Role-Playing video game published by Yutaka for the Super Famicom, in 1992.
SD Gundam Gaiden 2: Entaku no Kishi is a RPG based on the SD Gundam sub-franchise of the famous anime and toyline series of Gundam. It is the sequel to the Super Famicom game SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari: Ooinaru Isan, which is itself a sequel to the Famicom game SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari. As with those games, the player assumes the role of an anthropomorphized version of the Knight Gundam in a fantasy kingdom where monsters and evil anthropomorphized Gundam run amok.
The SD Gundam Gaiden games are essentially Dragon Quest clones, down to its first-person turn-based combat system, but with Gundams. This is also the case for the SD Gundam: Knight Gundam manga that the games are based on.