An RPG based on the Ranma 1/2 manga and anime franchise. A criminal organization lead by a cat kidnaps Ranma's father Genma and Ranma chases after them with his friends.
Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan-teki Hihou ("Ranma 1/2: Secret Treasure of the Red Cat Gang") is a turn-based RPG based on the Ranma 1/2 franchise. The player, as Ranma, must locate the titular gang in order to recover his father Genma, who spends most of the game in his panda form.
Ranma ends up recruiting various friends, fiances and recurring foes into his group to take down the interloping organization. Almost every character has a "cursed form", many of which change the abilties at the character's disposal. Ranma, for instance, changes into a female version of himself when doused with cold water but suffers no adverse effects from this transformation as far as combat goes. Others transform into weaker or stronger creatures.
Akanekodan-teki Hihou is the third Ranma 1/2 game for the Super Famicom and the first to not receive a US localization. It is also the first game that didn't belong to the fighter genre.