
Sierra Soccer: World Challenge Edition Amiga

10 game lists have this game (0 public).

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Score: 7.9
Languages:English, German, French
Players:1 - 8 (2 simultaneous)
Missing short game description
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Football fever hots up some more as Sierra release their own entry into the computer game World Cup, and it's a very competent and extremely playable arcade soccer game it is one of the most instantly playable arcade football engines yet seen.

Let's begin at the beginning. You can either play as a team in the official World Cup draw, or take part in a random one. Up to eight people can play at once, each selecting a team and playing through their respective groups until victory or rejection. Playing a game is incredibly easy, far easier than the Kick Offs and Sensible Soccers of this world. The reason being that there are none of the combinations and strange joystick positions of those games. Have no fear, as Sierra Soccer is just as addictive and just as much fun. Whether you have an A500 or an A1200, you'll be amazed at the spectacular animation of the players on the pitch. Over 4000 frames of animation have the players running, jumping, sliding, falling face down and there's even a fully mobile referee, complete with working whistle. A1200 owners get the benefit of a full 3D crowd too!

It may not have a big licence behind it, but Sierra Soccer is still great fun to play, and well worth adding to any collection.