
Kult Amiga

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Posted by nietzsche666 at 2022-04-17 19:04:06:

WHDLoad, v1.1b, 0661 + v1.2, 0661

I have a problem with the mouse pointer in this game, tested on FS UAE 3.0.5 and 2.9.12dev.

Intro screens show generic workbench/AmigaDOS mouse pointer. After the blurbs of the intro stop and the special Kult game mouse pointer shows up and I'm about to play the game, the generic mouse pointer is still there. In v1.1b it freezes in the place I last moved it to. In v1.2 it stays moving and moves parallel to the Kult game mouse pointer permanently.

In v1.1 I can still use a workaround and move the pointer to lower right corner of the screen in intro sequence, so after it freezes there it's just a pixel of it left there and I can play without much trouble.

But in v2.0 the constant double pointer is very annoying, so I avoid playing that whdload version altogether.

Did anyone run into the same mouse problems with this game? And if yes, does anyone maybe even know a complete fix for this issue?

Posted by thevoice at 2016-03-16 10:53:43:

WHDLoad, v1.1b, 0661

wants at least an 68020. so i changed model to 1200