
Alex Kidd BMX Trial Master System

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Posted by thevoice at 2020-04-01 17:15:02:

@jyanncorp i know you put quite some effort to report parent/clone titles in sms aswell. unfortunately the commnt page shows only so many and i cant see them anymore. would it be possible for you to add the uuid yourself ? on empty variants just copy and paste the uuid from the parent set top entry (not a variant) to the empty variant ? this way they wont get lost.

Posted by thevoice at 2020-04-01 17:12:15:

@jyanncorp hi, can you also add tags for titles you submit ? in this very case i would add tags like racing, bike, topdown, verrtical. you may have to take a look to similiar types of games to get used to the "used tagwords" tho.