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developer | Edgar M. Vigdal |
Retro-Nerd |
front_sha1 | levellord | |
game_name | Deluxe Pacman [AGA] |
FrodeSolheim |
hol_url | [Importer] | |
lemon_url | Retro-Nerd | |
platform | Amiga |
[Importer] |
players | 1 - 2 (1) |
snoopy |
publish | 1 |
[Janitor] |
publisher | Shareware |
Retro-Nerd |
screen1_sha1 | Enzo | |
screen2_sha1 | Enzo | |
screen3_sha1 | Enzo | |
screen4_sha1 | Enzo | |
screen5_sha1 | Enzo | |
tags | thevoice | |
thelegacy_url | Retro-Nerd | |
title_sha1 | Enzo | |
year | 1995 |
Retro-Nerd |
_type | 1 |
[Janitor] |
__custom_cover | Custom cover by levellord |
FrodeSolheim |
__link_name | deluxe-pacman-aga |
FrodeSolheim |
__screen6_sha1 | Enzo | |
__screen7_sha1 | Enzo | |
__screen8_sha1 | Enzo |