
Swords of Twilight Amiga

Use the second character (second joystick port) if you're playing with only one player.

To create a copy of the data disk, click the icon of the datadisk once, then chose duplicate in the workbench menubar. As destination disk, select the save disk. After a few read/write sessions you have a copy of the disk and can use it. For future use the save disk is the copy of the data disk so you have to do this only once.

3 game lists have this game (0 public).

front image
Score: 7.1
Publisher:Electronic Arts
Developer:Free Fall
Players:1 - 3 (3 simultaneous)
Missing short game description
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Three years in the making, Swords of Twilight is a gorgeously illustrated fantasy roleplaying adventure. The three members of your party can be played independently by up to three humans using a unique multi-player interface (which is the game's strongest and weakest link) or the computer can control both your companions if you'd rather quest alone. Quirky, non-standard key usage (with no mouse control) is irksome and hampers player maneuverability. The story and characters are lavish and intriguing: with eight parallel worlds to search through for the Swords of Twilight you'll be busy for weeks.