Post a new comment to participate in the discussion on how this game should be configured, or to add relevant information regarding the use of these configurations.
TODO: most probally all floppy variants are not cracked and have the randomly appearing check still active.
ADF, v1.0, cr Champs
the champs cracktro does not like slowmem. so i set it to 0.
ADF, v1.0, cr Movers
the movers cracktro does not like slowmem. so i set it to 0.
TODO: Retake screenshots in FS-UAE and check if no hi-res information is lost when converting them to lo-res.
TODO: most probally all floppy variants are not cracked and have the randomly appearing check still active.
ADF, v1.0, cr Champs
the champs cracktro does not like slowmem. so i set it to 0.
ADF, v1.0, cr Movers
the movers cracktro does not like slowmem. so i set it to 0.
TODO: Retake screenshots in FS-UAE and check if no hi-res information is lost when converting them to lo-res.