64th. Street: A Detective Story
ArcadeAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons - Iron & Blood - Warriors of Ravenloft
PlayStationAdvanced V.G.
PlayStationAdvanced V.G. 2
PlayStationThe Adventures of Bayou Billy
NintendoAggressors of Dark Kombat
Neo-GeoAlien Storm
Master SystemAlien vs Predator
Super NintendoAlien vs. Predator
ArcadeAltered Beast
Master SystemAmerican Dragon: Jake Long - Rise of the Huntsclan
Game Boy AdvanceAmerican Tag-Team Wrestling
AmigaArcade Gears - Pu-Li-Ru-La
PlayStationArmed Fighter
PlayStationArt of Fighting
Mega DriveArt of Fighting 2
Neo-GeoArt of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior
Neo-GeoAsuka 120% Excellent - Burning Fest. Excellent
PlayStationAsuka 120% Final - Burning Fest. Final
PlayStationAsuka 120% Special - Burning Fest. Special
PlayStationAsura Blade - Sword of Dynasty
ArcadeAsura Buster - Eternal Warriors
ArcadeAvengers In Galactic Storm
ArcadeBad Dudes vs. Dragonninja
AmigaBad Dudes vs. Dragonninja
ArcadeBad Street Brawler
NintendoBakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi
PlayStationBare Knuckle II ~ Streets of Rage 2 ~ Streets of Rage II
Game GearBare Knuckle ~ Streets of Rage
Game GearBatman
Batman Begins
Game Boy AdvanceBatman Beyond - Return of the Joker
PlayStationBatman Beyond: Return of the Joker
Game Boy ColorBatman Forever - The Arcade Game
PlayStationBatman Returns
Super NintendoBatman Returns
Mega DriveBatman: Rise of Sin Tzu
Game Boy AdvanceBatman: Vengeance
Game Boy AdvanceBattle Arena Nitoushinden
PlayStationBattle Arena Toshinden
Game BoyBattle Arena Toshinden
PlayStationBattle Arena Toshinden 2
PlayStationBattle Arena Toshinden 3
PlayStationBattle Blaze
Super NintendoBattle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX
Super NintendoBattle Zeque Den
Super NintendoBattleBots: Beyond the BattleBox
Game Boy AdvanceBattleBots: Design & Destroy
Game Boy AdvanceBattlemaniacs
Master SystemBattletoads & Double Dragon
Super NintendoBattletoads & Double Dragon
NintendoBattletoads in Ragnarok's World
Game BoyBattletoads-Double Dragon
Mega DriveBattletoads-Double Dragon
Game BoyBeast Wrestler
Mega DriveBebe's Kids
Super NintendoBio F.R.E.A.K.S.
PlayStationBishin Densetsu Zoku
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Mega DriveBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS - Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen
PlayStationBlack Belt Challenge
Game Boy AdvanceBlack Hole Assault
TurboGrafx-CDBloody Roar II
PlayStationBlue Breaker Burst - Egao no Asu ni
PlayStationBlue Breaker Burst - Hohoemi o Anata to
PlayStationBody Blows Galactic
AmigaBody Blows Galactic [AGA]
AmigaBram Stoker's Dracula
Super NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Master SystemBram Stoker's Dracula
NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Mega DriveBram Stoker's Dracula
Game BoyBram Stoker's Dracula
Game GearBrawl Brothers
Super NintendoBruce Lee: Return of the Legend
Game Boy AdvanceBrutal - Paws of Fury
Mega DriveBrutal: Paws Of Fury
AmigaBudokan - The Martial Spirit
Mega DriveBudokan: The Martial Spirit
AmigaBuffy the Vampire Slayer
Game Boy ColorBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Wrath of the Darkhul King
Game Boy AdvanceCadillacs and Dinosaurs
ArcadeCapcom Generation - Dai-5-shuu Kakutouka-tachi
PlayStationCapcom vs. SNK Pro
PlayStationCaptain America and the Avengers
Super NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
Mega DriveCaptain America and the Avengers
Game BoyCaptain America and The Avengers
ArcadeCaptain America and the Avengers
Game GearCaptain Commando
PlayStationCaptain Commando
Super NintendoCB Chara Wars: Ushinawareta Gag
Super NintendoCedric and the Lost Sceptre
AmigaChallenge of the Dragon [Sachen]
Chambers of Shaolin
AmigaChina Warrior
TurboGrafx-16Chou Jiryoku Senshi Microman - Generation 2000
PlayStationChoujin Gakuen - Gowcaizer
PlayStationCity Adventure Touch - Mystery of Triangle
Super NintendoThe Combatribes
Super NintendoComix Zone
Game Boy AdvanceCorsarios
Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice
Super NintendoCrayon Shin-chan 2: Daimaou no Gyakushuu
Super NintendoCritical Blow
PlayStationCroket! Kindan no Kinka Box!
