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The NES Hard Drivin' is an ambitious port by Tengen that just wasn't meant to be.
Hard Drivin' is a first-person racing game developed by Domark, Binary Design and Tengen for the arcade. The game was primarily published by Atari and released in February 1989. Ports for the Genesis, Lynx, NES and various PC systems were released in the following years.
The original arcade game features a full sit-down cabinet, complete with an early force feedback enabled steering wheel. Races include many A.I. opponents, which are spread around the track sparingly after the race start. Lap counts are typically two, consisting of many stunt obstacles such as loops and jumps, forcing the player to measure their speed at certain times to not overshoot a landing ramp, or lose momentum through a loop. If the player finishes in a top position, they are given an extra one-on-one race against the "Phantom Photon".