
Jet Set Willy ZX Spectrum

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Posted by HungryHorace at 2017-02-23 20:17:18 (Updated 2017-02-23 20:18:15):

FAQ: the 'legal' variations of JSW feature a copy protection on the start.

this can be removed with 3 pokes:

Disable software protect.
$86B0 from C3 to CD $86B1 from CA to C3 $86B2 from 87 to 86

Posted by HungryHorace at 2017-02-23 19:54:47 (Updated 2017-02-23 20:20:51):

FAQ: Jet set WIlly is almost famous for having been released with a number of key bugs that made the game incompletable.

Obviously, these variants are included as the release versions, but should they be disabled, given that official bug fixed versions are also available?

The four Official Pokes to fix the bugs were:

Moving an invisible object from the First Landing to The Hall (42183,11)
Removing a killer object from the Conservatory Roof (60231,0),
Changing a block in the Banyan Tree to a walk-through type (56876,4)
The Attic bug fix Poke (59901,82).