PlayStationCross Wiber - Cyber Combat Police
TurboGrafx-16Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Game Boy AdvanceCubix - Robots for Everyone: Clash 'N Bash
Game Boy AdvanceCutthroat Island
Super NintendoCutThroat Island
Mega DriveCutThroat Island
Game BoyCutThroat Island
Game GearCyberbots - Fullmetal Madness
PlayStationCyborg Justice
Mega DriveDancing Sword: Senkou
Game Boy AdvanceDangerous Streets [AGA]
Game Boy AdvanceDarkstalkers - The Night Warriors
PlayStationDarkstalkers 3
PlayStationDarkstalkers: The Night Warriors
ArcadeDead or Alive
PlayStationThe Death and Return of Superman
Super NintendoThe Death and Return of Superman
Mega DriveDigimon Rumble Arena
PlayStationDouble Dragon
Master SystemDouble Dragon
PlayStationDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
AmigaDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
ArcadeDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
NintendoDouble Dragon 3: The Arcade Game
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
AmigaDouble Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
Mega DriveDouble Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
ArcadeDouble Dragon Advance
Game Boy AdvanceDouble Dragon II
Game BoyDouble Dragon II - The Revenge
TurboGrafx-CDDouble Dragon II: The Revenge
Mega DriveDouble Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
NintendoDouble Dragon V - The Shadow Falls
Mega DriveDowntown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai
TurboGrafx-CDDowntown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou!
NintendoDr. Doom's Revenge!
AmigaDragon Ball GT - Final Bout
PlayStationDragon Ball GT: Transformation
Game Boy AdvanceDragon Ball Z - Idai naru Dragon Ball Densetsu
PlayStationDragon Ball Z - Idainaru Son Gokuu Densetsu
TurboGrafx-CDDragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin
Mega DriveDragon Ball Z - Ultimate Battle 22
PlayStationDragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
Game Boy AdvanceDragon Ball: Advanced Adventure
Game Boy AdvanceDragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Super NintendoDual Blades
Game Boy AdvanceDungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
ArcadeDynamite Dux
Master SystemDynasty Warriors
PlayStationDynasty Warriors Advance
Game Boy AdvanceEdono Kiba
Super NintendoEhrgeiz - God Bless the Ring
PlayStationEternal Champions
Mega DriveFantastic Four
PlayStationFatal Fury - Wild Ambition
PlayStationFatal Fury: King of Fighters
Neo-GeoFatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Neo-GeoFatal Fury Special
Game GearFighter Maker
PlayStationFighter's History Dynamite
Neo-GeoFighters' Impact
PlayStationFightin' Spirit [AGA]
AmigaFighting Eyes
PlayStationFighting Force
PlayStationFighting Masters
Mega DriveFighting Run
TurboGrafx-16Fighting Simulator 2 in 1
Game BoyFighting Street
TurboGrafx-CDFinal Fight
Super NintendoFinal Fight 2
Super NintendoFinal Fight 3
Super NintendoFinal Fight Guy
Super NintendoFist of the North Star
NintendoFist of the North Star
Game BoyFlash Hiders
TurboGrafx-CDFranko: The Crazy Revenge!
AmigaFrom TV Animation One Piece - Grand Battle!
