
Friday the 13th ZX Spectrum

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READ THIS FIRST. Before playing the game make sure that you: 1) Close  and lock all doors, windows and curtains; 2) Turn off all lights, use a  candle if necessary; 3) Make sure Granny isn't in the room; 4) Set the  computer volume at maximum. Then look and play the game, you will be  surprised!

GAMEPLAY. Jason is hiding in the forset, waiting to avenge his mother's  death, when a party of teenagers visit the eerir Crystal Lake holiday  camp close to the killer's filthy grotto. Jason puts on his hockey mask  and sharpens his machette, ready for a razor-edged massacre. You must  warn everyone that the mad murderer is on the rampage and lead them all  to safety - without, of course, losing your head! — Cassette cover

Friday the 13th (also known as Friday the 13th: The Computer Game)  was released by Domark in for the Commodore 64 (1985), ZX Spectrum (1986) and Amstrad CPC (1986) based on the popular slasher film series of the  same name. In Spain it was released by Zafiro Software Division as  Viernes 13.

You have two tasks in the game. You have to find a safe sanctuary  (you pick up the Sanctuary Cross and place it in a location to make  it a sanctuary) where Jason cannot go and then persuade your friends  to gather there. If they get bored or Jason enters they will leave.  The problem is that Jason is a normal player moving around the game  until he attacks or is attacked. Before Jason attacks, the player is  warned so they can take action. You play as different characters that  all have different levels of strength, panic and sanity. Jason always  attacks the character with the highest panic rating. Scattered around  the playing area are ten weapons you can pick up and use.
