
Karaoke Studio Nintendo

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Score: N/A

The first Karaoke/Singalong game ever released. Karaoke Studio was released on the Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom).

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Karaoke Studio is a Karaoke based video game where the player sings along to a selection of songs with the help of a microphone peripheral that came with the game and was attached directly to the game cartridge. The game features a total of fifteen songs, each of them presented in a graphical sequence and with the song's text displayed at the bottom of the screen. The game features four different game modes. The first mode is a "Lesson" mode, where the player can freely choose a song to practice. In the second mode, the player performs on a theater stage to win a cup. The third mode is a sort of career mode, where the player has to sing in front of judges. The fourth and last mode is a quiz game, presenting the player glimpses of songs, which they have to guess correctly.

Expansion Tapes

The first expansion was Senyou Cassette Hit Top 20 Vol. 1, released on October 28th, 1987. It contains additional tracks based on then-popular music and needs to be inserted into the Karaoke Studio subsystem in order to access them.

The second expansion - Senyou Cassette Hit Top 20 Vol. 2 - came a little later, on February 18th of the following year. Like the first expansion, it featured additional songs that were popular in Japan at the time and could be plugged into the existing Karaoke Studio. Both expansions required the original to play.