
Virocop AGA Amiga

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-10-09 20:45:50 (Updated 2019-11-04 20:52:54):

Some cleanup on the v1.1 WHDLoad variants needed. The differing file between (two of) the variants is this one: VirocopAGA/data/ViroCopPAL (SHA-1: 92d97efa2bfc284dd2da25b7a2890ee1710fa81e). I checked against the file on the program disk, and it matches the one from the newly added variant. For now, I have renamed the other two slave variants:

  • WHDLoad, v1.1, AGA, 1920, m ViroCopPAL
  • WHDLoad, v1.1, AGA, 1920, m ViroCopPAL, Wrong Docs