
TECH Squaresoft Mode 7 Demo Super Nintendo

Not a game

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Score: N/A
Developer:Nintendo / Squaresoft

This simple mode 7 demo was made by Square's US subsidiary, Squaresoft, in the mid 90s.

Back in the mid 90s, Square set up a studio in Redmond, Washington, and produced the game Secret of Evermore. Keith and another person named Craig Bergman got to tour Squaresoft's office as part of a high school job shadowing activity. While there, which Squaresoft scanned and put two drawings made by Keith happened to have into a Mode 7 demo (the other had a caricature of Craig). Keith drew a female panda character, which I extracted and expanded below. Apparently they originally intended to put a picture of the two in the demo. The two job shadowers were given a copy of the mode 7 demo. Craig lost his cart and borrowed Keith's, which was never returned and forgotten about.