instinct
Super NintendoPower Moves
Super NintendoPrimal Rage
Super NintendoRanma ½ - Chounai Gekitou Hen
Super NintendoRanma ½: Hard Battle
Super NintendoRanma ½ - Chougi Ranbu Hen
Super NintendoRise of the Robots
Super NintendoSamurai Shodown
Super NintendoSan Guo Zhi: Qun Xiong Zheng Ba
NintendoSangokushi 3
SD Hiryuu no Ken
Super NintendoSeifuku Densetsu - Pretty Fighter
Super NintendoShadow Fighter [AGA]
Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel
Super NintendoSougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout
Super NintendoSougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout 2 - The Total Fighters
Super NintendoSougou Kakutougi Rings - Astral Bout 3
Super NintendoSoul Blade
Super NintendoSoul Edge vs Samurai
Super NintendoStreet Combat
Super NintendoStreet Fighter - The Movie
PlayStationStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
AmigaStreet Fighter II: The World Warrior
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 2
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 3
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 2
Super NintendoStreet Fighter Alpha 2
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 3
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX + Alpha
Super NintendoStreet Fighter EX2
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
ArcadeStreet Fighter II
Super NintendoStreet Fighter II Turbo
Super NintendoSuper Street Fighter II
Super NintendoStreet Fighter III: New Generation
ArcadeStreet Heroes
Street Master
Super Bikkuriman
Super NintendoSuper Chinese Fighter
Super NintendoSuper Mad Champ
Super NintendoSuper Oozumou - Nessen Ooichiban
Super NintendoSuper Street Fighter II
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
CD32Super Street Fighter II Turbo
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers [AGA]
AmigaSuper Variable Geo
Super NintendoTaekwon-Do
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
NintendoTenkaichi Bushi: Keru Nagūru
NintendoThe Itchy & Scratchy Game
Game GearTsuppari Oozumou
NintendoTsuppari Oozumou - Risshinshusse Hen
Super NintendoTuff E Nuff
Super NintendoUchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade
Super NintendoUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
ArcadeUltimate Mortal Kombat 3
Mega DriveUnholy Night - The Darkness Hunter
Super NintendoWakataka Oozumou - Yume no Kyoudai Taiketsu
Super NintendoWeaponLord
Super NintendoWorld Heroes
Super NintendoWorld Heroes 2
Super NintendoX-Men vs. Street Fighter
Super NintendoYokozuna Monogatari
Super NintendoYu Yu Hakusho 2 - Kakutou no Shou
Super NintendoYu Yu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden
Super NintendoZhen Ben Xi You Ji