PlayStationFrom TV Animation One Piece - Grand Battle! 2
PlayStationGalaxy Deka Gayvan
TurboGrafx-CDGalaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Neo-GeoGarou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
TurboGrafx-CDGarou Densetsu Special
TurboGrafx-CDGarou: Mark of the Wolves
Neo-GeoGear Fighter Dendoh
PlayStationGekido - Urban Fighters
PlayStationGen'ei Tougi - Shadow Struggle
PlayStationGenki Bakuhatsu Gambaruger
Game BoyGenocide 2
Super NintendoGhost Chaser Densei
Super NintendoGoiken Muyou II
PlayStationGokuu Densetsu - Magic Beast Warriors
PlayStationGolden Axe
Golden Axe
Golden Axe III
Mega DriveThe Mafat Conspiracy
NintendoGouketsuji Ichizoku
Mega DriveGouketsuji Ichizoku 2 - Chotto dake Saikyou Densetsu
PlayStationGourmet Sentai Barayarou
Super NintendoGreat Battle II, The - Last Fighter Twin
Super NintendoGreat Battle III, The
Super NintendoGuardians - Denjin Makai II
ArcadeGundam - The Battle Master
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault
PlayStationGundam Battle Assault 2
PlayStationHakai-ou - King of Crusher
PlayStationHiryū no Ken S: Golden Fighter
Super NintendoHiryuu no Ken: Retsuden GB
Game Boy ColorHokuto no Ken - Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu
PlayStationHorror Zombies from the Crypt
AmigaHuman Killing Machine
AmigaHyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger
PlayStationIncredible Hulk, The
Master SystemInternational Ninja Rabbits
AmigaInuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
PlayStationIron Commando: Kotetsu no Senshi
Super NintendoJackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand
Game Boy AdvanceJackie Chan Stuntmaster
PlayStationJang Pung 3
Jang Pung II
Janggun-ui Adeul
Master SystemJoJo's Bizarre Adventure
ArcadeJoJo's Bizarre Adventure
PlayStationJustice League Task Force
Mega DriveKa-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel
Mega DriveKabuki Ittouryoudan
TurboGrafx-CDKabuki Klash: Far East of Eden
Neo-GeoKaijuu Ou Gojira
Game BoyKaisoku Tenshi - The Rapid Angel
PlayStationKakuge Yarou - Fighting Game Creator
PlayStationKakugo no Susume
PlayStationKakutou Haou Densetsu - Algunos
TurboGrafx-CDKamen Rider
Super NintendoKamen Rider Agito
PlayStationKamen Rider Kuuga
PlayStationKamen Rider Ryuuki
PlayStationKamen Rider V3
PlayStationThe Karate Kid Part II
AmigaKarate Master
Kaze Kiri - Ninja Action
TurboGrafx-CDKensei - Sacred Fist
PlayStationKettou Transformers Beast Wars: Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen
Game Boy ColorKickIt - A Day For The Laiban
King of Dragons
Super NintendoKing of Dragons, The
ArcadeKing of Fighters '95, The
Game BoyThe King of Fighters '94
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '96
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '96
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '97
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '97
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
Neo-GeoKing of Fighters '98, The - Dream Match Never Ends
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
PlayStationThe King of Fighters 2000
Mega DriveThe King of Fighters 2000
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2001
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2002
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2003
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
Mega DriveKing of Fighters, The - Heat of Battle
Game BoyKing of the Monsters
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters
Neo-GeoKing of the Monsters 2
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
Neo-GeoKizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
Neo-GeoKnights of the Round
Super NintendoKnights of the Round
ArcadeKouryuu no Mimi
Super NintendoLast Action Hero
Super NintendoLast Action Hero
Mega DriveThe Last Ninja
Commodore 64Legend of Success Joe
Neo-GeoLegend of the Amazon Women
Lightning Legend - Daigo no Daibouken
PlayStationMad Stalker - Full Metal Force
TurboGrafx-CDMad Stalker - Full Metal Forth
Mega DriveMad Stalker - FullMetalForce
PlayStationMafdet And The Book of the Dead
AmigaMakeruna! Makendou 2
PlayStationMartial Champion
TurboGrafx-CDMarvel Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
ArcadeMarvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
Super NintendoMarvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
ArcadeMaster Axe: The Genesis of MysterX
The Masters Fighter
PlayStationMasters of Combat
Master SystemMatrimelee: Shin Gōketsuji Ichizoku Tōkon
Neo-GeoMazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
Mega DriveMegatudo 2096
PlayStationMetal Warrior
Mighty Final Fight
NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Super NintendoMizuki Shigeru no Youkai Butouden
PlayStationMK5 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
Mega DriveMoonstone: A Hard Days Knight
AmigaMortal Kombat 4
Game Boy ColorMortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
PlayStationMortal Kombat Trilogy
PlayStationMTV Celebrity Deathmatch
PlayStationMystical Fighter
Mega DriveNekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
NintendoNekketsu Oyako
PlayStationNettou Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai
Game BoyNettou Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
Game BoyNight Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
ArcadeNightbreed: The Action Game
AmigaNightmare Creatures
PlayStationNightmare Creatures II
PlayStationNinja - Shadow of Darkness
PlayStationNinja Baseball Bat Man
ArcadeNinja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword Of Chaos
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
NintendoNinja Gaiden Shadow
Game BoyNinja Master's: Haō Ninpō Chō
Neo-GeoThe Ninja Warriors
Super NintendoNinpuu Sentai Hurricanger
PlayStationOperation: Cleanstreets
AmigaP.O.W. - Prisoners of War
NintendoP.O.W.: Prisoners of War
ArcadePanzer Bandit
PlayStationThe Peace Keepers
Super NintendoThe Pirates of Dark Water
Super NintendoPit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition
Master SystemPocket Fighter
PlayStationPopeye 3 - WrestleCrazy
Psychic Force
PlayStationPsychic Force 2
PlayStationRage of the Dragons
Neo-GeoRampage - Through Time
PlayStationRampage - World Tour
PlayStationRampage 2 - Universal Tour
PlayStationRampage 2: Universal Tour
Game Boy ColorRampage: World Tour
Game Boy ColorRanma 1-2 - Battle Renaissance
PlayStationRanma 1-2 - Datou, Ganso Musabetsu Kakutou-ryuu!
