
Push-Over Amiga

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Posted by plasmafusion at 2014-08-14 17:25:26:


There's a new WHDLoad, version v1.22. I'm trying to add this variant but don't seem to have the permissions smiley

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2014-03-23 18:51:38 (Updated 2014-03-25 17:14:28):


A new WHDLoad patch is available, v1.21. Frode added it to the database. smiley

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2014-03-22 22:19:40:

It happens on my Amiga 1200+030 too. Just created a bugreport on Mantis. For now, play the disk image version.

Posted by CaptainViggo at 2014-03-22 16:46:30:

Is there a way to slow down the game in the WHDload version? The character moves way too fast, it can be a bit difficult to stop him where you want to... I've already tried NOCACHE, but still way too fast. At least the timer does not seem to be affected.

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-08-21 05:26:47 (Updated 2013-08-21 05:26:54):

@dtr1001 floppy_drive_count is now to set to 1, so if you use the refresh button in FS-UAE Launcher to update the database, the Launcher should only use one floppy drive smiley

Posted by dtr1001 at 2013-08-20 20:33:23:

Requires 2nd disk to be loaded into DFO: under F12 (wont auto load DF1 even if disk is in the slot - game doesn't support additional disk drives)

Posted by nexusle at 2013-01-07 16:43:40:

WHDLoad version only runs on A1200. Tried it with default + 1MB extra chip mem, but crashes everytime an language selection: