R.B.I. Baseball '93
Mega DriveR.B.I. Baseball '94
Game GearR.B.I. Baseball '94
Mega DriveR.B.I. Baseball 2
NintendoR.B.I. Baseball 3
NintendoR.B.I. Baseball 3
Mega DriveR.B.I. Baseball 4
Mega DriveRackets & Rivals
NintendoRad Racket - Deluxe Tennis II
NintendoRadical Psycho Machine Racing
Super NintendoRally Cross Challenge
AmigaRayCrisis - Series Termination
PlayStationRazor Freestyle Scooter
Game Boy ColorRe-Loaded - The Hardcore Sequel
PlayStationThe Real Ghostbusters
AmigaReal Pro Yakyuu!: Central League Hen
Game Boy ColorReal Pro Yakyuu!: Pacific League Hen
Game Boy ColorRealSports Baseball
Atari 5200RealSports Baseball
Atari 7800Reggie Jackson Baseball
Master SystemRelief Pitcher
Super NintendoResident Evil Gaiden
Game Boy ColorRevelations: The Demon Slayer
Game Boy ColorRobin Hood
Game Boy ColorRobopon: Sun Version
Game Boy ColorRock 'N' Roll Racing
Super NintendoRock 'n' Roll Racing
Mega DriveRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
Game BoyRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
NintendoRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
Super NintendoRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
Mega DriveRoland Garros French Open
Game Boy ColorRollerblade Racer
NintendoROM ROM Stadium
TurboGrafx-CDRoswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends
Game Boy ColorRoundball: 2-On-2 Challenge
NintendoRugby World Cup 95
Mega Drive