TurboGrafx-CDReal Bout Fatal Fury
Neo-GeoReal Bout Fatal Fury
PlayStationReal Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
Neo-GeoReal Bout Fatal Fury Special
Neo-GeoReal Bout Garou Densetsu Special - Dominated Mind
PlayStationThe Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
Super NintendoRenegade III: The Final Chapter
Renny Blaster
TurboGrafx-CDThe Revenge of Shinobi
Mega DriveRise 2 - Resurrection
PlayStationRise of the Robots
Mega DriveRise of the Robots [AGA]
AmigaRival Schools: United by Fate
PlayStationRival Turf
Super NintendoRiver City Ransom
NintendoRock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena
PlayStationRunning Battle
Master SystemRurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishin Gekitou-hen
Ryuuko no Ken
TurboGrafx-CDSaban's Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue
PlayStationSaber Marionette J - Battle Sabers
PlayStationSailor Moon
Super NintendoSakigake!! Otoko Juku - Meioutou Kessen
Game BoySakigake!! Otokojuku: Shippu Ichi Gou Sei
NintendoSamurai Deeper Kyo
PlayStationSamurai Shodown
Game GearSamurai Shodown
Mega DriveSamurai Shodown - Warriors Rage
PlayStationSamurai Shodown II
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown III
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown III - Blades of Blood
PlayStationSamurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown V
Neo-GeoSamurai Shodown V Special
Neo-GeoSamurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin Special
PlayStationSamurai Spirits - Kenkaku Shinan Pack
PlayStationSamurai Spirits II
Mega DriveSD Hiryuu no Ken EX
Game Boy ColorSD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden
Game BoySD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden 2
Game BoySecond Samurai
Mega DriveSecond Samurai [AGA]
AmigaSengoku Denshou
Super NintendoThe Shadow
Shadow Dancer
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi
Mega DriveShin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio-tachi no Banka
Super NintendoShinobi II - The Silent Fury
Game GearShinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Mega DriveShiritsu Justice Gakuen - Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2
PlayStationShodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
Super NintendoShrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown
Game Boy ColorSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 12 - Kidou Butouden G Gundam - The Battle
PlayStationSimple Character 2000 Series Vol. 13 - Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - The Battle
PlayStationSir Fred: The Legend
AmigaSkeleton Warriors
PlayStationSlap Happy Rhythm Busters
PlayStationSlaughter Sport
Mega DriveSNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
Neo-GeoSonic Blast Man
Super NintendoSonic Blast Man II
Super NintendoSorefist
Venom & Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety
Super NintendoSpider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
Super NintendoSpider-Man . Venom - Maximum Carnage
Mega DriveSpider-Man 3 - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers
Game BoyThe Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes
Super NintendoSplatterhouse
TurboGrafx-16Splatterhouse 2
Mega DriveSplatterhouse 3
Mega DriveSplatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
NintendoStar Gladiator - Episode I - Final Crusade
PlayStationStar Wars - Episode I - Jedi Power Battles
PlayStationStar Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace
PlayStationStar Wars - Masters of Teras Kasi
PlayStationSteven Seagal Is The Final Option
Stone Protectors
Super NintendoStreet Fighter - The Movie
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 2
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha 3
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
ArcadeStreet Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
ArcadeStreet Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 2
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha 3
PlayStationStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
Game Boy ColorStreet Fighter Collection
