
The Rocky Horror Show Amstrad CPC

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Score: N/A
Publisher:CRL Group PLC.
Developer:Jeff Lee, Paul Andrew Stoddart, Jay Derrett, Clever Music & Ian Ellery
Missing short game description
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With a bit of mind flip, you're into the time slip, and nothing can ever be the same, you're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation, let's do the time warp again! — Cassette cover

The Rocky Horror Show Computer Game is a 1985 video game for the Commodore 64, Commodore 128, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC created by the CRL Group PLC. The game involved playing as either Brad or Janet and collecting pieces of the Medusa machine scattered around the castle, in order to free your partner from stone and escape the castle before it blasts off. Meanwhile the other characters in the game can hinder your progress by stealing and hiding your clothes along with what you are carrying. Riff-Raff can kill the player with his laser gun, and Eddie can run the player over with his motorcycle should he thaw out  and escape from his freezer.
