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Yes, TOSEC collects EVERYTHING. Not my cup to tea. Anyway, an extra section for unoffical compilations or custom build versions (there are e.g. some unoffical CDTV versions for Another World or Monkey Island) sound good enough for me.
Sure, but please don't ask for more of this unofficial compilation stuff with already available games. It makes this great growing database it bit washy.
This CD32-xxx contains extremely outdated slaves. I doubt that somebody want's to emulate them. They were made for a real CD32 consoles and have some limitations.
Posted by
TCD at
2013-03-06 15:41:20 (Updated 2016-04-01 20:12:28):
Me neither... there are also the RGCD CDs which don't offer anything over the disk versions.
FAQ: This game entry is disabled due to being an unofficial compilation which is not very interesting for the online game database.
Yes, TOSEC collects EVERYTHING. Not my cup to tea. Anyway, an extra section for unoffical compilations or custom build versions (there are e.g. some unoffical CDTV versions for Another World or Monkey Island) sound good enough for me.
Sure, but please don't ask for more of this unofficial compilation stuff with already available games. It makes this great growing database it bit washy.
I'll talk to Frode and explain the issue In the end it's his decision if they'll stay or not though
Damn, i need an edit button for my comments.
This CD32-xxx contains extremely outdated slaves. I doubt that somebody want's to emulate them. They were made for a real CD32 consoles and have some limitations.
Me neither... there are also the RGCD CDs which don't offer anything over the disk versions.
The database supports unoffical homebrew CD32 compilatons? I don't think they belong into a proper Amiga game database.