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX Plus Alpha
PlayStationStreet Fighter EX2
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
ArcadeStreet Fighter EX2 Plus
PlayStationStreet Fighter II
Game BoyStreet Fighter II'
Master SystemStreet Fighter II' - Champion Edition
TurboGrafx-16Street Fighter II': Champion Edition
ArcadeStreet Fighter II': Hyper Fighting
ArcadeStreet Fighter III: New Generation
ArcadeStreet Hassle
Streets of Rage
Mega DriveStreets of Rage
Master SystemStreets of Rage 2
Mega DriveStreets of Rage 3
Mega DriveStreets of Rage II
Master SystemStrip Fighter II
TurboGrafx-16Sukeban Deka II - Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu
Master SystemSuper Chinese Fighter EX
Game Boy ColorSuper Chinese Fighter GB
Game BoySuper Double Dragon
Super NintendoSuper Street Fighter II
Mega DriveSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
CD32Super Street Fighter II Turbo
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II Turbo
ArcadeSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
AmigaSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
ArcadeSuper TaeKwonDo Master
Sword of Sodan
Mega DriveT'ai Fu - Wrath of the Tiger
PlayStationTakeda Shingen
TurboGrafx-16Target: Renegade
NintendoTatsunoko Fight
PlayStationTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
AmigaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
ArcadeTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Super NintendoTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
Game BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Legend Returns
Mega DriveTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Mega DriveTekken 3 Special
Tekken Tag Tournament
ArcadeTenchi o Kurau
TurboGrafx-CDTenchi o Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai
PlayStationThe Age of Heroes: Silkroad 2
ArcadeThe Incredible Hulk
Game GearThe King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match
Time Commando
PlayStationTime Killers
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
PlayStationTop Fighter 2005
Mega DriveTouki Denshou - Angel Eyes
PlayStationToxic Crusaders
Mega DriveTransformers - Beast Wars Transmetals
PlayStationTravel Eple
TurboGrafx-CDTun Shi Tian Di 3 - San Guo Wai Chuan
Mega DriveTV Animation X - Unmei no Sentaku
PlayStationTwilight Knights
Twin Goddesses
PlayStationTwo Crude Dudes
Mega DriveU.F.O. Kamen Yakisoban - Kettler no Kuroi Inbou
Super NintendoUltimate Fighter
Super NintendoUltimate Fighting Championship
Game Boy ColorUltraman - Fighting Evolution
PlayStationUltraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna - Arata naru Futatsu no Hikari
PlayStationUndercover Cops
Super NintendoVampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire
ArcadeVampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
ArcadeVenom . Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety
Mega DriveVersus Hero - Kakutou Ou e no Michi
Game BoyVirtua Fighter 2
Mega DriveVirtua Fighter 2 VS Tekken 2
Mega DriveVirtua Fighter Animation
Game GearVirtua Fighter Animation
Master SystemVirtual Hiryuu no Ken
PlayStationVoltage Fighter Gowcaizer
Neo-GeoWarpath - Jurassic Park
PlayStationWater Margin: The Tales of Clouds and Winds
Mega DriveThe Way Of The Little Dragon
AmigaWildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams
Super NintendoWorld Heroes 2
TurboGrafx-CDWorld Heroes 2 Jet
Game BoyWorld Heroes 2 Jet
Neo-GeoWrath of Gwendor: Special Edition '97
AmigaWu-Tang - Shaolin Style
PlayStationWWF Betrayal
Game Boy ColorWWF In Your House
PlayStationX-Men - Children of the Atom
PlayStationX-Men - Mojo World
Game GearX-Men - Mojo World
Master SystemX-Men - Mutant Academy
PlayStationX-Men - Mutant Academy 2
PlayStationX-Men vs. Street Fighter
PlayStationX-Men: Mutant Academy
Game Boy ColorX-Men: Mutant Wars
Game Boy ColorYu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen
Mega DriveYu Yu Hakusho Dai-2-dan - Ankoku Bujutsukai Hen
Game BoyYu Yu Hakusho Dai-3-dan - Makai no Tobira Hen
Yu Yu Hakusho Dai-4-dan - Makai Touitsu Hen
Game BoyYusha - Heaven's Gate
PlayStationZero Divide 2 - The Secret Wish
PlayStationZettai Muteki Raijin-Oh
Game Boy