Radical Dreamers is the obscure sequel to Chrono Trigger released in Japan in 1996 via the Super Famicom Satellaview system. It was later used as the basis for Chrono Cross and was referenced therein as an alternate reality version of the events of Chrono Cross.
This text-based adventure (with some background graphics) was originally released in Japan over the Satellaview system. The game is a spin-off from the Chrono series, and is the precursor to Chrono Cross. Its main characters and plot elements are very close to those of Chrono Cross; it tells the story of Serge (travelling musician), Kid (thief), and Magil (wizard) as they attempt to steal the Frozen Flame from Viper Manor. The game contains multiple, often humorous endings.
Gameplay is something between a standard text adventure and a visual novel. Rather than having a full array of possible actions, players are limited to the several options it presents at any time. With newly discovered items and information, new areas can be reached. Occasionally battles will occur during the exploration, which are also handled by displaying several possible actions to choose between, such as "Run" or "Jump back as it swings!"